Many of us will have heard of myths on Roblox, a popular video gaming platform. These myths are mysterious characters or places on Roblox that attract the attention of many eager Myth hunters. And, quite possibly, you are here as you wish to learn how exactly you begin. This tutorial will take you through every step in a simple and explanatory way.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Setting it up

  1. 1
    Write down a basic history of your myth. This should consider their story, on or off Roblox, and their personality. Ensure that your story is interesting and attention-grabbing, as this is vital to making your myth turn out well.
  2. 2
    Figure out how your myth behaves, and their personality. Are they depressed, insane or seemingly normal? Are they kind and cooperating, or reclusive and unwilling? All of this can help you develop your character further.
  3. 3
    Figure out how you'll release your myth. Do you want a game to reveal clues about your myths and intrigue players, or will you go from server to server, dropping clues wherever you go?
  4. 4
    Create the user you want to be the myth. Make sure the username is relevant, along with anything in the bio, supposed age of the myth (despite this not being seen by other players, it can help you scope out the story as you go along). Only use numbers if they are necessary, as they can remove the feeling of unknowingness with the character. Put the myth into some fitting clothes or other items to wear. You may need Robux to fully kit out your myth(s), so be prepared for that possibility. If you can, have clues to their past on their avatar.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Getting Discovered and Maintaining the Myth

  1. 1
    Ask friends or family members to help you out, if needed. They will need to be briefed on the characters they are portraying, with a description of their personality and history, in order to make the myth operate as well as it can.
  2. 2
    Release the myth to the Roblox public. If you have a game, make it public and do whatever you need to in there. On your main account (Not the myth one), join myth hunting communities and tell everyone about the myth game, supposedly claiming you came across it and thought something interesting was going on there. Also get your myths to join, as they can become recognized a myth account once you are in the group and the owners take notice to it.
  3. 3
    Make sure you (and any friends or family) are ready. People can come in quickly once you spread the word, so expect a lot! Make sure everyone sticks to character while they are in the game, and that's you all set!
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Retiring the Myth

  1. 1
    Consider whether you really want to retire the myth. If you wish to retire the myth for whatever reason, you may feel a mix of emotions. While maintaining the myth, it could feel like you're losing a part of yourself, as this character has become so natural to you. But, if it's necessary that you conclude the myth, you must go through with it. Speak to someone if you feel that this may be quite hard for you, and they should be able to help you get through this. Once you are ready, continue this step.
  2. 2
    Conclude the story if you haven't already. Despite this not being obligatory, it is a good idea so that the Myth Hunters can understand that it's over.
  3. 3
    Figure out how you will leave it to rest. Don't delete the account, as you should be able to access it if you want to again. Many retired myths simply announce their retirement and then simply stop being active.
  4. 4
    Make any changes to the game if you have one. Try to link this to the end of your story (Eg. if you had a house, and it was destroyed during the story, leave it destroyed.) This can help show the true conclusion of the story, and Myth hunters can still look though the game to find clues if they did not get to you while active.
  5. 5
    Announce retirement and end the Myth. This could just be by posting this to the wall of any Myth Hunting Roblox groups you have joined, say anything you wish to say, and then move on with everything. If you wish, look back on your legacy and what you achieved during your time as a myth.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Does a wiki have to be made for the myth or not?
    Community Answer
    It does not need to be, but it could be helpful to. Make sure you only release data known already by many people, or you could ruin the whole myth.
  • Question
    Does the myth have to be scary?
    Community Answer
    A myth does not have to be scary, but it should be intriguing. If people can invest in the story and get an emotional response from it, it is a good myth.
  • Question
    How do I turn an existing account into a myth?
    Community Answer
    Simply skip the account creation process. You may have to act differently in games or change your friends so the account reflects the story in some way.


  • Do not make your myth too hardcore, and absolutely nothing NSFL or otherwise 18+. Roblox is a children's platform, and as such it is important your myth follows the Roblox guidelines if you do not want it to be banned.
  • Make sure anyone helping knows that all of this must be kept a secret, especially with people you don't know. They could ruin your myth in a heartbeat if they wanted to!


About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 3,109 times.
2 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 5
Updated: March 13, 2023
Views: 3,109
Categories: Roblox