Pizza is a classic staple for any college kid, and there’s no better way to enjoy it than to get it delivered straight to your dorm. It might seem complicated to coordinate a dorm delivery, but if you give specific directions, you’ll be enjoying your cheesy meal in no time.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Choosing a Restaurant and Ordering Method

  1. 1
    Choose a pizza place that’s within a few miles of your school. Not only will a local pizzeria be able to deliver your food more quickly, but they’re also more likely to be familiar with campus. Their delivery person will likely be able to find your dorm with less trouble than a pizza place that’s a little farther.[1]
    • You can also ask your roommates and neighbors to see what pizza place they typically order from, and whether the delivery person tends to have trouble finding your dorm.
    • If you go with a pizza place that’s farther from campus, be prepared to give more detailed directions about how to get to your dorm. You also might need to tip more, especially if the restaurant is more than 5 miles (8.0 km) away.
  2. 2
    Order on the phone to explain the directions more easily. It might be simpler to explain where you live and the best way to get there if you’re speaking directly with an employee on the phone. You can even ask if they typically deliver to campus and how well the delivery person knows their way around, adjusting your directions as need be.
  3. 3
    Order online for easier special requests and orders. It’s easier to specify extra toppings and other special orders on an online form, when you can be sure that no specifications will be lost because of a bad connection or an unclear voice, like on a phone. There will still be a place to specify your address, directions, and other notes to help the deliver person find you on campus.[2]
    • Search for the pizza place online and check out their website to see if they offer an online ordering feature. Most large chains do, but a smaller restaurant might not.
    • When ordering online, you can enter your credit card information to pay right away, or you can select a “Cash” option to pay once the pizza arrives.
  4. 4
    Use a food delivery app if the pizza place uses one. Food delivery apps let you order conveniently on your phone. Then, a delivery person (not from the pizza place) will pick up your order and delivery it to you for a fee. This is a great option if you already have an account on an app, and if the restaurant is registered on that app.[3]
    • Some popular food delivery apps to check include Doordash and Grubhub.
    • If you don’t already have an account on a food delivery app, it might be easier to just order online or over the phone. Otherwise, you’ll have to take the time to set up an account before you can get to ordering your pizza.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Ordering and Meeting the Delivery Person

  1. 1
    Specify the name and address of your dorm and how to get there. Whether you’re talking to an employee or ordering on the computer, make sure to mention that you live on campus. Tell them the name of the dorm as well as its street address, and provide any other details that might help the delivery person find you.[4]
    • For example, you could say, “I live on campus at City University. My dorm is called Hood, and the address is 123 Peterson Street. It’s just off of Campus Drive near the library.”
  2. 2
    Arrange a pickup location that’s convenient for the delivery person. The delivery person won’t be able to get into your building, so specify that you’ll meet them outside. Make sure it’s an easy place for them to get to. It’ll be easier for you to find them than for them to go around looking for you on an unfamiliar campus![5]
    • For example, you could ask them to meet you out in front of your dorm or on the side closest to the street.
    • Give the pickup location to the employee on the phone, or specify it in your directions online.
  3. 3
    Ask for a time estimate or track the pizza online. If you’re speaking to an employee on the phone, ask when you can expect the pizza to be delivered. If you’re ordering online or with a delivery app, look for a tracking feature that will let you see how close your pizza is to being delivered. As it gets closer, head down to the lobby or wait outside for the delivery person.[6]
    • This lets you keep an eye out for the delivery person, in case they drive to the wrong entrance or stop at the wrong dorm.
    • Trackers are typically only provided by larger chains, and might not be completely accurate.
  4. 4
    Provide your phone number so the delivery person can contact you. A restaurant employee will likely ask for your phone number, or, if you’re ordering online, there will be a section to enter it. If not, make sure you give them the number or put it in your order notes. If the delivery person gets lost or needs to reach you once they’ve arrived, calling you will be the easiest way to do it.
    • Keep your phone nearby and make sure you can hear when you’re getting a call. Easy communication with the delivery person will let you get your pizza as fast as possible!
  5. 5
    Have an ID on hand if you ordered with your credit card. Delivery people sometimes ask for a form of identification so they can make sure they’re delivering to the right person, and particularly if you purchased with a credit card. Bring down your driver’s license or school ID just in case they ask for it.[7]
    • If you don’t have an ID on you, you will likely still be able to get the pizza, but showing one when asked will make your transaction go more smoothly.
  6. 6
    Give the delivery person a 15% tip in cash. Typical delivery fees, which are factored into the price of your pizza, usually don’t go to the delivery person. It’s polite and appropriate to tip them about 15% of your pizza price, and no less than $3. Calculate the tip and count out your money while you wait for your pizza to arrive, and don’t forget to bring it down when you get your pizza![8]
    • Consider tipping a few dollars more if the pizza place is more than 5 miles (8.0 km) away, or if the delivery person had to drive in bad weather, like snow or heavy rain.
  7. 7
    Meet the delivery person at the pickup location to get the pizza. Once the delivery person calls you or you see that they’re getting close, head down to the pickup location you specified with phone, ID, and cash in hand. Watch the street in case your driver goes to the wrong building or entrance. Give them a tip, say thanks, and enjoy your pizza!
    • If you’ve been waiting for 5-10 minutes at the pickup location and they haven’t shown up, call the restaurant and ask them to have the delivery person call you.
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wikiHow Staff
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This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. This article has been viewed 35,616 times.
18 votes - 76%
Co-authors: 5
Updated: April 4, 2021
Views: 35,616
Categories: College Dormitories
Article SummaryX

The easiest way to order a pizza to a dorm is to choose a restaurant nearby that’s experienced in making on-campus deliveries. As you order, provide your dorm’s name and street address, and give a few tips to help the driver get there easily. Set up a pickup location that’s easy for them to find, like near the closest dorm entrance to the street. Meet them outside with an ID and a tip, and enjoy your tasty pizza! For tips on ordering online, on the phone, or through a food delivery app, read on!

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