Dead Eye is an ability in Red Dead Redemption that allows you to slow down time and make precise shots. You'll unlock the ability automatically towards the beginning of the game, and it will upgrade a couple times throughout your journey. When fully upgraded, you can mark the exact spot you want to shoot. In order to use Dead Eye, you'll need to fill your Dead Eye meter.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Using Dead Eye Level 1

  1. 1
    Complete at least the second mission, "New Friends, Old Problems." This mission is for Bonnie Clyde, and unlocks the first level of Dead Eye. You won't be able to use it at all until you complete this mission.
  2. 2
    Fill your Dead Eye meter. Using Dead Eye drains the meter on the right side of the map. You can fill your meter by killing enemies or using certain items. Getting headshots on enemies will fill your meter faster. The meter doesn't need to be full to use Dead Eye, but you'll have less time available. You can use the following items to fill your meter:[1]
    • Snake Oil
    • Chewing Tobacco
    • Moonshine (Gives unlimited meter for 10 seconds)
    • Tonic (Made from harvesting plants after completing Legendary rank on the Survivalist challenges)
  3. 3
    Equip a gun. Dead Eye is best used with a firearm, preferably one with several bullets. You can use Dead Eye with throwing weapons like the Throwing Knife, but you can only throw one per Dead Eye use.
    • You cannot use throwing weapons with Dead Eye in multiplayer.
  4. 4
    Hold the Aim button to enter Aiming mode. You'll need to be aiming in order to trigger Dead Eye mode. Hold L2 or LT to aim your gun.
  5. 5
    Press the right stick in to activate Dead Eye mode. While aiming, click R3 or RS to activate Dead Eye mode. Your screen will turn red and the action will slow down to a crawl.
    • While you're in Dead Eye mode, you are invincible.
  6. 6
    Press R3 or RS again to cancel Dead Eye mode. You won't recover any of the meter you used.
  7. 7
    Press the trigger to fire while in Dead Eye mode. For the first level of Dead Eye mode, time will slow and you'll be able to line up and fire off shots. Press R2 or RT to fire shots while in Dead Eye mode.
    • You can only shoot one bullet at a time using Dead Eye Level 1[2]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Using Dead Eye Level 2

  1. 1
    Upgrade Dead Eye to Level 2 by playing through the story. You'll eventually unlock the next level of Dead Eye mode during the "You Shall Not Give False Testimony, Except for Profit" mission from Nigel West Dickens. The Level 2 version of Dead Eye will allow you to automatically mark multiple targets so that they all get shot at once.
  2. 2
    Use Level 2 Dead Eye to mark targets. When you enter Dead Eye mode after upgrading to Level 2, you'll be able to automatically mark targets by moving your aiming reticule over them. Enter Dead Eye mode and then move your reticule across multiple targets. You'll see little marks appear on them automatically as you move the reticule.
  3. 3
    Shoot your marked targets. After marking targets with Dead Eye Level 2, press R2 or RT to fire. Marston will shoot all of the marked targets in rapid succession. Marston will automatically fire at all marked targets if the Dead Eye meter runs out.
    • You'll still shoot at someone even if they try to take cover. It's recommended that you mark targets near cover first, so that they have less time to get out of the way before getting shot.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Using Dead Eye Level 3

  1. 1
    Upgrade Dead Eye to Level 3 in Mexico. You'll be able to get the third level of Dead Eye after you reach Mexico and meet Landon Ricketts in Chuparosa. Complete the mission "The Gunslinger's Tragedy" to get access to the third level of Dead Eye.
  2. 2
    Mark your targets manually with Level 3 Dead Eye. The third level of Dead Eye gives you the most precise control, but can also be the most difficult to master. While in Dead Eye mode, press R1 or RB to mark each target. You can mark as many targets as you have bullets available in your weapon.
  3. 3
    Shoot your marked targets. After marking your targets in Dead Eye mode, press R2 or RT to fire. All of the targets you've marked will be shots like in Level 2.
  4. 4
    Use Level 3 Dead Eye to make bulls-eye shots. You can use this advanced targeting to pull off incredible shots, such as five headshots in a row, or shooting the gun out of someone's hand. When you enter Dead Eye, take quick stock of your situation and place your targets where they'll be the most effective.
    • Shooting a horse while someone's riding it will take them out of the fight for a few moments.
    • Shooting a gun out of someone's hand will buy you time or spare their life, depending on the situation.
    • Using Dead Eye Level 3 can make some of the hunting challenges much easier, especially when hunting birds.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    What does the dead eye meter look like?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It's a red bar to the right of the mini-map. It empties as you use it, and slowly regenerates as time goes by (or when you use certain items).
  • Question
    How can I do this on PC?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Red Dead Redemption has only been released for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 platforms. It is not available on PC.

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54 votes - 87%
Co-authors: 10
Updated: March 24, 2022
Views: 296,906
Categories: Multi Platform Games
Article SummaryX

To use Dead Eye in Red Dead Redemption Level 1, start by completing the second mission, "New Friends, Old Problems." Next, equip yourself with a firearm and hold the Aim button to enter Aiming mode. Then, hold L2 or LT to aim your gun and click R3 or RS to activate Dead Eye mode. Once you're in Dead Eye mode, your screen will turn red and the action will slow down. Press R2 or RT to fire shots, keeping in mind that you can only shoot one bullet at a time using Dead Eye Level 1. You can press R3 or RS again to cancel Dead Eye mode. Finally, be sure to keep your Dead eye meter filled by getting headshots on your enemies and using certain items, like snake oil, chewing tobacco, and moonshine! For tips on using Dead Eye Level 2 and Level 3, read on!

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