A nose piercing is a great way to show your personality and add some excitement to your daily routine. However, many parents aren’t willing to let their children get nose piercings. Fortunately, there are a few ways you can convince your parents that you are mature enough for the responsibility.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Arguing in Favor of a Piercing

  1. 1
    Be sure about your decision. If you’re going to convince your parents that you’re ready for a piercing, you have to show them you’re mature. Mature people don’t back out of their decisions because they get bored with them. A piercing, especially a cartilage piercing, is a long-term commitment that requires daily maintenance.[1] Make sure that you’re informed about the entire process in advance.
    • If you’re not sure whether your piercing will look good on you, put a dot on your face with a non-toxic marker. Wear it all day and check your face periodically to see if you like how it looks.
    • When in doubt, wait a few weeks. In the meantime you can do extra chores to help butter up your parents.
  2. 2
    Do extensive research about getting a piercing. Your parents will have a lot of questions about your decision and you need to be able to answer them with confidence. By taking the initiative and getting informed, you’re showing them that you’re mature enough to handle a piercing.[2] You need to know how much it costs, where to get it done, and how to take care of it afterwards.
    • For example, some piercers will tell you to rinse the piercing with a saline solution twice a day, while others will tell you to use Neosporin.
    • The price of a nose piercing will vary depending on where you live. They are generally more expensive in larger, popular cities than in small towns.
  3. 3
    Explain the safety of the process. Using your research as a guide, explain the various methods of aftercare to your parents and reassure them piercings are safe procedures. In the U.S. piercers and piercing shops have to finish an apprenticeship and take bloodborne pathogens classes. As long as you go to a certified, reputable piercer, you will be safe from scarring and bloodborne illnesses.
    • If your parents aren’t squeamish, show them videos of the procedure so that they know what to expect.
  4. 4
    Tell your parents that piercings are temporary. Many parents are nervous about letting their children get piercings because they think piercings are permanent. If you follow the aftercare instructions that your piercer gives you, your piercing won’t leave a scar if you have to remove it. This means that a piercing won’t negatively affect your job prospects in the future.
    • If you need to take your piercing out for work but don’t want it to close, buy a nose piercing retainer. These acrylic studs keep your piercing open and are almost invisible.
    • Your nose piercing can close up in a matter of hours. If you leave your ring out for too long, you will need to re-pierce your nose.
  5. 5
    Show your parents successful people with nose piercings. Plenty of celebrities wear them, such as Solange Knowles and Kelly Clarkson.[3] In the past, nose rings have been seen as unprofessional. However, nose piercings are much more common than they used to be. In younger generations they are now seen as cute accessories instead of extreme statements.
    • Choosing a smaller nose ring over a larger one may help show your parents that your nose ring is a harmless fashion statement.
  6. 6
    Explain why a piercing would be good for you. Your parents are interested in your well-being. If you can show them that a piercing would improve your self-esteem they are much more likely to let you get one. For example, fashion choices such as body piercings help you explore your own unique style. The more you know about your sense of style, the more confident you will be in your social circle.
    • Research has shown that self-expression can build confidence in teenagers. Nose piercings are a form of self-expression.
  7. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Presenting your Arguments

  1. 1
    Choose a good time to ask for a piercing. If your parents are happy with you they’re more likely to say yes. In the weeks leading up to your request, do your homework regularly and study for tests so that you do well in school. Additionally, stay on top of your chores. You want to be in your parents’ good graces when you ask them for a nose piercing.
    • Go the extra mile by volunteering for chores around the house. Your parents will appreciate your extra effort.
    • If your parents are stressed out about something wait for a better time to ask for a piercing.
  2. 2
    Create a slideshow. Address a concern on each slide. For example, slide one could address concerns about the healing process and then explain the process in detail. Another slide might talk about the cost of a piercing and ways you could earn the money yourself. Make sure you include an introduction and conclusion slide as well.[4] Keep all of the slides brief but be informative.
    • Anticipate questions and concerns. This will help you plan out your slideshow.
    • If you’re having trouble thinking of potential concerns, ask a friend’s parent for input.
  3. 3
    Present your slideshow. Exercise your sense of showmanship by setting up a viewing area with seats and snacks. Introduce your slideshow by stating your purpose and asking them to hold all questions until the end. While presenting, speak slowly and maintain eye contact with your audience.[5]
    • If your parents get angry or interrupt, let them voice their concerns and then ask them if you may continue. It is more mature to stay calm than to lose your temper.
    • If your parents say they need time to think about it, let them have time. If you nag them they may say “no” out of anger.
  4. 4
    Outline a persuasive letter. Create an outline by organizing your arguments into three parts: the introduction, three or four body paragraphs, and the conclusion. The introduction will acknowledge your audience and present your idea in a positive light. The body paragraphs will present the arguments you found during brainstorming and all of their corresponding solutions. The conclusion will explain the benefits to your audience.[6]
    • For example, in your introduction you could acknowledge your parents by mentioning the stress of raising a child and helping them make responsible decisions.
    • In the conclusion the benefits to your audience could include chores you’ll perform in exchange for a piercing.
  5. 5
    Write the persuasive letter. Use your outline as a guide to write your letter. Keep the tone of your letter positive and reassuring. Instead of writing “I’ll get mad if you don’t let me get a piercing,” write about the many reasons that a piercing would benefit your life. For example, you could explain that a nose piercing could improve your social life or help you explore your own unique sense of style.
    • Proofread your letter and leave out emoji’s and abbreviations. Nothing looks less mature than a simple spelling mistake!
  6. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Dealing with Failure

