Dimpled, unsightly cellulite is genetic, and unfortunately, there is very little you can do to make it go away for good. You can wage a war against cellulite on the back of your thighs and have some success in making it go away temporarily or look a little less noticeable, though. Here are a few things worth trying.

Part 1
Part 1 of 6:

Massages, Creams, and Cosmetics

  1. 1
    Massage your cellulite away. Theoretically, by massaging the back of your thighs, you might be able to improve the circulation in that portion of your leg. Improved circulation can decrease the dimpled, embarrassing look of cellulite.
    • You can massage the area using your fingers if nothing else is available. Rub the back of your thighs using firm circular motions for 5 to 10 minutes daily. Cover the entire area affected by cellulite.
    • You could also try a massage soap. These soaps generally have small bumps or nubs to help stimulate blood flow and break up solidified fluids below the surface of your skin. Many also contains exfoliants the remove dead skin cells and toxins, as well as caffeine to firm up your skin.[1]
  2. 2
    Use an exfoliator. Like massages, a gently exfoliator can stimulate improved circulation and rid your thighs of toxins.
    • Look for exfoliators with natural exfoliants, like ground coffee, sugar, and salt. These are generally considered gentle and safe for use with most people.
    • In particular, exfoliators containing ground coffee can help tighten your skin thanks to the caffeine content.
    • For best results, choose one that also includes an oil, like avocado oil or vitamin E oil, so that you skin can be enriched and hydrated.
  3. 3
    Try a cellulite serum or cream. Skin-firming serums and creams can be found in just about any convenience store or grocery store in the health and beauty section. The jury is out regarding just how effective these treatments are, but many claim to notice reduced dimpling in cellulite within a few weeks after use.
    • Most cellulite serums include ingredients meant to firm up the skin, including lotus leaf extract, Coenzyme 10, and L-Carnitine.
    • Apply daily for best results. You may see some improvement in one to two weeks.
    • Be aware that some of these creams and serums contain small doses of stimulants, which can have unexpected side effects if used too frequently. There are also claims that these creams cause swelling instead of shrinking, thereby producing an effect that is only temporary.
  4. 4
    Hide cellulite with a self-tanner. If you cannot get rid of unsightly cellulite on the back of your thighs, you might be able to camouflage it by carefully applying a tanning lotion or other self-tanner product.
    • Apply your self-tanner of choice all over your legs. Do not use it merely on the back of your thighs, since doing so will cause your skin to look uneven and only draw attention to the area.
    • While dark, tanned skin can mask the look of cellulite, you should still only apply a thin layer of self-tanner so that your skin looks natural and healthy.
  5. 5
    Consider a homemade fix. Searching online can lead you to a variety of natural, homemade creams pastes that claim to zap cellulite away. If you do try one of these home remedies, look for a version that hydrates your skin while exfoliating it and stimulating circulation.
    • One home remedy floating around the Internet is a scrub made with 1/2 cup (125 ml) ground coffee, 1 Tbsp (15 ml) white granulated sugar, 2 to 3 Tbsp (30 to 45 ml) olive oil, 1 tsp (5 ml) glycerin, and 2 tsp (10 ml) vitamin E oil. Combine all the ingredients together until evenly blended.[2]
    • Wash the back of your thighs in hot water to open your pores. Use your hands to apply the scrub over the back of your thighs, directly over the cellulite, and scrub firmly for 5 minutes.
    • Wrap plastic wrap over the scrub on your legs to trap in moisture and heat. Let sit for 10 minutes before removing the plastic wrap and rinsing the scrub off your legs. Follow up with your favorite moisturizer.
    • Coffee has caffeine and antioxidants that can drive out some of the toxins in your body responsible for causing dimpled cellulite. It can also improve your blood flow.
    • Sugar is an exfoliant that can help clear out your pores.
    • Olive oil, glycerin, and vitamin E oil can hydrate and protect your skin.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 6:

