Tried and true tactics for scoring a date with your Facebook crush

Who needs to go to a bar, social groupings or to public to pick up girls when you can do it at home?

Facebook is the player's hunting ground when it comes to women as some would phrase it, There's girls just waiting for someone to come along and swoop in for them. This is how it can be done.


  1. 1
    Add the girl that you want if you haven't already: (How can you talk to someone on Facebook that you don't have added?)
  2. 2
    Make sure that your profile info is short and basic but also says a lot at the same time: Make it so you look friendly, outgoing and confident.
    • i.e. My name is ...
    • Want to know more? "Let's get to know each other some then.
    • by the grace of god,f you can get other women to post on your wall, get them to post on your wall, this shows competition.
    • Make sure your profile picture or any other pictures are "on point." and displays your best features such as your eyes, personality or something interesting.
  3. 3
    Show your Interests:
    • If you have the girl added (which you should) you should be able to go and just look at their interests on their page. "musicians, hobbies, just stuff you two have in common"
    • Try to remember these and take note because this makes a great conversation which will be used in the following step.
  4. 4
    Know how to approach her:
    • IF you have the confidence and the balls to go and just post on her wall, go ahead and do it.
    • " Hey, I added you because you looked familiar but I don't think I've actually talked to you before but we don't really know each other much, you look pretty interesting and we may have a lot in common." is a good example
    • another way is by playing a game of "truth is" Which is where you post "truth is...?" as your status and people like it, and you give them your opinion of them.
    • If she likes the status, say "truth is, you seem really interesting and someone that is easy to get along with but I don't really know you, want to change that?"
    • if she agrees, you should be able to literally ask for her number and she'll give it to you.
  5. 5
    • Just talk to her, even if you don't have her number, you can still message her or IM her.
    • But for the love of god, don't poke. NEVER POKE.
    • Just have a casual and normal conversation, ask her "what's up" or ask her what kind of music she's in to.
    • Do whatever you can do to get her to talk. and make sure that you understand and comprehend what she's saying. if she's talking to you, she's interested a little bit. which is all that matters.
    • If you did message/ IM her, just say that you have to get off to go do something, use "hey, I'll talk to you later because I have to go and get something done. Text me?" She WILL more than likely say yes, unless you screwed up somewhere along the line in the previous steps.
  6. 6
    Seal the deal:
    • After a couple of days of texting/calling/ messaging
    • Try to arrange a date. Try to see if she wants to go and see the new movie that's coming out. or maybe you really lucked out and both of you guys' favorite artist is in town.
    • just try to get her to be in person with you, that's all that matters.
  7. 7
    Have your date.
    • Just keep your cool.
    • remain confident
    • keep her talking.
  8. Advertisement



Things You'll Need

  • Confidence
  • Facebook profile
  • Friends
  • A camera (for pictures)
  • Interests
  • Cell phone with a good plan.

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 12 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 129,982 times.
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Co-authors: 12
Updated: September 7, 2022
Views: 129,982
Categories: Facebook