Simple tips to minimize and prevent stretch marks right at home

Stretch marks typically appear after you gain or lose weight quickly, especially after pregnancy. While they can make you feel self-conscious about your body, these "tiger stripes" are very common and usually harmless. Even though stretch marks are permanent scars, there are some things you can do to make them less noticeable. If you maintain a healthy weight and take care of your skin, it's possible to prevent additional stretch marks or keep the ones you have from getting worse.[1]

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Minimizing the Appearance of Stretch Marks

  1. 1
    Try stretch mark creams or lotions on new stretch marks. There are many commercial creams and lotions that claim to reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Although these products haven't been proven to work on mature stretch marks, they may have some effect on new stretch marks.[2]
    • You can find stretch mark creams and lotions wherever skincare or beauty products are sold, including discount stores and pharmacies. Look for products with hyaluronic acid, which can improve the size and color of stretch marks so they're less noticeable.
    • Mature stretch marks that you've had for months or even years likely won't respond at all to these creams or lotions. If you've been struggling with your stretch marks for a while, commercial creams and lotions are likely a waste of money.
  2. 2
    Use self-tanning lotions or makeup to cover up your stretch marks. Stretch marks themselves don't tan in the sun or in a traditional tanning bed, but self-tanning lotions may help make them look less obvious. You can also use body makeup, which is usually waterproof, to cover up stretch marks if that part of your skin will be visible, such as when you're wearing a swimsuit.[3]
    • Even though body makeup is typically waterproof, if you're going to be spending a lot of time in a pool, the makeup will still likely wash off.
    • Avoid traditional tanning, either in the sun or in a tanning bed. It can make stretch marks more obvious and causes additional damage to your skin.
  3. 3
    Moisturize your skin with cocoa butter. There is no proof that using cocoa butter or any other moisturizing lotion on your stretch marks will help minimize their appearance. However, it can make your skin look and feel better overall, which might help you to feel better about your stretch marks.[4]
    • Follow the directions on the bottle to apply the lotion to your skin. Massaging the lotion in might help.

    Tip: There are other natural products, including olive oil, coconut oil, lemon juice, and aloe vera gel, that people claim will minimize the appearance of stretch marks. There's no proof that any of these treatments work, but they aren't harmful and might make you feel a little better about your appearance.[5]

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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Preventing Additional Stretch Marks

  1. 1
    Maintain a stable healthy weight as much as possible. While gaining and losing weight rapidly because of pregnancy may be largely unavoidable, other weight fluctuations can be more manageable. Talk to your doctor about your ideal weight and create a plan to lose weight in a healthy way if necessary.[6]
    • Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Going for a brisk walk is sufficient, although you should also do some resistance exercises at least 2 or 3 days a week.
    • Generally, eat a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables and other unprocessed foods. If you're trying to develop a new diet, you might want to talk to a nutritionist about healthy eating choices. There are also apps you can download for your smartphone that will help you make good nutritional choices.
  2. 2
    Use products containing centella asiatica or hyaluronic acid if you anticipate stretch marks. Centella asiatica is an herbal oil that stimulates collagen production in your skin. Hyaluronic acid, on the other hand, is naturally produced by your skin. However, your skin naturally decreases the production of hyaluronic acid as you get older. Clinical trials have shown both centella asiatica and hyaluronic acid can be marginally effective at preventing additional stretch marks.[7]
    • It's best to use these products before stretch marks appear. They generally don't do anything for existing stretch marks. For example, if you're pregnant, you might use these products on your abdomen and breasts, where stretch marks are most likely to appear.
    • Products with hyaluronic acid can be found anywhere skin and beauty products are sold, including discount stores and pharmacies, as well as online. Since centella asiatica is also used to reduce scarification and treat wounds, you might also find it in the wound care section of your local pharmacy.

    Warning: Ask your doctor or obstetrician before using products containing centella asiatica or hyaluronic acid if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

  3. 3
    Massage your skin with almond oil daily for 15 minutes. You can find almond oil at health food or grocery stores. The brand or variety is unimportant. Apply almond oil liberally to parts of your skin that are susceptible to stretch marks, then massage your skin for 15 minutes. This can help prevent stretch marks from appearing.[8]
    • The preventative value of this treatment may have more to do with the massage itself than with the almond oil specifically. If you're allergic to almonds or don't like the smell of them, you can try other oils.
  4. 4
    Drink plenty of water every day to keep your skin hydrated. If you're dehydrated, your skin will also suffer. If your skin is dry and not as flexible, it might be more prone to developing stretch marks. Generally, women should drink at least 11.5 cups (2,700 mL) of water a day, while men should drink at least 15 cups (3,500 mL).[9]
    • Different people have different hydration needs, depending on your height and weight and how active you are throughout the day. If you're pregnant or breastfeeding, you'll need to drink more water.
    • You can tell you're properly hydrated if your urine is light yellow or colorless.
    • Reduce your consumption of caffeine and alcohol, which are dehydrating. When you do drink caffeinated or alcoholic beverages, you'll need to drink more water to stay well-hydrated.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

