Just as a good suit should be tailored to fit each person individually, a good resume should be tailored to fit the job you want.[1] Many elements of resume format and style are the same on a bank job resume as on any other type of resume. However, you want to emphasize different skill sets that are most relevant to working in a bank. We’ve put together this list of tips for writing a great resume that you can feel confident using to apply for banking jobs!


Write an executive summary below your contact info.

  1. This summarizes the experience and skills that you can bring to the job. Keep the statement short and to the point, no more than 2 sentences long. Avoid generic phrases like “detail oriented.” Instead, be specific and say something like: “Experience with recording transactions and managing the accounts of over 100 subscribing customers.”[4]
    • An example of an executive summary is: Finance graduate with a strong foundation in economics and investment analysis, as well as practical experience managing assets. Academic experience in international finance, corporate finance, and financial reporting.
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Include a section for your education.

  1. This section lets you highlight your relevant finance-related education. Label the section “Education,” then list the institutions you attended, the degrees you received, your GPA, and any awards you won. Put this section after your executive summary if you are still in university or recently graduated, or put it underneath your work experience if you’ve already been working for a while.[5]
    • It is not typically necessary to include high school education, unless you are just beginning your career or it was the only degree you received.
    • If your college GPA is not as high as you would like, you can include with it your major-specific GPA or with your 3rd and 4th year GPAs. If these are much higher, it shows either that you improved considerably over time or that your general GPA does not adequately convey how adept you are at your specific career.

Add your relevant work experience.

  1. This section highlights your finance-related employment history. Title the section something like “Professional Experience.” Under the title, list relevant jobs that you have held along with internships or other unpaid work. For example, Don’t include every job you have ever performed and don’t list anything that isn’t relevant.[6]
    • Include the name of your employer, when you worked for them, and the location of the job.[7]
    • After providing basic information about a job, describe your experience there in bullet points.[8] When doing so, focus on particular accomplishments that demonstrate your ability to meet the qualifications of the job you are applying for.
    • Even if you haven’t worked in finance before, other jobs can still be relevant to working in a bank. For instance, if you were a cashier at a retail store, you handled money and dealt with customers, which is exactly what bank tellers do!
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Use active verbs to describe tasks you've performed.


List any other applicable skills.

  1. Potential employers often look to hire people with specific concrete abilities. The skills you list can include a combination of “hard” skills, like specific quantitative techniques and computer programming abilities, and “soft” skills, which typically refer to your ability to deal with people. Make sure to highlight any type of financial software or other tools you know how to use as well as any customer service skills.[10]
    • Some examples of skills to include are: communication, financial analysis, retirement investing, collaboration, management, and client relations.
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Emphasize attention to detail and mathematical ability.

  1. Any bank job requires you to be detail-oriented and good with numbers. List experience and skills that demonstrate your capacity to perform basic mathematical processes. For example, if you were treasurer for a club or organization at your university, list that on your resume.[12]
    • Highlight any academic awards that are suggestive of mathematical ability. If any of your prior jobs required the counting of money or other mathematical skills, describe these in detail.
    • List instances in which you followed stringent workplace rules precisely, proofread text, managed large databases, or in any other way reviewed the work of a coworker to verify accuracy.
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Show achievements using numbers.

  1. Employers want to know precisely what you’ve achieved. Be specific and list precise numbers as frequently as possible. For example, if you previously worked in a sales role, include the dollar amount in sales you made monthly or yearly and what sort of revenue you produced for the company you worked for overall.[14]
    • For instance, in your work experience section, underneath the title of your role, the company, and the location, you might write something like: “Sold an average of $15,000 in software packages per month, generated over $300,000 of revenue during my employment.”
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How should I write a resume if I've worked a lot of jobs?
    Kent Lee
    Kent Lee
    Career & Executive Coach
    Kent Lee is a Career and Executive Coach and the Founder of the Perfect Resume, a career development services company based in Phoenix, Arizona. Kent specializes in creating customized resumes, LinkedIn profiles, cover letters, and thank you letters. Kent has over 15 years of career coaching and consulting experience. Previously, he has worked as a Career Consultant for Yahoo and has worked with thousands of clients including Fortune 500 executives from around the world. His work and career advice have been featured in ABC, NBC, CBS, Yahoo, Career Builder, and Monster.com.
    Kent Lee
    Career & Executive Coach
    Expert Answer
    Only include the jobs that are most relevant to the position you're applying for. Always try to tailor your resume for each company you're applying to.
  • Question
    Can someone who studied chemistry work in a bank?
    Gavin Donnelly
    Gavin Donnelly
    Community Answer
    Yes! You could apply to be a bank teller because that position doesn't require a financial degree. Just be sure to highlight things like mathematical ability and any customer service experience you might have on your resume.
  • Question
    If I study mechanical engineering and I have been working with an engineering firm and also do a teaching job, how can I write a resume that will reflect good skills for a banking job?
    Gavin Donnelly
    Gavin Donnelly
    Community Answer
    Focus on highlighting experience that shows your attention to detail and mathematical abilities, which you surely have as an engineer! If you took any kinds of economics or accounting courses, be sure to mention those as well. Also, highlight the social abilities you have from your teaching job, such as communication.

About This Article

Kent Lee
Co-authored by:
Career & Executive Coach
This article was co-authored by Kent Lee. Kent Lee is a Career and Executive Coach and the Founder of the Perfect Resume, a career development services company based in Phoenix, Arizona. Kent specializes in creating customized resumes, LinkedIn profiles, cover letters, and thank you letters. Kent has over 15 years of career coaching and consulting experience. Previously, he has worked as a Career Consultant for Yahoo and has worked with thousands of clients including Fortune 500 executives from around the world. His work and career advice have been featured in ABC, NBC, CBS, Yahoo, Career Builder, and Monster.com. This article has been viewed 222,330 times.
7 votes - 60%
Co-authors: 26
Updated: February 21, 2023
Views: 222,330
Article SummaryX

To write a resume for a bank teller job, start by putting together your name and contact information, an executive summary, and your education, work experience, and skills. Try to write up your work experience and skills so that they focus on mathematical ability, computer literacy, and attention to detail, since these are critical to being a teller. Additionally, work on conveying good social skills, which are essential when working with the public. Then, use details to support your claims, and provide evidence of your success in these areas. For tips on how to include "hard" skills like computer proficiency in your resume, read on!

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