As your baby grows, you’re sure to collect more and more clothes either on your own or as thoughtful gifts. With all these tiny garments entering your home, you may wonder how you can satisfyingly put things away and find them again. Luckily, there are some easy steps to help keep your baby clothes organized, be it a cute outfit for today or bigger clothes for after those growth spurts. Keep reading to learn the best ways to organize your baby’s clothes.

Thing You Should Know

  • Sort clothes by size and style. Knowing you’ll open a drawer and find the right sized onesie can save you some stress down the line.
  • Store items like shirts, pants, and onesies in drawers. Items that are bulkier can be hung in the closet.
  • Use bins and organizers to help sort shoes and other accessories. Hang them on your closet door or utilize the closet floor and overhead space.
  • Keep a bin for clothes your baby has grown out of. Consider donating them if they’re still in good shape.

File fold your baby’s clothes.


Place small items in baskets.


  1. Give away clothes that are clean and stain-free. Check to see if your local thrift store or family charity is accepting baby clothing. Smaller clothes can also be used as hand-me-downs for your future children or the children of friends and family.[12]
    • Clothes your baby has never worn can also be donated. For example, maybe you received a winter coat for a 6 month old, but your baby was 6 months old in the summer. To stop items like this from taking up space, donate them.
    • Sometimes baby clothes are too precious to give up, so don’t be afraid to keep some as a keepsake. Store these clothes in tightly sealed bins for preservation.
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About This Article

Krysten Jackson
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Krysten Jackson. Krysten Jackson is a Chicago-based writer with a love of language and learning. She has contributed her editing skills to multiple content teams and publishing houses. Now, Krysten writes for wikiHow as an Editing Fellow, hoping to help others while they explore new topics and skills. Krysten graduated from Northwestern University in 2019 with a B.A. in English, focusing on Creative Writing and Linguistics. This article has been viewed 1,157 times.
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Co-authors: 3
Updated: December 21, 2022
Views: 1,157
Categories: Baby Clothes
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