Diet and Exercise

  1. 1
    Eat a diet rich in fiber and protein. As with any other type of fat, getting rid of unwanted cellulite in your thighs begins with eating a balanced diet filled with foods that can help you shed fat cells.
    • Fiber, which can be obtained in large quantities from whole grains, fruits, and leafy vegetables, regulates your body and helps clear waste and toxins out through the intestines.
    • Protein, which can be found in meats and nuts, can help repair broken and damaged collagen and connective tissues. As a result, your skin becomes firmer, and the dimpled, wrinkled cellulite in the back of your thighs will be reduced. In general, sources of lean protein like fish are preferred over fatty protein sources like red meat.
    • You should also avoid saturated fats and trans fats as much as possible. In particular, avoid “junk food” like greasy fast food, potato chips, and candy, since junk food tends to be high in trans fats.
  2. 2
    Get the right number of calories. In order to get rid of cellulite, you need to burn fat. In order to burn fat, you need to burn more calories than you consume.
    • Determine your ideal weight based on your BMI, or body mass index.
    • If you exercise three to four times weekly for at least 60 minutes, multiply your goal weight by 15. If you do not exercise, multiply it by 13. If you exercise an hour a day or more, multiply by 20. The product equals the number of daily calories you should aim to consume.[3]
    • Pay attention to the number of calories you consume at the end of one week. Subtract the number of daily calories you should consume from this amount to determine how many calories you need to work on cutting out of your diet to lose weight and shed fat.
  3. 3
    Drink plenty of water. More water will help your body shed toxins and fat, so cellulite all over your body will be reduced, including the cellulite gathering in your thighs.
    • Water can also improve the strength of collagen and connective tissue in your skin, making your skin much firmer. This can help reduce the wrinkled appearance of collagen and create a smoother look on the back of your thighs.
    • You should try to increase the amount of water you drink on a daily basis. The optimal amount for the human body is eight 8-oz (250-ml) glasses of water, but most people do not get this amount. Increase your intake to this ideal if you have not yet reached it. If you already drink this much water, consider drinking another glass or two extra.
  4. 4
    Take a hike. Any walk or other form of cardiovascular exercise will do the trick, though. Cardiovascular exercise improves circulation, allowing you to burn off more fat overall.
    • Other simple types of cardiovascular activity include jogging, swimming, and jump-roping.
    • Try to perform cardiovascular exercise a few times weekly for optimal results.
    • If you plan to walk off the excess cellulite on your thighs, try to walk 45 to 60 minutes each evening for six evenings, giving yourself one day of rest. Walk at a brisk pace, but go at a rate that feels comfortable for you. Keep at it with your shoulders back and your head up, but slow down if your legs get stiff or if you feel dizzy and out of breath.
  5. 5
    Work in some strength training. Aside from exercises that get your blood pumping, exercises that can help build muscles in your thighs can help tone your legs and minimize the appearance of fat that gathers there.
    • Effective weight training will target your thighs and lower body overall. There are many different types of exercises you could try, but only a few are noted in this article.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 6:

Specific Exercise – Thigh Raise

  1. 1
    Lie face down with your legs slightly raised.[4] You should be flat on your stomach. Raise your legs, starting at a spot just a bit above your knees, so that your feet are 4 inches (10 cm) or so off the ground.
    • Your neck and head should not be flat on the ground, but you should not bend them back unnaturally, either. Keep your head slightly up, still facing downward at an angle, however, and fold your arms in front of you for the duration of the exercise.
  2. 2
    Bend your knees. Slowly bend your knees while keeping them off the ground. Hold the position for 5 seconds when you start out.
    • Eventually, you should try to hold the position for 15 seconds.
    • Your knees should not be quite perpendicular to the floor.
  3. 3
    Slowly straighten your legs out. Gradually unbend your knees, straightening the leg out as you go. Finish by lowering your straight legs back down to the ground.
    • Repeat 10 times or so during each routine.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 6:

Specific Exercise – Pony Kick

  1. 1
    Rest on your elbows and knees. Your forearms should be flat against the ground and your shins should be nearly flat against the ground, as well.
    • Keep your head, neck, and back in a natural position. They should be straight without being rigid, and your back should angle down slightly toward your front half.
  2. 2
    Raise your left thigh slowly. You should try to raise the thigh to about 45 degrees. Your knee should be bent, and your heel should face upward.
    • Keep your back straight as you lift you leg.
    • Hold yourself in this position for five seconds.
  3. 3
    Lower the leg and repeat. Slowly lower your left leg to your starting position. Once lowered, lift the left leg again in the same manner.
    • This exercise should be repeated at least five times during a routine with one leg.
  4. 4
    Repeat, switching legs. When you have finished exercising your left leg, repeat the same steps using your right leg.
    • You should lift your right leg the same number of times you lifted your left leg.
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Part 5
Part 5 of 6:

Specific Exercise – Thigh Chair

  1. 1
    Stand near a wall. You should stand up straight, with your heels approximately 12 inches (30.5 cm) away from the wall.
    • Your feet should also be about shoulder-width apart.
  2. 2
    Slide your body down the wall. Ease your body backward and downward simultaneously until you hit the wall. Your posture should resemble the position you would be in while sitting in a chair.
    • In other words, your thighs should be perpendicular to the floor.
  3. 3
    Hold your sitting position before standing back up. Stay in this position for 30 to 120 seconds. When done, carefully stand back up to your starting position.
    • You may need to use your arms to help stabilize yourself against the wall as you return to a standing position.
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Part 6
Part 6 of 6:

Medical Tricks

  1. 1
    Check into laser treatments. Laser therapy liquifies the fat, driving it into your lymph system, from where it can be eliminated.
    • Note that results can vary, but are generally minimal and only temporary.
    • Laser treatments can help reduce the amount of fat below the skin and cause the skin the look firmer afterward, but treatments will need to be repeated every few months to maintain the appearance.
  2. 2
    Stay away from liposuction. Liposuction is occasionally attempted for the elimination of cellulite, but this expensive surgical procedure can actually make the problem worse instead of better.
    • Liposuction tends to remove deep layers of fat. Fat linked to cellulite tends to lie directly below the skin, however. When these deep layers of fat are removed, your skin and the fat below it no longer have any "padding" to dampen the effect and appearance of cellulite. As such, the wrinkling can get worse.[5]
  3. 3
    Consult with your doctor. If you are still concerned about the cellulite on the back of your thighs, schedule an appointment with your doctor to talk about other healthy ways to get rid of it.[6]
    • Your doctor may discuss plastic surgery with you, but he or she will likely focus on natural lifestyle changes or drugs that can assist you in your fight against cellulite. Talking to a doctor is a good choice to make if you are lost and needing further guidance on how to establish a diet, exercise, and lifestyle routine capable of reducing the harsh appearance of cellulite on the back of your thighs.
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    What causes cellulite on back of thighs?
    Lydia Shedlofsky, DO Dr. Lydia Shedlofsky is a Resident Dermatologist who joined Affiliated Dermatology in July of 2019 after completing a traditional rotating internship at Larkin Community Hospital in Miami, Florida. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology at Guilford College in Greensboro, North Carolina. After graduation, she moved to Beira, Mozambique, and worked as a research assistant and intern at a free clinic. She completed a Post-Baccalaureate program and subsequently earned a Master's Degree in Medical Education and a Doctorate of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) from the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine.
    Lydia Shedlofsky, DO
    Expert Answer
    Cellulite is the genetic thinning of the surrounding layers of tissue, which allows the fat to be seen even in slim individuals.

Things You'll Need

  • Massage soap
  • Exfoliator, homemade or commercially-made
  • Cellulite serum or cream
  • Self-tanner

About This Article

Lydia Shedlofsky, DO
Co-authored by:
This article was co-authored by Lydia Shedlofsky, DO and by wikiHow staff writer, Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA. Dr. Lydia Shedlofsky is a Resident Dermatologist who joined Affiliated Dermatology in July of 2019 after completing a traditional rotating internship at Larkin Community Hospital in Miami, Florida. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology at Guilford College in Greensboro, North Carolina. After graduation, she moved to Beira, Mozambique, and worked as a research assistant and intern at a free clinic. She completed a Post-Baccalaureate program and subsequently earned a Master's Degree in Medical Education and a Doctorate of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) from the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine. This article has been viewed 564,790 times.
3 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 11
Updated: July 23, 2021
Views: 564,790
Article SummaryX

While you can’t get rid of cellulite on the back of your thighs permanently, you can make it go away temporarily or look less noticeable. Massage the back of your thighs in a circular motion for 5 to 10 minutes a day to improve circulation, which can decrease the dimpled look. Additionally, apply a gentle exfoliator with natural ingredients, like ground coffee or salt, which can tighten your skin. In addition to these home remedies, eat a diet rich in fiber and protein, which can help you shed unwanted fat cells. Drinking more water will also help your body shed fat as well as improve the strength of collagen and connective tissue, which will make your skin firmer. To learn how to perform specific exercises that can reduce the appearance of cellulite on your thighs, keep reading!

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