When to Seek Medical Care

  1. 1
    Visit your doctor if you have widespread or excessive stretch marks. If your stretch marks worry or concern you, your doctor may be able to recommend an effective treatment. Tell your doctor how long you've had stretch marks, what the likely cause of your stretch marks was, and what you expect from treatment.[10]
    • You might also need medical treatment if your stretch marks are inflamed or cause discomfort.[11]
  2. 2
    Seek medical approval for treatments if you're pregnant or breastfeeding. Many treatments that minimize the appearance of stretch marks can harm your baby. Your doctor will be able to tell you if a treatment is safe for you to use.[12]
    • Retinoids, in particular, can be harmful to babies. However, these treatments are generally only available by prescription. If you're pregnant or breastfeeding, your doctor likely won't prescribe them.
    • Also ask your doctor about over-the-counter treatments. Some herbs, including centella asiatica, are also potentially harmful to your baby.
  3. 3
    Get tested for Cushing's syndrome if you have large, dark stretch marks. Large, dark stretch marks can be a symptom of Cushing's syndrome, a condition caused by having too much cortisol. This is particularly likely if you haven't recently experienced rapid weight loss or gain, or if in addition to the stretch marks you have any of the following symptoms:[13]
    • Fat on your chest and tummy, but relatively thin arms and legs
    • Fat around the back of your neck and your shoulders
    • A rounded face that's frequently red and puffy

    Tip: If you have Cushing's syndrome, your doctor will likely prescribe a medication that controls your cortisol levels. This can help prevent new stretch marks, since elevated cortisol levels can cause stretch marks to develop.

  4. 4
    Ask your doctor about a prescription for a retinoid medication. Retinoid creams can be effective at treating stretch marks, particularly new stretch marks, because they boost elastin and collagen production.[14]
    • Typically, your doctor will write a prescription for the cream and you apply it to your stretch marks daily at home for about 16 weeks. Read the application instructions carefully.
    • Retinoid creams can make your skin more sensitive to the sun. Limit sun exposure or cover the area during the treatment period.
  5. 5
    Consult a dermatologist for more aggressive treatment. Dermatologists use several different procedures that can make your stretch marks look less noticeable, although they likely won't get rid of them completely. A board-certified dermatologist can examine your stretch marks and recommend the procedure that would work best for you. Procedures dermatologists use include:[15]
    • Chemical peel: removes top layer of damaged skin; encourages skin regeneration
    • Laser therapy: smooths stretch mark skin; typically requires several treatments
    • Microdermabrasion: exfoliates the outer layer of the skin
    • Radiofrequency: high-frequency electrical energy shrinks stretch marks[16]
    • Ultrasound: micro focused ultrasound vibrates skin cells to improve circulation[17]
  6. 6
    Talk to a plastic surgeon if you want to remove your stretch marks. The only way to permanently remove stretch marks is through plastic surgery, typically a tummy tuck. However, only stretch marks located on the skin that's removed will go away — any stretch marks anywhere else would remain the same.[18]
    • Other procedures, including laser surgery, can also reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Your plastic surgeon may recommend several procedures at once, particularly if you were previously pregnant. These packages are typically referred to as a "mommy makeover."
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Expert Q&A
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  • Question
    Can I use aloe vera and shampoo for my body's stretch marks?
    Lisa Bryant, ND
    Lisa Bryant, ND
    Licensed Naturopathic Physician
    Dr. Lisa Bryant is Licensed Naturopathic Physician and natural medicine expert based in Portland, Oregon. She earned a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from the National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon and completed her residency in Naturopathic Family Medicine there in 2014.
    Lisa Bryant, ND
    Licensed Naturopathic Physician
    Expert Answer

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    Yes, aloe vera has healing properties that make it a good option for reducing the appearance of stretch marks.
  • Question
    I'm 14 yrs old and I have brown stretch marks on my butt, inner thighs, waist, and at the back of my legs. How can I make them less visible?
    Lisa Bryant, ND
    Lisa Bryant, ND
    Licensed Naturopathic Physician
    Dr. Lisa Bryant is Licensed Naturopathic Physician and natural medicine expert based in Portland, Oregon. She earned a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from the National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon and completed her residency in Naturopathic Family Medicine there in 2014.
    Lisa Bryant, ND
    Licensed Naturopathic Physician
    Expert Answer

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    You can try the above listed treatments. But also remember that lots of people have stretch marks, so try not to worry about them too much :)

About This Article

Lisa Bryant, ND
Co-authored by:
Licensed Naturopathic Physician
This article was co-authored by Lisa Bryant, ND and by wikiHow staff writer, Jennifer Mueller, JD. Dr. Lisa Bryant is Licensed Naturopathic Physician and natural medicine expert based in Portland, Oregon. She earned a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from the National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon and completed her residency in Naturopathic Family Medicine there in 2014. This article has been viewed 305,148 times.
9 votes - 76%
Co-authors: 15
Updated: May 20, 2022
Views: 305,148

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The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always contact your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional before starting, changing, or stopping any kind of health treatment.

Article SummaryX

Although you can't get your stretch marks to fade completely, you can keep your skin hydrated and help the marks fade so they're less noticeable. Once a day, apply a cream containing cocoa butter or centella asiatica. Cocoa butter may help your stretch marks fade and keeps your skin hydrated so they're less noticeable. Centella asiatica increases your skin collagen and is often used to treat scars. You should also make sure you drink at least 2 liters of water a day, which will help your skin stay hydrated and heal better. For more tips from our Medical co-author, including how to cover up your stretch marks with makeup, read on.

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