  1. 1
    Have a conversation about it. Instead of arguing with your parents, ask them why they’ve decided to say no. Listen to their reasons without arguing and consider their point of view. For example, if they’re worried that you’re not mature enough to get a piercing, ask them how you can become more mature. Show them that you want to take responsibility and work for what you want.[7]
    • If your parents give you a clear way to improve, do it! By following through, you’re showing them that you’re ready for a piercing.
    • If this approach doesn’t work let a few months pass before you bring it up again.
  2. 2
    Find a compromise. If there’s something your parents have always wanted you to do make a deal with them. For example, if your parents want you to get a summer job, ask them if they’d consider changing their mind after a summer of hard work. By following through you’ll show your parents that you’re mature and dedicated.
    • When in doubt, suggest a compromise including something that will directly benefit your parents. For example, you could clean out the garage or take out the trash more often.
    • Don’t suggest an exchange involving chores you already have. If you do those chores without being told, you’re more likely to get what you want anyway.
  3. 3
    Wait until you’re eighteen. This can be very difficult to do. However, most states in the U.S. don’t allow body piercing on minors without parental consent.[8] If your parents aren’t on board, you’ll have to wait until you’re old enough to do it yourself. Fortunately, this will give you plenty of time to decide whether or not you really want that nose ring.
    • Never attempt to pierce your own nose. Piercings are extremely vulnerable to infections and should be handled by professionals.[9]
    • Buy a clip-on nose ring if you want to play with the look but can’t get a real piercing.
  4. Advertisement

Expert Q&A
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  • Question
    How can I convince my mom to let me get a nose piercing?
    Roger Rodriguez
    Roger Rodriguez
    Piercing Specialist
    Roger Rodriguez, also known as Roger Rabb!t, is the Owner of Ancient Adornments Body Piercing, a piercing studio based in the Los Angeles, California area. With over 25 years of piercing experience, Roger has become the co-owner of several piercing studios such as ENVY Body Piercing and Rebel Rebel Ear Piercing and teaches the craft of body piercing at Ancient Adornments. He is a member of the Association of Professional Piercers (APP).
    Roger Rodriguez
    Piercing Specialist
    Expert Answer

    Support wikiHow by unlocking this expert answer.

    Look for ways to show your parents how responsible you are. It's not just about nagging your parents until they give in—you need to look for any way you can get extra points toward getting them to agree. For instance, work hard to keep your grades up so they'll be more likely to say yes.
  • Question
    Can you go by yourself?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Most states in the US require a minor to be accompanied by their legal guardian. This means that you won't be able to go by yourself until you're eighteen.


  • Do not attempt to pierce your own nose. This can lead to tissue damage and scarring.

About This Article

Roger Rodriguez
Co-authored by:
Piercing Specialist
This article was co-authored by Roger Rodriguez. Roger Rodriguez, also known as Roger Rabb!t, is the Owner of Ancient Adornments Body Piercing, a piercing studio based in the Los Angeles, California area. With over 25 years of piercing experience, Roger has become the co-owner of several piercing studios such as ENVY Body Piercing and Rebel Rebel Ear Piercing and teaches the craft of body piercing at Ancient Adornments. He is a member of the Association of Professional Piercers (APP). This article has been viewed 192,522 times.
55 votes - 71%
Co-authors: 23
Updated: January 22, 2023
Views: 192,522
Article SummaryX

If you want to get your nose pierced, you can convince your parents by doing your research and carefully presenting your argument. When you ask your parents, they’ll likely have a lot of questions, such as what it will cost and how you’ll take care of it. Show your responsibility by researching these things online ahead of time. You’ll also want to assure them that piercings are safe procedures. You can even show them a video of the procedure online to show them what to expect. If your parents are worried about your job prospects, explain to them that the piercing is not permanent and can be taken out at any time. To learn what to do if your parents say no, read on.

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