Many older sisters treat their little sisters like, well, they aren't even part of their life. And if your little sister always tags along with you, it means they want to play with you. They don't want ignorance. Little sisters and big sisters need to have time apart, but most people have too much time apart so treat your sister like a friend. You may realize she is just like you.


  1. 1
    Be her role model. You are older, and your sister needs your knowledge. Treating her like your own child is helpful. #*Help her with her homework. And even if you don't know the answer, work the answer out with her.
    • Teach her things she needs to know when she's older ahead of time. Things like puberty, not to do drugs, and to be kind are examples of this. But, you must do it considering her age.
    • Do whatever she likes to. Give her small rewards every once in a while too.
  2. 2
    Let her hang out with you. You do want to be her friend, and hanging out is what friends do best.
    • Whenever you have a party or a sleepover, invite your sister. Don't let your other friends tell you not to play with her.
    • Give her all your privileges (unless your parents don't let her). Pick movies that are appropriate for her, or even let her pick.
    • Always listen to what she says, and use your precious time on her.
    • Treat her like your best friend. For instance, play and spend time with her in the same way you would a best friend.
  3. 3
    Share. You probably don't want to, but your sister deserves what you deserve. When you don't fit your clothes anymore, donate them to your sister.
    • It will feel good to know your clothes are going to someone. Letting her borrow something counts too. If she knows you let her borrow things, then she will be eager to share something too. Like in step one, be her role model.
  4. 4
    Don't get hyper and angry. She may touch your things, talk about your more inner thoughts and personal life. Most sisters get angry when asked questions like that, and make them feel sad. It could make her cry and you don't want that
    • Give straight forward answers, but not out of the limit
    • Be inside it, and definitely don't give away the information about your boyfriend or something. Affecting not only your secrets, It'll also have a bad effect on your little sister.
    • If she is around your age go as well ahead.
    • Ensure that she feels safe when she's with you. Let her feel that she is able to come to you to tell you things, even things that might otherwise make you angry.
    • If she knows that she can trust you, form a very tight and supportive relationship.
  5. 5
    Love your sister. Make sure she knows she feels loved; this is the last yet most important way to treat your sister like a friend.
    • When she is alone, be there for her
    • When she is afraid, comfort her
    • When she is down, boost her.
    • When she achieves things, celebrate together!
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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 18 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 33,036 times.
70 votes - 88%
Co-authors: 18
Updated: September 17, 2021
Views: 33,036