Do you like your bedroom, or is it just not good enough? Do you wish you could make it look like the one you dream about? Well, this article will help you get a perfect bedroom!

Part 1
Part 1 of 5:

Changing the Color

  1. 1
    Paint your room or wallpaper it or use both if you want to and you are able. Paint and wallpaper can really help you achieve your perfect room, however, it isn't necessary. If you're allowed to paint your room, choose a color that you like and that reflects you. If you aren't allowed to paint/wallpaper your room, hang some fabric on the walls, or just put up some posters and pictures that you like. You could also buy removable wall stickers to help give your walls some interest. These stickers are easily removable, and you can switch them around as much as you'd like.
    • Don't think you want to stick with a color for long? Instead of painting the walls a bold color, paint them white. What you can do is buy some blinds and put transparent curtains (of your favorite color) over them so when the sun seeps through, the color reflects on the walls.
    • Alternatively, use posters not paint. Right now you might want to get a soccer ball painted up on your wall. But what if you don't want it there later? What can you do? To avoid permanent change, put posters up instead. That way you can change it up all the time.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 5:

Increasing the Comfort

  1. 1
    Make your bedroom comfortable. Your room is where you can be alone and have personal time. You want to be comfortable in your room, so buy some blankets, rugs, curtains, and pillows that are your favorite colors. You could also experiment and have a colorful room. It's all your decision! If you want to save some money, you could make your own throw pillows and curtains. Make sure you get your parents' permission, fluffy cushions work well for a cozy feel.
  2. 2
    Get some seating. When your friends come over, you don't want to have them sit on the floor! Buy a chair or two for you and your friends to sit in. Consider buying a beanbag chair. They're comfy and they look good in bedrooms. If you can't buy one, ask someone to sew you one. You could also buy a moon chair. They're also very comfy and give your room a modern look. Another good option is an ottoman, especially if it doubles as a storage space!
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Part 3
Part 3 of 5:

Making a Study Zone

  1. 1
    Have a place to study. You're a teen, so the homework load is starting to increase, and you have exams to study for. Rather than studying in your kitchen, have a study space in your bedroom. Get a desk and a chair for you to sit in and do your homework.
  2. 2
    Don't forget the lights. Have some good lighting in your room. Have a desk lamp so that you have good light when you're studying, but have some other cool lights too. You can buy lanterns, fairy lights, or lamps in different shapes, sizes, and colors to really make a statement in your room.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 5:

Adding Storage Space

  1. 1
    Have some storage space. You totally need storage in your room! Have some big funky containers in your room or display your stuff on shelves. Either way is awesome. Also, you'll need a closet to keep your clothes. Don't have a messy closet. Keep it organized and clean. Try to make sure you have special places for your shoes, hats, purses, and clothes. Don't mix them up. Put your sweaters in drawers so they don't get wrecked, corner cupboards work well in small rooms.
    • Don't overdo it. Make sure you don't junk up your room with a ton of stuff. Put one or two ten-cubbie shelves against the wall and put stuff in bins. That also works with clothes if you can't find a cheap new dresser.
Part 5
Part 5 of 5:

Personalizing Your Space

  1. 1
    Make it personal. By now, your room looks great, but it probably looks more like a bedroom in a furniture showroom than your very own room. The simple answer to this problem is to personalize it! Buy a bulletin board to keep concert tickets, awards, special papers, pictures, and certificates on. Buy some picture frames and have pictures of you, your friends, your family, your boyfriend or girlfriend, etc. on your desk and walls. Put stuff in your bedroom that defines you and your personality! This will make your room more personal.
    • Make sure you can always see a picture of your family. It's just nice to have.
    • Don't be too exotic if you want your room to be elegant. Make sure you pick out bedding that doesn't have the whole rainbow and unicorns on it to. Stick to three colors. Blues and greens are good. So are light pinks, yellows, and dull reds. You don't want to get something you'll be bored with in a couple months.
  2. 2
    Keep your room clean and tidy. This is very important. Do you want your friends to come over and think you're a slob? Not to mention you'll lose half your stuff! Use a hamper for clothes, cups and bins for school supplies, and shelves with cube bins for miscellaneous things.
    • Make time for cleaning. Dust the table and other furniture, keep the window clean and try an clean the room at regular intervals.
    • Make your room smell nice by using lavender or any other fragrance. Use air fresheners if you like. You could even light refreshing incense, candles etc.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    What if I have too much stuff and not enough storage?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Sort through your room. You should be able to find some things that you can throw out or donate. If you find anything you haven't worn or used in the past 6 months or so, you probably don't need it.
  • Question
    Does everything in my room need to be the same color?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    No, it does not. However, it is recommended to pick colors that are neutral to ensure that they do not clash with each other if you choose to use more than one color.
  • Question
    What if I can't decide on a theme for my bedroom?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Look on the internet for anything that catches your fancy. Once you do, then begin decorating your room in that fashion.


  • Don't brag, your friends will tell you that you have a great room and that's always nice to hear.
  • If you have to share your room with a sister or brother, and they don't want to redecorate, make sure you have your own side that you can personalize for yourself, and eventually, they may want to try something new for themselves.
  • Don't brag; if you have siblings they may get jealous and try to ruin it for you.

Things You'll Need

  • Money (set a budget if needed)
  • Paint
  • Furniture
  • Decorating items
  • Curtains
  • Rugs
  • Bedspreads and pillows
  • Bulletin board

About This Article

Garrison Hullinger
Co-authored by:
Interior Designer
This article was co-authored by Garrison Hullinger. Garrison Hullinger is an Interior Designer and the President of Garrison Hullinger Interior Design (GHID). With more than 15 years of experience, he specializes in client-centered design that balances beauty and warmth with comfort and functionality. Garrison and GHID’s work has been featured in numerous publications such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Interior Design Magazine. Garrison attended Oklahoma Christian University. This article has been viewed 458,696 times.
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Co-authors: 143
Updated: February 22, 2023
Views: 458,696