Bursitis is a painful condition that happens when your bursa, small sacs of fluid that cushion your joints to protect against friction, get inflamed.[1] Bursitis of the hip can be acute, meaning it's sudden and short-lived, or chronic, meaning it causes continual symptoms or flares up again from time to time. Typically, the acute version clears up within 2-8 weeks. That being said, if you want to treat your acute or chronic bursitis, try resting your leg and using ice, heat, and over-the-counter medications. However, you should see a doctor if your symptoms don't improve or your symptoms have changed, worsened or reappeared, since they may recommend treatments like a steroid injection or draining fluid from the hip. In addition, as your condition is getting better, you may want to do some rehabilitative exercises.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Reducing Pain at Home

  1. 1
    Use an ice pack for the first 2 days to reduce swelling. When the symptoms first appear, place an ice pack on your hip for 15 minutes at a time. The ice can help reduce the inflammation and pain by making the swelling go down.[2]
    • Never apply ice directly to the skin. Always use a towel between the ice pack and your skin.
  2. 2
    Try heat to help relieve the pain after the first 2 days. Any heat should work, so try variations of moist heat, such as a bath or a hot tub, or dry heat like a heating pad or an electric blanket. Not only does heat help with the pain, but it may also help to decrease inflammation and reduce swelling.[3]
  3. 3
    Skip activities that make your hip feel worse. This advice may seem obvious, but it's not always the easiest to follow. Pay attention when your hip pain worsens so you can connect it to the activities causing the pain. Then try to limit those activities as much as possible.[4]
    • For instance, if standing up and doing the dishes makes it hurt, try pulling a tall chair into the kitchen so you can sit while working to see if that helps.
  4. 4
    Rest your leg as often as possible. The more you walk, the more inflammation you'll have. Try to sit down as much as you can to help relieve the pressure. Lying down may also help. Plus, resting your leg will help reduce the swelling![5]
  5. 5
    Sleep on the opposite side of the hip that's causing you pain. If you want to sleep on your side, do so on the hip that's not flaring up. However, place a pillow between your knees to decrease pressure on the hip joint. Ideally, your knee should be on the same level as your hip for best results.[6]
  6. 6
    Use a cane or walker to take pressure off your hip if walking is painful. You may feel pain while walking, since walking puts pressure on the hip which can worsen the inflammation in your bursa. If you experience this type of pain, try taking the weight off of your hip when you walk by leaning on a cane or walker, which may help to reduce the pain and pressure.[7]
    • To walk with a cane, hold it on the side opposite of your affected hip. Bring the cane forward when you step with the side that's hurting, so it provides extra support and balance.
  7. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Using Medications

  1. 1
    Take over-the-counter oral pain medications to relieve pain. Ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and aspirin are all good options to help relieve the pain. Naproxen sodium is also a valid choice. Take the medications as needed and as directed by your doctor.[8]
    • If you're using acetaminophen, take 2 325-milligram pills every 4 to 6 hours.
    • For ibuprofen, aim for 1 pill (200 milligrams) every 4 to 6 hours. Don't take more than 6 pills in 24 hours.[9]
    • With naproxen, take 1 pill (220 milligrams) every 8 to 12 hours. Don't take more than 2 pills in any 8- to 12-hour period or more than 3 in a 24-hour period.
  2. 2
    Try pain relief creams for more direct relief. These creams contain medications like ibuprofen. Rub them into your hip to help reduce the pain and inflammation. Always read the directions, though, as typically you don't want to use a cream with a medication at the same time you're taking the same medication orally. For instance, you wouldn't want to take ibuprofen while using a cream with ibuprofen at the same time.
    • These creams typically fall into 3 categories: ones with pain relievers, ones with anti-inflammatories (such as NSAIDs, the same category ibuprofen is in), and ones that have a numbing agent, like lidocaine. Talk to your doctor about the best option for you.
    • Some of these come in spray or patch form, too.[10]
  3. 3
    Ask your doctor about a corticosteroid shot for long-term pain relief. If your doctor thinks it may help, they can inject a steroid into your hip. The steroid will, in turn, reduce inflammation and swelling. You may need a shot every few months to continue your relief, especially if your bursitis is chronic.[11]
    • These shots can have side effects, so talk to your doctor about whether this is a good option for you.
    • If you're worried about the needle, ask your doctor for a local anesthetic to help numb the pain.
    • Complications of a steroid shot can include nerve damage, bone death near the shot, tissue and bone thinning, and the weakening of tendons.[12]
  4. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Trying Medical Interventions

