First dates can be daunting, and it can be difficult to decide on what to wear. By planning ahead and taking a little extra time to get ready, you can feel confident in selecting the perfect outfit. First impressions are important, but you'll nail it with a little wardrobe preparation and a stress-free attitude.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Planning Ahead

  1. 1
    Find out what the date entails. Whether it's you or your crush planning the first date – or perhaps, a mutual effort – figure out what the date will entail before you plan your wardrobe. Dressing for your date will be easier once you know what's in store for the actual date.[1]
    • For a classic dinner and a movie date, you'll know to dress in nicer, fancier clothes. Don't forget to discuss exactly where dinner will be, so that you can gauge how dressy you need to be.
    • For a hiking date, casual jeans and a t-shirt or gym clothes are perfectly acceptable first date wear!
  2. 2
    Go shopping. There's nothing wrong with doing a little shopping for a first date, especially if you have a fun activity planned and need a few new items to prepare.
    • Although it's not necessary to go shopping, wearing something new will show your date that you've made extra effort.
  3. 3
    Try on a few different options. Before deciding on exactly what to wear, try on a few different options. What you've envisioned as the perfect clothing combination in your head might look different once you've got it on. Remember to dress up according to the occasion.[2]
    • Don't be afraid to ask a trusted friend or family member for an honest opinion.
    • It would be a good idea to keep a few outfit ideas in mind for that special day, just in case something breaks or the weather takes a sudden turn for the worse.
  4. 4
    Wear what you feel the most comfortable in. First dates can be nerve-wracking enough as it is. You don't want to add to that stress by wearing something that makes you uncomfortable. You will be happier and most at ease if you wear clothes you like and feel confident in.[3]
    • If you don't feel comfortable wearing tight, low-cut, or see-through clothing, then don't wear that!
    • You should also take movement into consideration. If you're going ballroom dancing or horseback riding, be sure to wear something that you can move comfortably in.
  5. 5
    Choose an outfit that reflects who you are. Everyone wants to look their best for the first date, but unless you're planning to attend a Halloween party together, don't dress up as someone else. Wear an outfit that reflects your own personal style and flare.
    • Not only will you feel more relaxed, but it will be easier for your date to get to know and adore you!
    • While you certainly want to impress your date, don't try to appeal to what you think they like. Don't try to be someone you are not.
  6. 6
    Make sure your outfit is clean and ready to wear. You don't need a brand new outfit or expensive clothes to impress your date, but it is important that your clothes are clean, neat, and wrinkle-free. Be sure to make any necessary laundry or repair preparations ahead of time.
    • If you did buy new clothes, be sure to remove tags and stickers. Sometimes, they like to hide and you don't want your date to be the one to find one while you're out!
    • To ensure that your outfit stays neat and clean, consider keeping it and any extra accessories stored inside a closed garment bag in your closet, until you are ready to wear it.
  7. 7
    Decide on a hairstyle and practice it. Depending on the type of date you have planned, you'll want to plan your hairdo accordingly. Practice styling it a few days ahead of the date, to make sure your vision goes with your outfit. You don't want to be scrambling with your hair leading up to your date.
    • If you plan to wear makeup, try out your intended look a few days before your date as well.
    • Knowing how you plan to do your hair and/or makeup will help you feel more prepared, relaxed, and confident on the special day.
  8. 8
    Do some pre-date grooming. Although grooming is important, don't undergo any procedures just for the sake of the date. If you're a guy that breaks out after a fresh shave or you're a girl who gets a little red after a fresh eyebrow wax, plan on some pre-date grooming a day or two in advance, so that you have time to recover and look your best!
    • If you feel like you have to dress a certain way to impress your date, they probably aren't right for you. You deserve to be adored for who you are!
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Getting Ready

