Selena Gomez is a popular American actress and singer. If you're a Selenator who is eager to meet your idol in person there are a few different routes you can try. Getting the chance to meet her can be difficult so you'll need to be persistent in your efforts. However, with some creativity and persistence you could be shaking hands with Selena in no time!

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Using Traditional Methods

  1. 1
    Wait for an official “meet and greet.” Selena Gomez will have occasional meet-and-greet events. These events are specifically planned out for the purpose of bringing her together with her fans. If you want to meet her in a setting that will allow you to talk to her for a few minutes, this might be your best option.
    • You can check on currently scheduled events by visiting the “Events” or “Tour” section of her official website.
    • While these events are often listed on her website, other sources (Disney, various radio stations, etc.) may sponsor such events as well.
  2. 2
    Monitor her other tours and events. The most common way to see Selena Gomez in person is to go to one of her concerts when her tour stops in a nearby city. While there is no guarantee that you will be able to meet her face-to-face, there might be a brief period after the concert ends during which she can meet a few fans from the audience.
    • The odds are against you when you attempt this method. If you go to one of her concerts, do so with the primary objective of attending the concert and watching her perform. Meeting her can be a secondary goal but you should not count on it.
    • A list of her current tour dates can be found under the “Events” page of her website.
  3. 3
    Listen to the radio. Checking her website for public events will only provide you with the same chance of meeting her that any other fan has. Radio stations that play her music may occasionally sponsor contests that would allow the winner to meet her. Make sure that you're listening to radio stations that play her music. Stations that play a different genre of music will not offer such contests because they would not appeal to their general audience.
    • Listen to the contest rules before you call in. Some contests require contestants to be 18 years of age or older. If you are not 18 years old you may need an adult to enter on your behalf.
  4. 4
    Watch the Disney Channel. Every so often the Disney Channel will announce a contest through which you can meet one of your favorite affiliated stars. Given the rarity and unpredictability of these contests, it could take a long time before there is a contest that would allow you to meet Selena Gomez.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Using Unconventional Methods

  1. 1
    Send her a note. Selena Gomez receives a large volume of fan letters and notes each day. She does not have time to respond to them all and cannot meet every fan who makes a request. However, If your circumstances are peculiar enough there is some chance that you might be invited to one of her events free of charge. The easiest way to send Selena Gomez a written note is through one of her social media pages.
  2. 2
    Get involved in charity work. Selena Gomez is involved with many well-known charities, including UNICEF.[1] If you get involved with some of the causes and charities that she’s involved in your paths may cross during a charity event. Your contribution or involvement will usually need to be somewhat significant if you hope to get invited to the same events.
    • For example, you could join her cause by volunteering with UNICEF or starting a UNICEF club at your high school. If you do other charity work, you may also be nominated as a UNICEF "do-gooder," which would draw attention to you and your efforts.
  3. 3
    Use the “Make-A-Wish” foundation. If you are a terminally ill child and your biggest wish is to meet with Selena Gomez, you can make a request through the Make-a-Wish Foundation. This organization is dedicated to granting the wishes of children who face serious illnesses and this sort of request is not especially unusual. In fact, Selena Gomez has even been known to respond to wishes made through the Make-a-Wish-Foundation in the past.[2]
    • To have your wish granted by the foundation, you must have a referral. The referral can come from yourself, a parent, or a medical professional. You must be between the ages of 2-1/2 and 18 at the time of referral, and you must have a life-threatening medical condition.
  4. 4
    Attend other events she might go to. She may show up to some events that involve a variety of stars without focusing specifically on her. The crowds at these events tend to be large so meeting her there might be difficult. However, it isn’t impossible! If you want to have a chance at meeting her, make sure you show up to these events early so you can get in.
    • For example, Selena Gomez may attend events put on by the Disney Channel even if that event is not described as a meet-and-greet contest.
    • If she has been nominated for something, she may even show up at the Nick Choice Awards. You can check on whether or not she is a nominee by visiting the official award show website:
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Behaving Appropriately

  1. 1
    Dress to impress. Meeting Selena Gomez could be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You do not need to wear anything formal but try to put your best foot forward regarding your clothes and appearance. Doing so could make you stand out from the rest of the crowd and improve your chances of being noticed.
    • Consider wearing a fan shirt. You can buy an official concert tour shirt or you could make your own shirt that has text or images expressing how big of a fan you are.
    • Consider putting together an outfit together with garments from her clothing line, "Dream Out Loud."
  2. 2
    Express your excitement. Show excitement when you see her to make yourself stand out in the crowd. If you actually get to meet her one-on-one, express your enthusiasm in your words, tone of voice, and body language to leave the strongest impression possible and to make the occasion memorable for everyone.
    • Most celebrities will enjoy hearing how much you love their work. Consider saying something along the lines of, "I love your new album. ‘Revival’ is my favorite song!”
    • Avoid touching her without her permission, as she values her personal space. If you’d like a hug be sure to ask her first. Never grab her arms or reach for her, as that’s the quickest way to lose her attention.
  3. 3
    Ask for an autograph or photograph. Don't be pushy. These mementos are great ways to remember meeting her and depending on the circumstances she might oblige. However, there could be some situations in which such actions are not feasible. If your request is denied, accept that fact and move on.
    • For example, if you ask her for her autograph while she’s trying to get to an event she may not have time to stop for you.
  4. 4
    Be polite. Courtesy is always important no matter what but you should be especially courteous during a moment like this. After all, being remembered as someone who caused a disruption or created a problem could have serious long-lasting consequences. Besides, who would want their idol to remember them as a rude person?
    • Be courteous when approaching her. If you spot her by chance while she is clearly in the middle of a date, meal, or casual evening out, it would be polite to leave her alone.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    My dream is to get her to come to Egypt. How do I do that?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    One way to do that would be to talk to a large venue about booking her. For example, if there's a stadium or concert hall in your city you could ask the event coordinators to have her come perform there. If she's really popular in your city they might say yes! You could also post on her social media pages asking her to tour in your country. Lastly, start a petition online to have her come perform in Egypt. If you get enough signatures it will show her manager that a lot of people would see her perform there.
  • Question
    Will she come to Hong Kong or Guangzhou?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    She may book a performance in Hong Kong in the future but not during her current tour. As for Guangzhou and other parts of China, Selena Gomez won't be playing there in the near future. She was recently banned from entering China due to her past affiliation with the Dalai Lama.


  • Watch out for scams. Fake contests are a dime a dozen, so you'll need to be careful if you want to avoid getting scammed. Only enter contests and raffles that are sponsored by reputable companies.
  • Be wary of fake contact information. Selena Gomez does not have a public e-mail address, mailing address, or phone number. Someone who claims to have this information is probably lying.

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Co-authors: 15
Updated: February 4, 2023
Views: 77,019
Article SummaryX

Selena Gomez is a busy celebrity, but luckily she does schedule some time to meet her fans! The easiest way to meet Selena Gomez is to buy a ticket to a meet and greet with her, which are usually listed on her website. You might also listen to the radio since certain stations sponsor contests that allow you to meet celebrities, like Selena Gomez. You can also send Gomez a message on her Facebook, Twitter, or Google Plus pages. While she doesn’t have time to respond to all of her messages, if you’re lucky she may respond to yours. To learn how to prepare to meet Selena Gomez, read on!

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