Getting Lucario in Pokémon Diamond is just as easy as getting it in Pearl. As a matter of fact it is the EXACT SAME. But there is a certain process and place to start of your journey to get a Lucario. It all starts on Iron Island.


  1. 1
    Take the boat from Canalave City to a place called Iron Island.
  2. 2
    Upon arrival you will be greeted by a young man who will ask you to come through the island with him.
  3. 3
    Upon exiting the cave, he will give you a Riolu egg.
  4. 4
    After hatching the Pokémon, take it everywhere. If you have a Soothe Bell, have Riolu hold it; it will make getting Riolu to evolve quicker.
  5. 5
    If you complete this procedure (while also leveling Riolu up), your friendship/bond with the Pokémon will grow allowing it to reach its full potential and evolve into your long awaited (and well worth it) Lucario.
  6. Advertisement



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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 39,249 times.
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Co-authors: 6
Updated: September 3, 2020
Views: 39,249