Sometimes, there can be no greater joy than hearing your sister shriek with terror after you've got her good. If you want to get back at your sister for annoying you, then there can be no better way to do it than to scare her in a clever and surprising way. As long as you don't test her limits, you'll be able to give your sister a good scare and to get a good laugh in the process. If you're looking for some great ideas for scaring your sister, see option 1 to get started.


Turn off the lights.

  1. This works best if your sister thinks you're sleeping or out at a friend's house. Then, wait for a time when she thinks she's alone in the house or just in her room, and sneak your hand into the room and turn off all the lights in the room she's in. If you do this correctly, then she'll shriek in terror, wondering what the heck just happened. If your sister knows you're home, then you can grab a book and pretend to be absorbed in it in the other room if she runs in screaming.
    • Alternately, you can put on a scary costume and then shine a flashlight onto your face from across a dark room, so your sister really freaks out!

Tell a scary story.

  1. Invite a friend over to tell ghost stories. When your sister wants to join in, tell her she really shouldn't because the stories are way too scary for her. She'll beg and plead and you'll eventually pretend to give in. Then, before you tell your story, say that you're not sure about telling it because it really happened, and you don't want to freak her out even more. Finally, "reluctantly" tell a scary story that has to do with something you can use around the house, such as a killer teddy bear or a mysterious old photograph. When you're done telling the story, you and your friend should pretend to go to bed; then, later, place something, such as the old teddy bear, from the story into your sister's room and wait for her to shriek in response.

Tickle the back of her neck with a feather.


  • She will probably tell on you, as little sisters do.
  • There's a thin line between funny and traumatizing. Don’t play dangerous or extremely scary pranks. For example, if you want to hide under her bed in a clown costume, keep in mind your sister is a young girl, she might be afraid of a strange man under her bed. If you're pretending to be a guy in a costume under her bed that's planning to hurt her in all kinds of ways, you might do more damage than you're realizing.
  • Don't be the reason she'll be afraid to date anyone when she's older since you were playing the scary man under her bed when she was five.
  • Don't go overboard.
  • Only do pranks that you would be fine with if they were done on you.

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 54 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 189,892 times.
128 votes - 76%
Co-authors: 54
Updated: February 1, 2023
Views: 189,892
Categories: Siblings