MM2, also known as Murder Mystery 2, is a fun and exciting game. Over the years, Roblox has hosted many series of Murder Mystery games, such as The Mad Murder, Mad Games, Murder Mystery, Twisted Murderer, and many others! These games are very complicated for most players to play, but they're fun and easy to understand with a few tips.


  1. 1
    Understand the game. In these games, everyone has a role; they can be an Innocent, a Sheriff, or a Murderer. There will be one Murderer and one Sheriff per game, and the rest are Innocents. The goal is for the Sheriff to catch and kill the Murderer, while the Innocents have to stay alive.
  2. 2
    Understand the role of the Innocents. The Innocents try to survive from the murder and try to help out the Sheriff. If the Sheriff dies, Innocents can pick up the sheriff's gun where they died and kill the murderer, meaning the game can still be won.
  3. 3
    Understand the role of the Sheriff. As a Sheriff, your goal is to try to kill the murderer before he kills everyone - including you.
  4. 4
    Understand the role of the Murderer. As a Murderer, you try to kill everybody, even the Sheriff. Be careful of the Sheriff, though, or you'll be killed.
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Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Playing as an Innocent

  1. 1
    Find out who's the Murderer and the Sheriff. Try to stay near people, but not too close to them. If the Murderer takes out their knife, run. Go to where the Sheriff is and tell him/her the Murderer or where a murder occurred.
  2. 2
    Stay near the Sheriff. In case they die, if you're near them, you have the chance to take the gun. You might kill the Murderer with the Sheriff's gun. Try not to follow the Sheriff, though, because this might make the sheriff think that you're the murderer.
  3. 3
    Be wary of a Murderer's perks. You might see someone taking out what looks to be a gun, but it could be a knife. If you see the murder's hand, looking like he/she is about to throw it, try to avoid it. In any Murder games, these Perks are found in Shops. Try to avoid these Perks from the Murderer.
  4. 4
    Find the Sheriff's gun. If the Sheriff dies, try to find the gun while trying to avoid the Murderer. Sometimes, the murderer will hang around the gun (otherwise known as camping). If that happens, don't get the gun; try to survive the round until the time is over.
  5. 5
    Camp Around. Only brave souls don't camp around, but if you have a weak soul, camp around. Find a safe spot for you to hide and a way to escape. Camping also is known as hiding, it can sometimes help many people.
  6. 6
    Identify the murderer. Sometimes, murderers have knifes, effects or guns that can help you to recognize them, like a murderer that has a boombox. This can also help you when you're a sheriff.
  7. 7
    Identify perks. Murderers sometimes have perks that they use for their own benefit, but you can maybe know if they have it. Murderers that have a fake gun will point their gun down, not ahead.
  8. 8
    Don't follow the Sheriff while they’re shooting. The Sheriff is trying to shoot someone, if you try to follow them while they’re shooting, they can accidentally kill you or miss the opportunity to shoot the murderer and be killed, along with you.
  9. 9
    Alert the sheriff who's the murderer. You can help the sheriff kill the murderer and win the round.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Playing as a Sheriff

  1. 1
    Learn about your surroundings. You have to know everything around you; pay attention to people and your surroundings. If you don't do this, you might miss who the Murderer is and they will kill you before you can even kill them.
  2. 2
    Travel in groups. Stay near people but not too close, and pay attention to the people around you. If anyone is coming right to you, run away, but don't take out your gun yet. If the person who is chasing you takes out their knife, take out your gun and try to shoot. If you miss, retreat to a group of people and try to shoot from there but be careful not to shoot the innocents.
  3. 3
    Hide your gun. When the round starts, don't immediately take your gun out - you have to be sneaky. Wait and see who's the Murderer; if you see a murder happen, remember their face, clothing, or name and run away, or stand in a position where you can kill the Murderer without getting killed. Now, take out your gun and kill them.
    • You can also run away from the Murderer and then take out your gun. After that, you can wait for the Murderer to come, or, alternatively, look for them.
  4. 4
    Not the Innocents! Many beginners do this but you are not allowed to shoot random people. You must find the actual murderer and shoot them. If you shoot random people, you will die.
  5. 5
    Watch out for the scanners! It can go red if you have a gun or a knife. If it goes red, the murder can know who the Sheriff is. (Only the bank map)
  6. 6
    Caught red-handed! Those scanners are also helpful. Whoever touches the scanner and it turns red, is the murderer. (Only the bank map)
  7. 7
    Write down the innocents. When you hear a murder going on, write down the names of people around you. This can help you know they are the innocents. If you keep adding innocents to your list, you can begin to rule out people and reveal the murderer. (Murderer can be someone that you haven't see in all the rooms you watched.)
  8. 8
    Secretly spy on people A good way to know if a player is murderer is if they show their knife.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Playing as a Murderer

  1. 1
    Identify the Sheriff. To win as the murderer, you must know the Sheriff first. The Sheriff is the main victim in the game. If you don't kill the Sheriff, they will kill you. Always remember - the Sheriff is your biggest enemy in the game.
  2. 2
    Hide your knife! When the game begins, don't take your knife out; if you do, the innocents will see it and will report you to the sheriff. Rather, if you see the Sheriff, wait until you get near them, take out your knife, and quickly kill them.
  3. 3
    Protect the gun. When you kill the Sheriff, protect the gun from the innocents. If you don't protect it, the Innocents will get it and will have a chance to kill you. Stay near the gun but don’t stay around too long in order to prevent others from getting to it.
  4. 4
    Kill and Go. If time runs out and you hadn't expected your sheriff, you can start killing the innocent one on one secretly. You can also just kill whoever is in your way. Lastly, if you are not brave enough, just wait till the time runs out.
  5. 5
    Caution! Don't touch the scanners, it can reveal you as a murderer. (Only the bank map)
  6. 6
    Watch and listen. Make sure you listen for all the scanners. It might turn red and reveal your sheriff. (Only the bank map)
  7. 7
    Kill secretly! Explore the map so you know exits and hideaways. Search for people who are alone in a room or they are AFK. When you kill someone, make it quick and sharp. ALWAYS put your knife away after killing someone!
  8. 8
    Play the innocent role. Act and pretend that you are innocent. Some ways are like collecting coins. When someone comes near you, jump and run. In the chat, you can say "Help!", "Run!", " :O"..etc. But don't make it too obvious.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    How can I get to the killer, who often jumps from the bullets of a revolver?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You have to try to predict the killer's next movement and aim ahead of the killer.
  • Question
    How do I throw a knife?
    Community Answer
    When throwing a knife, hold your left click and release. Make sure your cursor is aiming at the person you're killing.
  • Question
    When I am the murderer in this game, I go nuts, not defend the gun. Most of the time, I get shot before I kill the last person. How do I even win while not defending the gun?
    Community Answer
    Throwing Knife, you can get it at the perk shop. It is call Sleigh, and it cost a lot since it's useful.



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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 20 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 56,177 times.
178 votes - 80%
Co-authors: 20
Updated: February 27, 2023
Views: 56,177
Categories: Roblox