In Mexico and some other countries, 5-gallon water bottles are the norm, and hefting 18kg (40 pounds) of an open water bottle onto the narrow neck of a dispenser without spilling it can be a challenge. Here is a way to make it much more manageable.


  1. 1
    Remove the foam seal from the cap if there is one. Note that Ciel bottle caps have a left-hand thread, so turn right (clockwise) to loosen.[1]
  2. 2
    Cut a hole in the cap about half the diameter. You can use a drill or a knife.
  3. 3
    Replace the foam, and screw on the modified lid.
  4. 4
    Invert the bottle onto the dispenser. The water pressure against the foam cap will keep all but maybe a slight dribble from leaking.[2]
  5. 5
    The center protrusion will force the seal out, releasing the water. The foam seal will then float to the top.
  6. Advertisement


  • Some gasket materials may leach toxic substances into your drinking water.
  • This will only work if your dispenser has a piece protruding into the neck as shown.
  • Ciel bottles have reusable caps, so your water distributor may charge you a few pesos for the cap you have rendered unusable (by them). Keep your modified cap and it will be a one-time expense.

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2 votes - 50%
Co-authors: 7
Updated: December 23, 2021
Views: 82,257