Summer is an exciting season! You have the freedom to do anything you want without having to worry about tests, homework, or grades. To make sure you have a good summer, you can do outdoor activities, pick up a new skill or hobby, and hang out with your friends and family.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Having Fun Outdoors

  1. 1
    Go swimming to cool off. If you live somewhere that gets hot during the summer months, swimming is one of the few daytime activities that can actually cool you off. Hang out at a lake, river, friend’s pool, or community pool to swim some laps and play a quick game of Marco-Polo.[1]
    • If you don’t know how to swim, summer is a great time to learn. Most local pools offer weekly lessons.
  2. 2
    Play a sport with your friends. Since most of your friends will also be free all day, organize a pickup game of basketball, soccer, baseball, football, or deck hockey to get everyone involved. Playing on a team is a great way to make new friends and get some exercise during the day.[2]
    • Make sure you’re using the right equipment and being safe when playing. If someone gets hurt, stop the game immediately and get a parent to come help.
  3. 3
    Ride a bike or go for a walk with a friend in the evening. Summer evenings are normally a little bit cooler than the daytime and are the perfect time for getting outside. Break out your bike or go for a walk in the park to appreciate the nice weather and hang out with your friends.[3]
    • Make sure you’re wearing the proper safety equipment for biking, including helmets and knee pads.
  4. 4
    Have a picnic in the park. Pack up your favorite foods and drinks, grab a blanket, and head to the park for a picnic with friends. You can enjoy the weather and have a nice meal outside. Just make sure ants don’t get onto your blanket and into your food!
    • Always respect the rules of the park and don’t leave any trash when you clean up. Bring a bag with you to collect paper plates, cups, and napkins to throw away either at the park or at home.
  5. 5
    Check out local hiking trails or nature walks. Look online for maps of local trails and head out to explore them. Make sure you wear proper hiking shoes, like boots or sneakers. If you’re less experienced, a walk on a nature trail might be a bit quicker and easier to navigate.[4]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Learning Something New

  1. 1
    Take a music, art, or language class. Plenty of community colleges, local businesses, and community centers offer summer classes. If you’ve always wanted to learn how to play the piano, paint a portrait, or speak Spanish, now is the time to do it.[5]
    • For example, check out your local music shop if you’re interested in learning guitar. They might have lessons available during the day.
    • If you’re interested in language classes, check your local community college for classes.
  2. 2
    Read a new book, magazine, or comic. During the school year, it can feel like you have no time to read for fun. Pick a topic or story that interests you and read about it. Even if you only finish one book over the summer, it can keep your mind sharp for when classes start again.[6]
    • Some bookstores will have a summer reading section just for young adults. You can also check out the new arrivals rack for your next favorite title!
  3. 3
    Make a summer playlist. If you have some time on your hands, use apps like Spotify, Apple Music, or Google Play to make a summer playlist that you can listen to. The songs can be any genre or a mix of a few different ones, as long as they make you think of summer![7]
    • For example, you can mix some of your favorite songs in with new summer releases or hot songs at the beginning of the summer.
    • If you’re going on a trip, make a road trip or traveling playlist with just songs about traveling or going to new places.
  4. 4
    Visit a museum. Museums are a fun way to spend time inside away from the heat and learn something new. Many local museums will also offer discounts to students, or have weekends during the summer where they offer free entry. Take advantage of a great opportunity![8]
    • If you like art, visit a local gallery or an art museum.
    • Many places have local history museums where you can learn about the history of your town. You might even get to touch some of the artifacts or talk to someone who witnessed a historical event.
  5. 5
    Get a part-time summer job. Summer jobs can teach you a lot while also letting you earn some spending money on the side. Working part-time during the summer is fun and rewarding, and also leaves you with time to spend with friends and family.[9]
    • Look for stores and restaurants that are hiring near you and submit your resume. If you have experience, you can also try starting a babysitting, dog walking, or yard care business by contacting people who might need your services.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Spending Time with Friends and Family