  1. 1
    Double check the weather. Before you start getting dressed, double check the weather for the timeframe of your date. Even if you plan to spend most of the time inside, you still have to get there and you'll want to keep your clothes neat and dry.
    • Grab a raincoat if it's raining, or re-think your long-sleeved shirt and pants, if it's unseasonably warm.
    • If the weather is particularly wet or snowy, consider wearing a pair of boots during travel and taking your nice pair of shoes to change into once you arrive at your destination.
    • If you know your date's size, grab an extra sweater, umbrella, or raincoat if the weather is bad, in case he or she doesn't think to bring one. Your date will be impressed by the sweet gesture and that you thought to plan ahead.
  2. 2
    Take a shower. Even if you're headed for a 5k marathon on your first date, you're going to want to smell nice and clean when you first meet up. After all, first impressions are important, and they can often outlast what happens later on the date.
    • If you need extra time to blow-dry your hair before you style it, make sure you allot enough time.
  3. 3
    Give yourself plenty of time to get dressed. When you're anxious or stressed, that tends to be the time a button falls off, a zipper gets stuck or your nylons get a run. It's better to be ready early than to scramble around because you are running late. Take your time getting dressed so that you can handle any last minute mishaps with your garments![4]
    • Have a back-up plan. If something does go wrong, put on the other outfit that you considered wearing.
  4. 4
    Pack a change of casual clothes. Even if you're planning on a fancy dinner at a swanky hotel or you're attending a prestigious ballet performance, plans can change. For example, you and your date might have so much fun that you'll decide to take a walk for ice cream or stay up all night watching old movies together!
    • Pack something comfortable, so you're prepared to go with the flow!
  5. 5
    Double check that you've got everything. If you're taking a purse or you need a water bottle and a hiking pass for the state park, make sure you've got all the accessories you'll need for a successful date.
    • Make sure your cell phone is charged in case of an emergency.
    • It's always a good idea to bring a little extra cash with you, in case the date doesn't go well and you need to get a ride home or the date goes so well, you splurge for extra dessert.
  6. 6
    Don't stress. It's normal to be nervous and anxious before a first date, but don't let your clothes be a factor. Be confident in what you've chosen, enjoy yourself, and concentrate on getting to know this new wonderful person you're with.[5]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Avoiding Wardrobe Pitfalls

  1. 1
    Don't use too much perfume or cologne. Some people are especially sensitive to scents and sprays, and too much scent can be overwhelming. Apply just a single spray or a few dabs. If you feel that your date may be sensitive to your perfume, ask them about it before the date.
    • Say something like, "would it be alright if I wear some perfume for the date?" or "would you mind if I put on some cologne?"
    • Deodorant is always a good idea, but be careful not to over-apply that either, especially if it is fragranced.
  2. 2
    Skip the moisturizer. Even if you have extremely dry skin, consider skipping an application right before your big date. First dates are always a bit nerve-wracking, and you'll likely be sweaty until you feel settled. By avoiding moisturizer for the date, you can avoid unwanted shine.
    • Alternatively, consider wearing an anti-sweat or anti-shine makeup setting spray. You can also apply a light dusting of setting powder before you head out.
  3. 3
    Don't wear too much jewelry. Choosing a few simple pieces to accentuate your outfit (if you're going somewhere fancy) is appropriate. If you're drowning in jewelry, your date might feel distracted by it.
    • Another reason to avoid excessive jewelry is that it might get in the way. Depending on where you are going, you might also become a target for theft.
  4. 4
    Don't get a tan or a drastic haircut right before your date. This is especially important if you are meeting someone you met online. Even if a tan would look good on you, you want to be an accurate representation of the photo you posted. If you had long hair in your photo, then keep it long for the date!
    • Another reason to avoid tans and haircuts before dates is that they can go wrong. If you end up with a bad tan or haircut, you may not have enough time to fix it.
    • Sometimes, a hair cut may be a good option. For example, if your hair looks unruly and messy, a good trim may help eliminate split ends and get your hair back into shape.
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    What do you wear on a casual first date?
    Lisa Shield
    Lisa Shield
    Dating Coach
    Lisa Shield is a love and relationship expert based in Los Angeles. She has a Master's degree in Spiritual Psychology and is a certified life and relationship coach with over 17 years of experience. Lisa has been featured in The Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, LA Times, and Cosmopolitan.
    Lisa Shield
    Dating Coach
    Expert Answer
    Try wearing a cool pair of jeans, a button-down shirt, and a leather jacket for a casual but polished look.

About This Article

Lisa Shield
Co-authored by:
Dating Coach
This article was co-authored by Lisa Shield. Lisa Shield is a love and relationship expert based in Los Angeles. She has a Master's degree in Spiritual Psychology and is a certified life and relationship coach with over 17 years of experience. Lisa has been featured in The Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, LA Times, and Cosmopolitan. This article has been viewed 1,227,775 times.
7 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 92
Updated: February 28, 2022
Views: 1,227,775
Article SummaryX

To dress for a first date, try to find out what the date will entail since you’ll want to dress casually for hiking but fancier for a nice dinner out. Before deciding on what to wear, try on a few options and ask a trusted friend or family member for their opinion. While you’ll want to dress for the occasion, you should also wear something that you feel comfortable and confident in and that reflects your sense of style. Once you’ve chosen your outfit, make sure it’s clean and ready to wear for your date. To learn how to avoid wardrobe pitfalls on your first date, keep reading!

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