The zombie apocalypse is here — are you ready? Learn how to battle endless waves of zombies and have fun doing it in Black Ops 2. Who knew that fighting rotting heaps of flesh could be so fun?


  1. 1
    Repair barriers. Not always but often and when able to fix barriers. It may seem like wasting time in higher levels, but if you repair the barriers then that means less zombies that are swarming you at a time, plus they give you ten extra points for every one you repair.
  2. 2
    Avoid the starting weapons. The starting weapons on the wall aren't all that great. You typically have 2 choices, the M14, a semi-automatic rifle with low damage, and the Olympia, a double-barreled shotgun with moderately low damage. One other starting weapon is the Ballista, featured in Origins. This is a bolt-action sniper rifle with moderate damage and iron sights. None of these guns will last you more than the first 5 rounds, 6 or 7 if you're good.
  3. 3
    Use the Mystery Box. Let's face it, you aren't going to get by by buying the guns on the walls and using your pistol, you are going to have to use the mystery box at least once. However, don't use it too much or you are going to be wondering how you got stuck in the hole. To spot the mystery box, look for a blue light straight into the air.
  4. 4
    Take advantage of buildables. Locate parts and build things such as the Zombie Shield, which protects you from behind, or the head chopper, which helps with killing zombies. Build things on benches closest to where you will be for most of the game. Remember that you are vulnerable while building, so make sure the coast is clear or that your teammates have your back before building.
  5. 5
    Aim for their heads. Headshots are the most efficient way to kill zombies. If you go for gut shots, you are going to waste a lot more ammo than you would if you tried to shoot them in the head.
  6. 6
    Don't knife. Unless you are just starting out, knifing is too unreliable and most of the time that is how you are going to die. However, if you are on the first round or you are low on ammo or points, you can shoot them for around 5 times then knife them, giving you even more points. You can use the Galvaknuckles (TranZit, Buried, Nuketown, and Die Rise) which is a one hit kill until round 13 or the Thunderfists (which are only on Origins) which is one hit kill until round 19 and 36 if upgraded. Before round 13, you're going to want to make the most of them to conserve ammo!
  7. 7
    Try playing with other people. Fighting off swarms is a lot easier when you are doing it with four people and they can revive you if you go down.
  8. 8
    Find bottlenecks. These are especially useful in the higher levels or if you have a light machine gun or sub machine gun. You can easily kill off dozens of them in a tight space if you are getting low on health.
  9. 9
    Buy Perks. Perks give you boosts in stats in exchange for stats, ranging anywhere from 500 to 4000 points. In normal play, you can have a maximum of 4 perks at a time. On some maps however, such as Buried, you may have as many perks as you can get via the Wonderfizz machine. Arguably the top 4 picks for perks are:
    • Juggernog
    • Speed Cola
    • Double-tap Root Beer
    • Stamin-Up (if playing solo. If playing with a team, get Quick Revive instead). Also, avoid Mule Kick because if you get down, you lose a weapon and 4000 points.
  10. 10
    Pack-a-Punch your weapons. Pack-a-Punching any weapon costs 5000 points. Doing so refills the ammo and adds buffs to the weapon, along with giving it different colored bullets. Due to the high price, it is recommended you only Pack-a-Punch high-tier weapons such as the Ray Gun or Galil.
  11. 11
    Learn to train zombies. Learning make a train is a simple and very effective way to avoid getting overwhelmed. By constantly moving in a roughly circular manner you will cause to zombies to follow you and bunch up as they all try to take roughly the same path. When making a train, only kill zombies that you cannot avoid and are directly in your way as stopping to deal with stragglers can allow the swarm to catch up to you and surround you. To eliminate the train, wait until there are no zombies coming at you from the front, then turn and fire. Be careful not to stand still for too long or zombies may start converging on you from all sides as the new ones spawn in to replace the ones killed.
  12. 12
    Use your guns to your advantage. For example, get the Paralyzer gun in Buried in Bo2, and use it wisely. It stuns enemies and freezes them, while killing them, if held on for a while. It has unlimited ammo, and it can allow you to fly. Aim it down and shoot and jump at the same time to fly (temporarily, so make sure your near your destination.) On that map, the Paralyzer can be used to avoid opening doors, skipping the maze, and flying over obstacles.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Why do headshots and rebuilding barriers sometimes not line up or count?
    Top Answerer
    The game will only allow players to get so many points from building barriers for so long. This is to prevent the same players from racking up easy points without killing any zombies. As for headshots, keep in mind that it is a video game, and video games do sometimes glitch. Call of Duty is not renowned for its flawless shooting mechanics.
  • Question
    Why do you recommend the Ray Gun and Galil?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    The Ray Gun is good for getting you out of tight situations. The Galil has lots of ammo and a high headshot multiplier, so it is good for farming points.
  • Question
    Can you bash with the zombie shield?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes. When you press the melee button with the zombie shield, it will instantly kill any zombies it hits. Be careful; using it too much will cause it to break, and you will need to pick up another.

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 51 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 269,392 times.
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Co-authors: 51
Updated: August 14, 2022
Views: 269,392