  1. 1
    Go on vacation. Many families use summer as a time to take a trip, whether it’s somewhere nearby or far away. Pack your bags and do your research before you leave for your destination, and make sure you have a few activities in mind for your holiday.
    • If your family doesn’t do vacations, don’t worry. You can convince your family to have “staycation” where you spend a weekend relaxing, sightseeing, and going to places nearby that you’ve never visited in your city or town.
  2. 2
    Cook a meal for your family. Since you’ll have some free time and your parents might be busy during the day, lend a helping hand by cooking dinner. If you’ve never cooked before, you can start off by asking your parents to teach you how they prepare their favorite dish. By the end of summer, you might be able to put a meal on the table all by yourself!
    • An easy meal to learn how to prepare, and one that feeds a lot of people, is spaghetti and meatballs. If you’ve never made it before, ask your family to show you how they do it and take notes! Recreate the meal later in the summer for everyone to enjoy.
  3. 3
    Relax with your friends by watching a movie or playing a game. Sometimes, it might feel like you’ve run out of things to do outside. That means it’s time to come inside. Throw on a movie and make some popcorn, or break out Monopoly or a deck of cards. Spending time inside can help you recover after a long day in the sun.
  4. 4
    Make plans with your parents and family members. Your parents will probably still have to work during the summer, but you can make plans to hang out with them in the evenings or on weekends. Let them pick something fun that they like to do and let them teach you about it.[10]
    • Spending time with your parents during the summer is a good way to catch up. You can update them on what’s going on in your life, and they’ll probably look forward to spending time with you after a long week!
    • If you have siblings, do the same thing. Try to set aside time once per month for a sibling day where you hang out and do an activity that you both choose together.
    • For your extended family, make sure you’re keeping in contact during the summer. Call your grandparents regularly, text your cousins, and Facebook your aunts and uncles. You never know when someone might ask you to do something!
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    What can I do in summer to improve myself?
    Veleké Brown
    Veleké Brown
    Educator, Organizer, and Social Innovator
    Veleké Brown is an Educator, Organizer, and Social Innovator, as well as the Founder of E-RoadMap, a non-profit that offers youth development programs. Through Veleke's 15 years of dedication and relentless pursuit to succeed, ERM's work today catalyzes viable change that has driven individuals to become self-reliant, own and elevate their situation, develop a healthy relationship with food, and share learned knowledge with their children and others. ERM takes a transformative approach to address food inequality and insecurity issues for BIPOC throughout Florida. Veleke's work centers around philosophies, principles, and practice. These pillars govern her approach as she strives to create capable, confident, compassionate youth and communities working together using skills to solve problems not just for themselves, but for the world. She holds a BA in Public Administration and Social Service Professions from Virginia State University, as well as a Certificate in Diversity and Inclusion from Cornell University.
    Veleké Brown
    Educator, Organizer, and Social Innovator
    Expert Answer
    Finding a local volunteering opportunity is always a great way to give back to the community and connect with new people. It can also be a relaxing form of exercising. Taking a walk while listening to meditative music is another great way to exercise and decrease stress at the same time.
  • Question
    Can you get on your computer and look up some fun summer activities?
    Samantha L. Campbell
    Samantha L. Campbell
    Community Answer
    You can! If you search for "fun summer activities near me", you can also get results that are based on your location.
  • Question
    I'm not much of a summer person. Is it okay not to like summer?
    Community Answer
    Of course, some people find summer hot and sticky but that doesn't mean that you can't have fun. Just crank up the fans and you're safe until the winter!


  • If it regularly gets very hot where you live, stick to indoor activities until it cools down in the evening.
  • Always wear sunscreen if you’re going to be outside.
  • Stay hydrated during the day, as it’s easy to get dehydrated during the summer due to sweating.

Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you'd like to learn more about having a good summer, check out our in-depth interview with Veleké Brown.

About This Article

Veleké Brown
Co-authored by:
Educator, Organizer, and Social Innovator
This article was co-authored by Veleké Brown. Veleké Brown is an Educator, Organizer, and Social Innovator, as well as the Founder of E-RoadMap, a non-profit that offers youth development programs. Through Veleke's 15 years of dedication and relentless pursuit to succeed, ERM's work today catalyzes viable change that has driven individuals to become self-reliant, own and elevate their situation, develop a healthy relationship with food, and share learned knowledge with their children and others. ERM takes a transformative approach to address food inequality and insecurity issues for BIPOC throughout Florida. Veleke's work centers around philosophies, principles, and practice. These pillars govern her approach as she strives to create capable, confident, compassionate youth and communities working together using skills to solve problems not just for themselves, but for the world. She holds a BA in Public Administration and Social Service Professions from Virginia State University, as well as a Certificate in Diversity and Inclusion from Cornell University. This article has been viewed 112,807 times.
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Co-authors: 45
Updated: March 14, 2023
Views: 112,807
Categories: Vacation Time