Audio drivers can be installed in Windows XP if you've downloaded incompatible drivers, have outdated drivers, or if your drivers have become damaged due to a virus, power outage, or other computer problem. Audio drivers can be installed by either downloading important Windows updates, installing software from the disc provided to you by the device manufacturer, or by downloading audio drivers directly from the manufacturer's website.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Download Windows Updates

  1. 1
    Click on the "Start" menu from the desktop of your Windows XP computer.
  2. 2
    Click on "Control Panel."
  3. 3
    Select "Automatic Updates."
  4. 4
    Click on the button labeled "Automatic."
  5. 5
    Select the day and time you'd like your computer to download Windows updates.
    • Select the soonest possible day and time available to download Windows updates and resolve your audio problem immediately.
  6. 6
    Click on "Apply." If updated audio drivers are available for download, they will automatically be installed on your computer on the day and time you've selected for the Windows update.
  7. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Install Audio Drivers from Manufacturer's Disc

  1. 1
    Insert the disc that contains your computer's software drivers into the disc tray of your computer.
  2. 2
    Follow the on-screen prompts to re-install audio drivers in Windows XP.
    • Refer to your computer's manual or contact the manufacturer directly if you need further assistance with installing the audio drivers using the disc.
  3. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Download Audio Drivers from Manufacturer

  1. 1
    Click on your computer's "Start" menu.
  2. 2
    Click on "Run."
  3. 3
    Type "dxdiag" into the dialog box.
  4. 4
    Click on "OK."
  5. 5
    Click on the tab labeled "Sound."
  6. 6
    Write down the name of your computer's sound card displayed next to "Name" under the section labeled "Devices."
  7. 7
    Write down the name of the sound card's manufacturer displayed next to "Provider" below the "Drivers" section.
  8. 8
    Click on "Exit."
  9. 9
    Launch your computer's Internet browser.
  10. 10
    Navigate to the website of your computer's audio device manufacturer.
  11. 11
    Search the manufacturer's website for audio drivers you can download using the name of your sound card.
    • Navigate to the website's "Support" section to find audio drivers if they are not readily visible.
  12. 12
    Follow the installation instructions provided on the manufacturer's website to install the audio drivers.
  13. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    According to services, there is no sound card on the HP computer running WinXP. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Open the computer chassis (case). Look to see if there is a add-on sound card attached to the motherboard. Also, are there any red, white, yellow connections at the back panel for audio? Those are part of the motherboard. Do you have a software CD with the name of a sound card? Start your PC and open a CD-Rom and insert that CD and boot into the PC. Run that CD from My Computer to install software. If not, if you have it, run the WinXP CD from the desktop to install additional software for audio. If not, do you have the motherboard set up CD? That would also have audio software to install sound. Otherwise, go to and/or to find audio software for your motherboard.

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Co-authors: 5
Updated: January 23, 2022
Views: 307,232
Categories: XP Instructions