A step-by-step guide to help you find your lost DSLR camera as well as tips on how to prevent losing it

A DSLR camera is an expensive piece of equipment that you don't want to lose and is a prime target for thieves. If you do end up losing your camera, it can be a stressful experience. Luckily, there are camera tracking websites that make finding your lost DSLR much easier. If you follow the correct procedures, look in the right places, and contact the local police, you may be able to get your camera back.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Finding a Stolen or Lost Camera

  1. 1
    Search for the serial number online. There are websites like GadgetTrak and Stolen Camera Finder that can find your camera by comparing your camera's serial number with photos on popular sites like Instagram and Flickr. Write down and save the serial number for your camera so that if you lose it, you'll have the information to input into one of these websites. If you can't find the serial number, you may be able to find it on the box that the camera came in. The site will search for photos online that have been taken with the same camera.[1]
  2. 2
    Upload an old photo to a camera tracking website. Sites like Stolen Camera Finder can also help find your phone by comparing the metadata on old photos with photos on the internet. Use this method if you don't have the original box that the camera came in with and don't have the serial number.Upload an old photo taken with your camera to see if it's being used by someone else.[2]
    • Cameratrace.com is another site that will compare the serial number on your camera with new photos.
    • The data that associates your photographs with your camera is called EXIF data.
  3. 3
    Call pawn shops and ask if they have cameras for sale. Find pawn shops in the area where you lost your phone. Inquire if they have any cameras for sale and then try to find a camera that matches the model you lost. After getting a list of all the pawn shops that have your make and model of camera, give them a visit and see if any of the cameras are yours.
    • Don't tell them that you're looking for a stolen camera or they may not tell you the truth.
  4. 4
    Look on Craigslist and eBay for your camera. Sometimes thieves will immediately post your camera for sale online. Look on sites like Craigslist and eBay for cameras that match your camera's make and model. Look for any distinguishing marks that match your camera.[3]
    • Filter your searches to the location where you lost your camera.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Reacting When Your Camera Goes Missing

  1. 1
    File a police report. Different police districts will have different procedures for filing a police report. Some departments have online tools that will allow you to file a claim online, while others require an officer to come to the site of the crime. Look online for the local police department phone number and give them a call.[4]
    • When you call you can say something like, "I was just snapping photos and I think someone stole my camera when I wasn't looking. I want to file a police report."
  2. 2
    Notify the police when you find your camera. If you find your camera and it's being sold online or at a pawn shop, don't try to retrieve your stolen property alone. Contact the local police department and let them know first. Trying to confront a thief alone could be dangerous.[5]
  3. 3
    Follow law enforcement instructions. Once you find your camera, contact the police again. They will most likely give you detailed instructions that may include contacting the seller and meeting with them. Listen to what the police have to say and follow their instructions to get your camera back.[6]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Preventing the Loss of Your Camera

  1. 1
    Put a tag on the camera with your name and phone number. As soon as you get a DSLR camera, attach a tag on it with your name and phone number. If someone finds your camera and wants to return it, they will have your contact information and can call you.
  2. 2
    Put a GPS tracker in your camera bag. You can purchase GPS trackers online. There are companies like Garmin and PocketFinder that manufacture small GPS tracking devices. Purchase one of these devices and place it in your camera bag. If your camera equipment gets stolen or goes missing, you'll be able to track where the camera is.[7]
  3. 3
    Leave images on the camera that contain your contact info. Hold up a written sign containing your name and contact information and take five to six photos of you holding up the sign. If someone finds your camera and starts looking through the photos, they may stumble upon the photos. Leaving a series of photos will increase the chance of them seeing the photos.[8]
  4. 4
    Put a distinguishing mark on your camera. A distinguishing mark, like a drop of nail polish or a dot made with a marker, will help you identify your camera if you suspect that someone else is using your camera. When you find what you think is your lost or stolen camera, you can verify it by checking for the mark.
  5. 5
    Register your camera. Depending on the brand and how you purchased the camera, you may be able to register it on their website. Look at the instructions that came with your camera and see if there are any directions for registration. If not, visit their website and see if any links will allow you to register the serial number. If you lose your camera, you can let the manufacturer know, and they may be able to give you clues on where it is.[9]
    • Registering your camera will also prevent thieves from registering it themselves.
  6. 6
    Put a proximity alarm on your camera. You can purchase a smart proximity alarm online. If you are busy shooting photos and can't have all your equipment with you, a proximity alarm will send off a signal if your equipment is moved away from you.[10]
    • hipKey is a popular app for iOS that acts a proximity alarm.
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14 votes - 36%
Co-authors: 5
Updated: December 10, 2022
Views: 38,171
Categories: Digital Cameras | Theft