Using the Keyless Entry feature for a Ford Explorer or Mercury Mountaineer can be a convenient feature. However, if you forget your personal code it can be a challenge to get into your car without damaging it. There are a few cheap and easy ways to retrieve the 5-digit factory code without any tools or automotive expertise. Whether simply using the owner’s manual or locating the Remote Anti-theft Personality (RAP) Module, you will need the factory code to set a new 5-digit personal code.

Things You Should Know

  • Find the factory code using the owner’s manual and enter it on the car, activating the keypad before entering the 5-digit code.
  • Use the MyFord Touch system in your car to program a code; press the Menu and Vehicle buttons, then select “Door Keypad Code” and enter a new one.
  • Uncover the Remote Anti-theft Personality (RAP) Module on your vehicle and look for the label with the 5-digit code.
Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Using the Owner’s Manual

  1. 1
    Look for the factory code. Whether you’re the sole owner or have a pre owned car, the Ford Explorer or Mercury Mountaineer will come with a factory code and owner’s manual. It is recommended that a new owner change the original five-digit factory code. Hopefully, you have kept the factory code in a safe place.[1]
    • The 5 digit security code is usually in the glove department if you have not moved the owner’s wallet card. The 5 digit code can also be found on years 2011- 2018 on a white label inside passenger side fuse box, it will be the 5 numbers you need, followed by a letter.
  2. 2
    Enter the factory code. First, make sure that you have locked all the doors to the car including the trunk. Enter the 5-digit factory code.
  3. 3
    Press the first two digits. After you have entered the factory code, press 1 - 2 on the keypad. Press these two digits within five seconds to activate the keypad. The doors will lock and unlock to signal that you have entered the correct factory code.[2]
  4. 4
    Enter your new 5-digit code. Once you’ve received the lock/unlock signal, enter your new 5-digit personal code within within five seconds. You must enter each successive number within five seconds.[3]
    • If your car is equipped with the memory recall feature, pressing 1 / 2 button stores the settings of Driver 1 while pressing the 3 / 4 button stores the settings of Driver 2.
  5. 5
    Wait for confirmation. Once your personal entry code has been entered, wait for the doors to lock, then unlock, to confirm that your new personal entry code has been set.[4]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Programming with MyFord Touch

  1. 1
    Get inside your vehicle. The MyFord Touch system can program your keyless entry code using the screen from within your vehicle. Make sure all the doors are closed before programming.
  2. 2
    Hit the Menu button. At the top of your vehicle’s Home Screen, hit the menu button to begin programming your new code.
  3. 3
    Hit the Vehicle button. On the left side of the menu, find Vehicle and press it. A new screen will appear.[5]
  4. 4
    Select the Door Keypad Code. From the vehicle list menu, select Door Keypad Code. Enter your factory key code that can be found in the owner’s manual.[6]
  5. 5
    Enter your new personal key code. After you have entered in your factory code, wait for the prompt and enter in a new 5-digit key code of your choosing. Your new code allows you to enter your vehicle without the use of the factory code.[7]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Programming without the Owner’s Manual

  1. 1
    Know where to find the factory code. Ford Dealers can provide you with the factory code by plugging your vehicle into a computer. Retrieving the code in this manner may be quite costly. If the owner’s manual is lost and you do not have the code for Keyless Entry, know that the Remote Anti-theft Personality (RAP) Module also has the factory code printed on its label. The RAP is behind a removable panel toward the back left of your vehicle.[8]
  2. 2
    Find and remove the panel covering the RAP. Using a flashlight, locate the removable panel and turn two thumb screws counterclockwise to remove the plastic panel. Shine the flashlight onto the RAP module and look for the label containing the 5 digit factory code.[9]
  3. 3
    Enter the factory code. Once the first entry is pressed, the keypad will illuminate. Press the middle of the button to ensure proper contact.[10]
  4. 4
    Press the 1/2 control within five seconds of step 1. In order to program your new personal code, hit the 1 / 2 control before 5 seconds has passed from entering the factory code.
  5. 5
    Enter your personal 5-digit entry code. Do not take longer than five seconds in between each successive digit. Your new personal code will be used to unlock your vehicle but you can also use the factory code.[11]
    • Each time a new personal code is set, it replaces the old one and not the factory code. The factory can never be changed. You can erase the code of a previous owner and use the factory-set code without entering a new personal code. Once you’ve entered the factory code, hit the 1/2 button, then the 7/8 and 9/0 controls at the same time. Do not take more than 5 seconds to press each successive button. Once you’ve taken these steps, your system will now only use the factory-set code.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    How do I find the keyless code for my car?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Try looking on the rails that hold the trunk lid. The number may not be labeled, but could just be black numbers on a white sticker.
  • Question
    How can I get into my car if the keys are locked inside?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    There are ways to break into your car, but it's probably best to just call a locksmith.
  • Question
    How can I get in using keyless entry if my battery is not hooked up on my 2006 Mercury Mountaineer?
    Glenn Letteer
    Glenn Letteer
    Community Answer
    You can't. The keyless entry requires battery power.


  • Do not keep the factory 5-digit code in your glove box in case you get locked out of your vehicle when the battery dies. Keep a copy outside of the vehicle.
  • Do not throw away your owner’s manual or Keyless Entry card that has your factory 5-digit code.
  • If your car battery dies, the Keyless Entry code will reset to the factory 5-digit code.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 9 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 850,418 times.
102 votes - 47%
Co-authors: 9
Updated: October 25, 2022
Views: 850,418
Categories: Car Electronics
Article SummaryX

To find the 5-digit default keyless code on a Ford Explorer or Mercury Mountaineer, start by locating the panel that's covering the remote anti-theft personality (RAP) module, which should be located toward the back left of your vehicle. Then, turn the screws on the panel counterclockwise to remove the panel. Finally, find the label on the RAP module and look for the 5-digit factory code. To learn how to find the 5-digit keyless code in the owner's manual for your vehicle, keep reading!

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