The first week of summer is glorious. By the second week, you almost want to go back to school early. Shake that thought out of your head. There's a world of activity out there, so seize the day and see what grabs your attention.

Part 1
Part 1 of 6:

How to Have Fun with New Interests

  1. 1
    Learn a new hobby. Is there something you've always wanted to learn, but didn't think you could? Summer might provide the free time you need to pick up something new. Here are some suggestions:[1]
  2. 2
    Play a sport. In most places, summer is a great time of year for outdoor sports, as long as you can stand the heat. If you don't have a favorite sport yet, there's no better time to pick one up.
  3. 3
    Make a film. Get some friends over and brainstorm a movie idea. This can be anything from a science fiction story, to a competitive cooking show, to a music video. If you get into the project, it can provide weeks of fun planning a storyboard, costumes, recruiting extras, and editing the film.
    • You could also come up with an idea for a series of smaller videos, and start a Youtube channel.
  4. 4
    Start a radio show. Get a recording program or a tape recorder and start your own show. Write up a list of things you want to include on your show: music, jokes, interviews, advertisements, fake or genuine news commentary, etc.
  5. 5
    Find a craft project. Arts and crafts projects can take time and patience you don't have during the school year, but they're perfect for summertime. Here are some ideas:
    • Fold a paper heart. You can cut out heart-shaped notes for your loved ones, or get some square origami paper and try to make a fancier version. There are many more origami projects to try as well.
    • Make rainbow crayons, or try melting crayons on hot rocks to make art.
    • Make your slime or play dough. Use these strange-feeling materials for pranks, or just to play with for fun.
    • Make a Solar Hot Air Balloon. These balloons can travel hundreds of miles in a day and are easy to make.
  6. 6
    Excel at a complicated game. There are more games out there than you could ever learn in a lifetime, but summer allows you to pick one and become a master strategist. Some games like bridge, chess, Magic, or Starcraft II even have international tournaments with massive rewards for the winners.
  7. 7
    Learn to cook.[2] If you don't know how to cook or you don't know much about food, you could learn some recipes now. There are thousands of recipes available online or in cookbooks from the library or bookstores, or you could try these easy ideas to start with:
    • Make cold, refreshing smoothies. Try different, even wacky combinations, either to make a nice cold summer drink or to dare your friends to drink a mysterious concoction.
    • Make a chocolate peanut butter parfait as a delicious dessert.
    • Make hummus for dipping crackers. If you're ambitious, you could even make homemade bread.
  8. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 6:

How to Improve Yourself

  1. 1
    Get a summer job. It'll keep you busy, introduce you to new people, and earn some money.[3] Many retail businesses, tourist attractions, or summer festivals need workers during the summer.
  2. 2
    Volunteer. Helping your community can be satisfying, uplifting work, and of course, you're working towards a good cause of well. Look for an organization in your area that picks up trash, works with injured or abandoned animals, or works for political causes.
    • Volunteering also looks good on college applications, although interviews and essays will go a lot better if you are genuinely interested in the work.
    • Volunteering is always a great way to give back to the community, connect and meet new people as well as a relaxing form of exercising.
  3. 3
    Check out a stack of books from the library.[4] Books can transport you into a different world, or let you see through the eyes of others. Try learning all you can on a particular topic, such as Norse mythology, Japanese history, or space travel.
    • If you want to learn even more, try an online college course. Some of the world's top universities even post lectures online, and these are often more interesting than high school (secondary school) classes.[5]
  4. 4
    Start a journal. Many people keep journals to reflect on their day, work through hard times, or write down their plans for the upcoming day. Maybe, in a few years, you'll read it again and smile at your summer memories.[6]
  5. 5
    Write a novel. This is a huge project, that could fill your entire summer and more if you get inspired. If you're not sure where to begin, try writing a story imitating your favorite author, or work together with a friend so you can trade ideas.
    • If you have an idea for a novel, but are less experienced at writing, try writing a short story and work your way up.
  6. 6
    Learn a language. Knowing a foreign language can lead to many opportunities, not to mention it looks good on college applications. Get started by finding a beginner's class nearby, or ask a friend or family member to teach you a language they know. Search online for free language lessons, online learning tools, or foreign conversation partners.
  7. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 6:

How to Participate in Events

  1. 1
    Hit up local events. Most areas host fairs, festivals, carnivals, or other fun events during the summer. Check your city's calendar online, or ask other people in the area whether they've heard of events. Check the websites or advertisements for nearby venues, including concert locations, theaters, and sports stadiums.[7]
  2. 2
    Act like a tourist in your town. Look at your town's or region's tourism website or brochures advertising events and find out what attracts people traveling from other locations. There might be anything from museums to merry-go-rounds lurking in your town, or areas a short drive away.[8]
  3. 3
    Go camping. Spend a couple of days with friends or family at a campsite, or camp in your backyard. Gather friends around a campfire or barbecue to tell scary stories and make s'mores.
  4. 4
    Go geocaching. Find a geocaching site online, and look up locations near you to see if anyone has hidden secret rewards. You can search for these caches or hide your own wither with a GPS unit or by finding the coordinates on a map.
  5. 5
    Invent an indoor vacation. If weather, transportation, or a lack of events prevents you from leaving the house, take a fake vacation. Invite a couple of friends for a sleepover and decorate your room like a palace, jungle, hotel, or anything you like. Go shopping for unusual foods and "souvenirs" to share with your guests. If the weather is rainy, dress up in swimsuits and sunglasses and lounge around indoors pretending you're visiting a location with a proper summer.
  6. 6
    Get in touch with old friends. If your current friends are out of town or busy, look through your old yearbooks, phone contacts, or emails and reconnect with people you used to know. Any of the activities above can be more fun with friends, or you can simply spend an afternoon catching up with each other or reminiscing.
  7. 7
    Try to build something. It could be anything, a house made out of cardboard or a simple 3D puzzle. This would help you think logically and help you to keep up your resilience.
  8. Advertisement
Part 4
Part 4 of 6:

How to Have Fun in Hot Weather

  1. 1
    Go swimming. If you live in an area where summers are hot, you can have fun and cool off at the same time. Visit the beach or the pool with friends or family.[9] Play swimming games like Marco Polo or Shark Attack, hold swimming races, or get a group of friends together to play water polo.
  2. 2
    Cool off with water activities. Even if you don't have anywhere to swim, you might find ways to have fun with water. Put on a swimsuit or light clothes you don't mind getting wet, and find some overheated friends to join you in these activities:
    • Turn on the sprinklers on a lawn and play tag, hide-and-go-seek, or red rover in the middle of the spraying water.
    • Have a water fight. Fill up some water balloons, buy a cheap water gun at the dollar store, or use a garden hose. This can be a fun one-time activity... or the start of a water fight war.
  3. 3
    Make cold drinks and desserts. A cold beverage or a bowl of ice cream can be wonderful in hot weather. Making them yourself is even better for curing boredom.
    • Try making homemade ice cream, either with the classic "salt and ice" method or with a method that recreates the creamy, rich taste of real ice cream.
    • Make popsicles and keep your freezer stocked all summer.
    • Fill your fridge with homemade ginger ale or lemonade.
    • Make an ice lick. Place cold water in a cup with a disposable straw or spoon. Keep it in the freezer for 2 hours, then take it out and eat it while it's cold and yummy.
  4. 4
    Relax indoors. Find a cool, shady room, or make a blanket fort out of light sheets to create a refuge from the sun. Turn on a fan, find a book to read, and wait for the hottest part of the day to pass.
    • Other relaxed indoor activities include sewing, playing solitaire or other card games, watching a movie or listening to music.
  5. 5
    Play games around sunset. As dusk starts to fall and the temperatures cool off, gather a group of friends to play games like hide-and-seek, sardines, freeze tag, or capture the flag in a large yard or park. If the evening is still too hot for physical activity, set up a table outside and play card games or board games while the air cools down.
    • Pick a board game that won't be blown away by the wind, such as Carcassonne, Tikal, or Blokus.[10] These are all moderately popular games sold at many game stores, but classics like Chess, Checkers, or any board game's magnetic travel version are even easier to find.
    • A trick-taking card game like Hearts can be played in windy areas, as long as you have rocks or other heavy objects to hold down the tricks.
  6. Advertisement
Part 5
Part 5 of 6:

How to Do Some Decorating

  1. 1
    Organize or redecorate your room. Some people like this activity more than others, but even if you're not much of a decorator it beats sitting around doing nothing. Even just sorting through old clutter can help you find old toys, books, and other nostalgic objects. For a larger project, paint your room or hang up posters and pictures.
  2. 2
    Pick flowers in your neighborhood. See how many kinds of different wildflowers you can find in your yard or nearby fields. Make a bouquet, or press them to make permanent decorations. Leaves can also be dried to use in art projects or just to keep around as decoration.
    • Don't pick flowers from other people's yards without permission, or if the flowers look intentionally planted.
  3. Advertisement
Part 6
Part 6 of 6:

How to Have Fun with Grooming

  1. 1
    Make your own beauty treatments.[11] There are hundreds of natural DIY recipes, using yogurt, avocado, or other natural ingredients. Open up your cupboards and treat yourself to a cheap spa day.
  2. 2
    Update your wardrobe. Sort through your clothes, and pick out the ones that you don't want/are too small for you. Invite some friends over, and ask them to bring some clothes/other items they don't want. Trade clothes with each other, or sell them at a yard sale to raise some spending money. You could also donate your clothes to charity.
  3. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How can I have a stress-free summer?
    Veleké Brown
    Veleké Brown
    Educator, Organizer, and Social Innovator
    Veleké Brown is an Educator, Organizer, and Social Innovator, as well as the Founder of E-RoadMap, a non-profit that offers youth development programs. Through Veleke's 15 years of dedication and relentless pursuit to succeed, ERM's work today catalyzes viable change that has driven individuals to become self-reliant, own and elevate their situation, develop a healthy relationship with food, and share learned knowledge with their children and others. ERM takes a transformative approach to address food inequality and insecurity issues for BIPOC throughout Florida. Veleke's work centers around philosophies, principles, and practice. These pillars govern her approach as she strives to create capable, confident, compassionate youth and communities working together using skills to solve problems not just for themselves, but for the world. She holds a BA in Public Administration and Social Service Professions from Virginia State University, as well as a Certificate in Diversity and Inclusion from Cornell University.
    Veleké Brown
    Educator, Organizer, and Social Innovator
    Expert Answer
    Put on some meditative music while you go out for a walk. Not only will you get some exercise, you'll also destress at the same time.
  • Question
    What should I do if I have a ton of schoolwork, but I still want to have some fun?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Use fun things as a reward for finishing some work. After studying for 45 minutes or so, take a 15 minute break to play a video game, go outside and ride your bike a little, etc. When you've finished all your work, give yourself a big reward, like going to a friend's house to play.
  • Question
    How can I make friends when everyone thinks I'm lame?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It sounds as though you just need to find "your tribe," those who share your same interests. Join clubs or sports teams that appeal to you, consider doing volunteer work in a cause you believe in, and just be yourself. Your true friends will appreciate the real you.


  • Make sure your parents are okay with what you're doing before you do it. Summer is a miserable time to be grounded.
  • Only swim in areas with a lifeguard or expert swimmers paying attention.

Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you'd like to learn more about having a good summer, check out our in-depth interview with Veleké Brown.

About This Article

Veleké Brown
Co-authored by:
Educator, Organizer, and Social Innovator
This article was co-authored by Veleké Brown. Veleké Brown is an Educator, Organizer, and Social Innovator, as well as the Founder of E-RoadMap, a non-profit that offers youth development programs. Through Veleke's 15 years of dedication and relentless pursuit to succeed, ERM's work today catalyzes viable change that has driven individuals to become self-reliant, own and elevate their situation, develop a healthy relationship with food, and share learned knowledge with their children and others. ERM takes a transformative approach to address food inequality and insecurity issues for BIPOC throughout Florida. Veleke's work centers around philosophies, principles, and practice. These pillars govern her approach as she strives to create capable, confident, compassionate youth and communities working together using skills to solve problems not just for themselves, but for the world. She holds a BA in Public Administration and Social Service Professions from Virginia State University, as well as a Certificate in Diversity and Inclusion from Cornell University. This article has been viewed 1,116,636 times.
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Co-authors: 196
Updated: March 14, 2023
Views: 1,116,636
Categories: Boredom Busters
Article SummaryX

To beat boredom over the summer, try pursuing new activities or hobbies that interest you, such as learning to play an instrument, cooking, crafting, or trying a new sport. If your summer goal is self-improvement, consider getting a part-time job or volunteering in your community. Don't forget to set aside time for fun activities like swimming, movie nights, water sports, and attending summer festivals with your friends! For tips on exploring your hometown to pass the time, read on!

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