Rainbow Looms allow you to make many great and colorful crafts from colored rubber bands. The Ladder Bracelet is a project which requires just a small amount of time and effort. This project involves taking black and colored rubber bands and looping them in a specific pattern over the Rainbow Loom. This project is an intermediate level craft, so kids might need a little extra help from an adult if they are going to make a Ladder Bracelet.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Placing The Rubber Bands on the Rainbow Loom

  1. 1
    Set up your supplies. This bracelet requires:[1]
    • 48 Border Rubber Bands (Using Rainbow Colors of your choice.)
    • 14 Bands (These will be the middle row of your Bracelet.Black or White looks best.)
    • One S or C clip.
    • A Plastic Loom Hook.
  2. 2
    Set up your loom. You will want to start with the red arrow pointing away from you.[2]
    • Place the rubber bands you will use next to the loom.
    • Make sure the rubber bands you are using are taught and not stretched out or they won't keep the shape of the finished bracelet.
    • Keep your hook close by while you work in case you get a band that is stubborn.
  3. 3
    Place the outside row of rubber bands. These will be colored rubber bands.[3]
    • To start, stretch a colored rubber band between your fingers.
    • Starting at the center pin closest to you, stretch the band over the center pin and the pin to the left.
    • This band will be placed in a diagonal direction.
    • Release the band and push it to the base of the pins.
    • Repeat this, using the same colored band and stretch it from the center pin to the pin to the right.
    • Go along the side of the loom. Place rubber bands from pin to pin, alternating colors. Keep the color pattern the same on both sides.
    • Once you reach the second-to-last pin on each side of the loom, place the last two bands towards the center pin.
  4. 4
    Place a row of horizontal bands. For this step, you will be placing colored bands from one side of the loom to the other. [4]
    • The red arrow on the loom should still be facing away from you.
    • To place these bands, stretch a colored band between your fingers.
    • Stretch it over the side pin on the left. Pull the band over to the pin on the right.
    • For each horizontal band, match the color to the side band below it.
    • Once you reach the third to last row of pins, stop placing horizontal rubber bands.
  5. 5
    Place the middle row of bands up the loom. These bands will be black. [5]
    • You could also use white bands in this row for a color variation.
    • Start at the center pin, closest to you. Stretch a black band over this pin and the next one in the center row of pins.
    • Continue placing black rubber bands over the center row of pins.
    • End at the last pin on the center row.
  6. 6
    Create a cap band. This will allow you to loop the bands on the bracelet later.[6]
    • To make the band, start by making a figure eight with a black band.
    • Twist the one loop back over the other, and hold it in place between two fingers.
    • Place it on last pin on the center row of the loom.
    • Make sure that your red arrows are facing you.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Looping the Bands

  1. 1
    Set up your loom in the right direction. You will need to turn the loom so that the red arrows are facing you.[7]
    • This will allow you to loop the bands in the correct direction.
    • This is essential for holding the bracelet together.
    • Make sure you have your hook ready to do the looping.
  2. 2
    Loop the center bands. Start with your hook pointing away from you.[8]
    • Start at the center pin closest to you. This should be where you placed your cap band.
    • Use the flat side of the hook to pull the cap band away slightly.
    • Find the bottom band on the pin.
    • Use the hook to grasp the bottom band.
    • Hold the cap band down with your fingers.
    • Use the hook to loop the bottom band on the pin over the second center pin.
    • Repeat this process for all of the bands down the center row. Grasp the bottom band on each pin and loop it over to the pin in front of it.
  3. 3
    Add another band in each of the horizontal rows. Use colored bands.[9]
    • You will keep the color pattern the same as the bands below.
    • Start at the third row of pins.
    • End at the second to last row, leaving the last three pins on the loom without horizontal bands.
  4. 4
    Get ready to loop the outer bands. To begin, use you hook to hold back the cap band on the center pin closest to you.[10]
    • Grab the second to bottom colored band with the hook.
    • Pull it to the first pin to the left.
    • Repeat this process, pulling the cap band away with the back of your hook. Grab the bottom colored band on the center pin and loop it over the side hook to the right.
    • Use the same technique to loop each band on the sides of the loom.
  5. 5
    End the loops once you get to the last pin on each each side of the loom.[11]
    • At the last band on each side, loop it over the center pin at the end of the loom.
    • This will finish the looping part of making the bracelet.
    • Check over the loom to make sure you have looped the center row and each side of the bracelet.
  6. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Finishing the Bracelet

  1. 1
    Prepare to pull off the bracelet from the loom. Turn your loom around so that the red arrows are pointing away from you.[12]
    • Put your hook down the channel of the center pin closest to you.
    • This is where you last looped your bands.
    • Stick your hook out to the left
    • Grab a black rubber band and put it on the hook.
    • Pull it through all the bands on the center pin.
    • Then use your fingers to loop the other side of this band over the hook.
    • Slide the band up to the thickest part of your hook. This will hook together all of the bands on the center pin.
  2. 2
    Start pulling the bracelet off the loom. Lift up with your hook first to get the first loops off of the center pin.[13]
    • Pull gently using your fingers from one pin to the next.
    • Don't pull too hard or you risk snapping the rubber bands.
    • Continue to pull all the bands off of the pins until the bracelet is entirely off of the loom.
  3. 3
    Prepare to make an extension for the bracelet. You'll notice it isn't long enough to wear once you pull it off of the loom.[14]
    • Turn your loom back around so the red arrows point at you.
    • You will need 6 bands to make the bracelet a standard 8 inches.
    • If you have a smaller or larger wrist, you may need to adjust this number.
  4. 4
    Make the extension of your bracelet. Place 6 (less or more depending on your wrist size) rubber bands along one side of the loom.[15]
    • Grab your cap band on the bracelet and place it over the last pin where you put the rubber bands for the extension. pull it on the loom as if it were a regular band like you're placing now. #*Skipping the cap band, start looping the bands for the extension.
    • Loop them away from the cap band towards the end of the loom.
    • Once you get to the last band, loop it around the center pin. This will stretch it more and allow you to place your clasp.
  5. 5
    Place your S clip on that opened area now. You can now pull the bracelet off of the loom[16]
    • Try to do this gently so you don't snap the rubber bands of the extension.
    • Pull them off of the loom carefully one by one.
    • Be careful not to detach your S clip from the end of the bracelet as you remove it.
  6. 6
    Finish the bracelet. For this step you will attach the S-clip to the other end of the bracelet.[17]
    • Put two fingers through the end of the band on the hook.
    • Pull it off of the hook.
    • Attach it to the S-clip.
    • The bracelet is now finished.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Why do I need a cap band?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Without it, your bracelet would fall apart.
  • Question
    How much do you think I can sell one bracelet for?
    Community Answer
    Probably not that much for one. You can probably sell a pack of them for $2 or so.
  • Question
    How do I make a rainbow ladder bracelet by hand?
    Community Answer
    You can’t make the rainbow loom ladder bracelet by hand due to the fact that you need the cap band and the horizontal bands.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 15 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 129,092 times.
129 votes - 62%
Co-authors: 15
Updated: March 4, 2021
Views: 129,092
Categories: Loom Bracelets