Have you ever wanted to start a band and have your fans? Well here are some simple steps that will lead you to your very own kid band!!


  1. 1
    Find people to join your bands, such as friends or family. Your band should have at least one singer, guitarist, one bassist, one pianist, and one drummer. If you know other people who play instruments not on the list, (saxophone, violin, etc), make them a backup singer and add their instrument to some of the songs.
    • Try having at least one acoustic and one electric guitar.
    • Decide if the singer will play an instrument or not.
    • Your band should be mostly comprised of friends and family. If you can't find someone, hold auditions for people at your school.
    • Make sure everyone gets along together. If they don't the band could be a disaster.
    • Remember, the best bands have the best people, not the best skills. If you get along and have fun, you'll sound better than a bunch of snobby professionals who constantly fight.
  2. 2
    Pick a cool band name. It should be something that matches your band's style and the type of music you play. If you can't decide, try one of these methods: pick some favorite movies and make cool and names using parts of the movie; or each member picks 10 adjectives and 10 nouns, then you write them down and pick using that list.
  3. 3
    Where will you practice? You have to do it somewhere set so that instruments like drums or pianos don't have to be transported. Make sure the owner of the space is okay with you using it.
  4. 4
    When will you get together? Try after school once a week or every Saturday.
  5. 5
    Professional roles. For this, you're at least going to need a manager. If you want, you can have a head songwriter. If you're making a music video, make sure to have a camera person.
  6. 6
    Pick what kind of music your band wants to play! If you like rock, play rock. Or if you like rap then do rap! But as kids, it's probably better for you not to use any profanities!
  7. 7
    Write a band contract. It should say that each person is committed to being in the band and doing what you decided above. Make sure everyone signs the contract.
    • If one member refuses to sign, let them in the band, but begin to look for a replacement in case they really can't commit.
  8. 8
    Get everything you need. Instruments, electronics (amps, etc), microphones, anything! Get the money (save up or get it from your parents) and get what you need to be a real band!
  9. 9
    Practice covers. Choose some songs written by other artists you like and play those. This is a good way to start since you can listen to the original and play it well.
  10. 10
    Collaborate with your band and brainstorm to start writing lyrics. Everyone should agree on every lyric in the song, and think it's true to them.
  11. 11
    Start practicing. Get together on the decided date and practice your new songs/cover songs. You need to be good at playing them if you are going to sell and perform them.
  12. 12
    Record some songs. You can record original or covered songs or both. Anything you think will sell.
    • Try recording each member's part separately and then piece them together.
  13. 13
    Decide on a look. Everyone should like the look they get, but each look should fit together. Make each outfit match, but be unique.
  14. 14
    Use online resources. Make a Facebook, Twitter, Bebo, Tumblr, YouTube, Hi5, Sublime, Trig, SoundCloud, Viddler, Flickr, Pinterest, Patch, EventWax, Google, Yahoo, etc.
    • Make a website using Weebly, Webs.com, or Virb, or you can make your own not using a pre-made site.
    • Some companies let you install an app, approved by Apple, that helps you put your music on iTunes. Some US companies are Catapult, CD Baby, INgrooves/Fontana, TuneCore, and The Orchard. You can go to [1] to find the others.
  15. 15
    Advertise. Make posters and hang them around town. Make a booth where you give out fliers to passerby.
    • Some stores let you hang your posters in their windows. Try grocery stores, they usually will.
    • When you give someone a flier, give them a small stack of little mini fliers (1" by 3") with the condensed information on it.
    • The fliers and mini fliers should say the name of the band, the members' names, your social networking accounts, and all the ways to contact you (phone, email, etc).
  16. 16
    Start performing. Find shows that are accepting rising bands, or have your show.
  17. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How can I get money if I am too young to get a job?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can make money for your band by having lemonade stands, doing special chores for your parents or asking neighbors if you can cut their lawns or do chores for pay.
  • Question
    How do I make a demo while starting a kids band?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Download Audacity and get a microphone. After it's recorded and edited, get a blank CD and burn files onto the disc.
  • Question
    My band likes rock, country, and pop. What style should we do?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Make your music a mix of all three. You can mix it up or have individual songs that meet those genres. Have fun and mix up these styles.


  • If a neighbor is bothered by the music they heard; they will tell your parents about the situation. And if you keep on doing it; you might get grounded or even get ticketed by a cop.

Things You'll Need

  • Instruments (a guitar, drums, tambourine, etc.)
  • Microphone(s)
  • Place to practice
  • Band members
  • Outfits

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 44 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 47,737 times.
302 votes - 88%
Co-authors: 44
Updated: August 6, 2022
Views: 47,737
Categories: Bands