Okay, so you are popular, and you want to gain even more power, or you are not so popular, and you want to become popular, right? Try the following suggestions to help increase your chances of middle school popularity.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:


  1. 1
    Be stylish. You don't have to have the newest designer bag to be considered popular, being considered popular does not mean having all the newest clothes and accessories. But many people (sadly) do judge by looks, so to keep up with your age of style is your best option. Knowing you are only 11 to 12 (maybe 13) years of age, don't dress in a "sexy" outfit. Also, avoid graphic tees with hello kitty on them and other cartoon shows. Wear running style shorts and a tee shirt of your liking.
    • Ripped/laddered jeans are popular. Shorts can be popular, in cute styles with lace, and wear belts with them.
Part 3
Part 3 of 4:


  1. 1
    Wear minimal makeup. Wearing a lot of makeup is bad for your skin at such a young age, it will clog your pores and increase acne breakouts. The only 'beauty' things you need to be doing are:
    • Washing your face (with any face wash, because you are still young a gentle face wash is best).
    • Brushing your teeth; you are now old enough to throw out the old fluoride-free toothpaste and go out to get some toothpaste with fluoride.[citation needed]
    • Moisturize your face (your face is beautiful as it is!) Keep your skin moisturized to help avoid dry skin and peeling skin.[citation needed]
Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Interacting with people

  1. 1
    Link arms with a few other popular girls, and walk down the hall, giggling and laughing. It's a sign of friendship, and people will probably talk to you more because they now know you're really friendly.
    • Only link arms with boys if they're your boyfriend, and make it look cute, like your head comfortably nestled into his shoulder. You'll be the "toast" of the school, especially if he's the most popular boy in school!
  2. 2
    Don't bully anybody! In movies, they may do it to "climb" the social ladder; in real life, it's the opposite. It will give you a bad reputation and your friends will not tend to be too happy to see you bullying others.
  3. 3
    Get involved in activities. Consider such activities as cheerleading, dancing, singing, gymnastics, etc. Don't change anything you already love doing!
    • Join a club that does things you really enjoy doing. Your enthusiasm for the activity will help you to want to share the joys of doing it with others, attracting them to both you and the activity. If there isn't a club focused on what you like doing, then consider starting one, as that will surely get you noticed!
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  • Do not become obsessed with what other people think about you. Doing so will lower your self-confidence. Despite what you think, not every single person in the world goes to school just to judge you and your clothes.
  • Just be yourself! If you answered "No way! Why would I do that?" to any of these instructions, just remember: you want to be popular, right? But don't push yourself into following all of this! You don't have to be super popular!
  • Nobody likes a tattletale. Don't be one, it is just rude and no one would like to be your friend.
  • Do not focus too much on your outward appearance, but rather on being outgoing, making true friends, and doing well in school. You're there to learn, too, so don't obsess too much over how you look.
  • Don't think skipping classes or getting bad grades is cool. It's good to get teachers to like you, too. Remember, if you're on the road to popularity, people are going to look up to you. Don't make their role model a rule-breaking, nasty girl who cares about nothing!
  • There are bullies out there. Popular people can be pushy. This is why you should take things slowly - try talking to the head girl after you've obviously established her respect.
  • Do not throw yourself at boys. Never throw yourself at boys just to be famous.
  • Don't be mean to others. Even if they are mean to you, just ignore them; they will be the ones who end up getting in trouble. Besides, when you grow up you won't know half of them.

About This Article

Evanne Torrecillas
Co-authored by:
School Counselor
This article was co-authored by Evanne Torrecillas. Evanne Torrecillas is a School Counselor with over four years of experience in education. She specializes in working as a mental health advocate with middle school students and their caretakers. Evanne holds a BA in Political Science from The University of California, Berkeley and an MS in Counseling with a specialization in School Counseling from California State University, Sacramento. This article has been viewed 38,468 times.
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Co-authors: 35
Updated: March 27, 2023
Views: 38,468