  1. 1
    Request ultrasound treatment (phonophoresis) to reduce inflammation. With this treatment, the medical professional will apply an anti-inflammatory cream to your skin. Then, they'll use the ultrasound to help your skin painlessly absorb the cream.[13]
    • A similar option uses light electrical pulses to help the absorption process. The doctor will apply electrodes to your skin before initiating a gentle electrical current. Generally, this is painless, too, so always tell your doctor if it starts to become painful.[14]
  2. 2
    Talk to your doctor about electrical stimulation therapy. Your doctor may be able to administer a treatment called iontophoresis. For the treatment, the doctor will attach nodes to your skin to send tiny electrical pulses into the area being treated, which will reduce inflammation that could be causing your bursitis. Although this treatment is not usually painful, it can cause some discomfort.[15]
    • Your doctor, or in some cases a physical therapist, may also use this treatment to help your body absorb medication. They'll apply the medication to the electrical nodes before sticking them onto your body.[16]
  3. 3
    See a physical therapist to help adjust your movement. A physical therapist can assess your gait and other activities. Then, they can help you determine what adjustments you need to make, as well as work with you to increase your range of movement.[17]
    • A physical therapist can be especially beneficial after the inflammation has gone down somewhat and you need to start moving again.
  4. 4
    Discuss draining the area with a needle for a more permanent solution. Because bursa are small balls of fluid that become inflamed to bursitis, sometimes draining them can help relieve the pain. After applying a local anesthetic for pain, the doctor will insert a special needle into your hip and withdraw the fluid.[18]
    • The doctor will give you the local anesthetic with a small needle. After that, you shouldn't feel any pain during the session.
    • The injection site will likely be sore for a few days.[19]
  5. 5
    Expect surgical removal of a bursa as a last resort. If other treatments aren't working, your doctor may discuss this option with you. Typically, it's not necessary, but if you continue to have symptoms, this treatment can provide relief.[20]
    • This surgery is usually done on an outpatient basis, meaning you don't have an overnight stay. The least invasive option is arthroscopic surgery, where the doctor makes 2 small incisions, one for a camera and one with small tools to remove the bursa.
  6. Advertisement
Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Exercising Your Hip

  1. 1
    Talk to a doctor or physical therapist about an exercise regime. You should always consult with a doctor first to make sure the exercises you're doing are helping rather than hurting you. The doctor can also let you know when it's safe to start doing certain exercises. Plus, a physical therapist can show you the best way to perform an exercise.[21]
    • If you do an exercise wrong, it can cause more problems rather than helping you.
  2. 2
    Try a hip rotator stretch to stretch your hip out. Lay on a flat surface on your back with your feet flat on the ground and your knees bent. Bring the leg up on the side that's hurting and rest that foot (the outside ankle) on the opposite knee. Place your hand on the knee that's in the air and gently push outward to stretch your hip muscle. Hold the knee out in this position for 15-30 seconds and then repeat it 2-4 times. [22]
  3. 3
    Do straight leg raises on the injured side to strengthen the hip. Lay on your back with your legs out straight. Contract your muscles in the thigh of your injured leg, then lift it off the ground, maintaining the tightness. Allow your leg to come back to the floor gently. Repeat the exercise 10 times and do 3 sets of 10.
  4. 4
    Work on bending to stretch your iliotibial band. While standing, plant your feet flat on the ground. Bring the uninjured leg up and cross it in front of the injured leg. Lean over and try to touch your toes while your legs are crossed. Stay in this position for 30 seconds and repeat 2-4 times.
    • Alternatively, try a leaning exercise to stretch this muscle. Place your injured hip up close to a wall and then cross the other leg in front of it. Feel your hip move towards the wall, supported by it. Raise the arm on your injured side above your head, and lean outward to stretch your muscle.[23]
  5. 5
    Lay on your side to strengthen your hip muscles. Rest with the injured leg on top and then pull it up off the other leg. Keep it in place for 6 seconds, then gently bring it back down. Repeat the exercise 10 times.[24]
    • For a variation, begin in the same starting position except bend your knees slightly. Lift up just your knee, leaving your ankles touching each other. Stay in position for about 6 seconds, then gently pull your leg back down. Repeat the exercise 10 times or so.
  6. Advertisement


  • Always see your doctor if you have chronic hip pain, meaning you continue to have hip pain over a period of months.
  • Never take more medication than recommended by your doctor.

About This Article

Luba Lee, FNP-BC, MS
Medically reviewed by:
Board-Certified Family Nurse Practitioner
This article was medically reviewed by Luba Lee, FNP-BC, MS. Luba Lee, FNP-BC is a Board-Certified Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) and educator in Tennessee with over a decade of clinical experience. Luba has certifications in Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Emergency Medicine, Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Team Building, and Critical Care Nursing. She received her Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) from the University of Tennessee in 2006. This article has been viewed 26,868 times.
32 votes - 97%
Co-authors: 7
Updated: November 9, 2022
Views: 26,868
Categories: Hip Health

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The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always contact your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional before starting, changing, or stopping any kind of health treatment.
