You may be surprised how many people cut themselves as a way to deal with troubling feelings. Sometimes they choose this method of self-harm because they want to express themselves. Other times it is used as a way to blow off steam. Cutting also allows people who think they are numb to actually feel something for once. Hurting yourself is dangerous and can put your life at risk. You can stop yourself from cutting by finding physical distractions, activities that occupy your mind, and safer alternatives.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Finding Physical Distractions

  1. 1
    Exercise. Doing something that is good for your health can keep your mind off of cutting. It also allows you to have control of your body in a positive way. Exercising can also help to release stress, anxiety, anger, and other emotions you usually use cutting to help with.
    • If you got into an argument with your friend, physical activity can be a positive replacement to cutting. Walk, run, bike, lift weights, take a yoga class, or participate in any physical activity to distract yourself.[1] This will be more effective if you get involved in a structured exercise routine, such as working out with a trainer or training for a 5K. Don't work out only when you feel like cutting because this will not help to prevent anxiety the way that a regular exercise routine will.
  2. 2
    Play an instrument. Music is a healthy and productive way to express yourself. Playing an instrument also keeps your hands and mind occupied. You can use music as a way to convey your feelings, instead of cutting yourself.
    • Take lessons or look for videos online if you don't know how to play an instrument. Get inventive if you don't have an instrument: banging on pots and pans is a great way to make some noise and provide a release.[2]
    • If you are an experienced musician, then try taking on something challenging, such as learning a new piece.
  3. 3
    Do something with your hands. Keeping your hands busy may stop you from wanting to use them to harm yourself. It will also give your mind something to think about other than cutting.
    • You felt ignored by a group of kids at school and your fingers are itching to harm yourself. Knit, draw, squeeze a stress ball, cook, clean, bake, make origami, or finger-paint to keep your fingers and hands occupied. Engaging in this type of activity will not only stop you from hurting yourself, but you may come out with a treasured work of art or delicious meal.
  4. 4
    Volunteer. Ask a local senior center, nursing home, or animal shelter if you can volunteer your time. Volunteering at a facility that lets you come by when you want is ideal, as you could go there whenever you feel like cutting. Being around others who are in need of your time and help can boost your self-esteem, which could prevent you from hurting yourself. It can also help to provide perspective by showing you the experiences of other people.
    • Sometimes you may have the desire to cut because you're lonely or feel rejected. A volunteer commitment can give you something to do and help you connect with others.
    • Similarly, you could go through your belongings and pull some items out to donate. Doing so keeps your hands and mind busy and also makes you feel good about yourself for helping those in need.[3]
  5. 5
    Get out of your current environment. The environment you are in when you feel the urge to cut yourself may be contributing to the urge. Get a change of scenery by going to a different room in your house, going outside, going for a walk, or going somewhere totally different, such as a café or a friend's house.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Diverting Your Attention

  1. 1
    Meditate. Meditation is a proven method for relaxation. Those who meditate often find that it clears their minds and helps them become centered. Meditation can get your mind off of cutting now, and can help you feel better in the long run.
    • Don't give up if you find that meditation is difficult. Start by attempting to meditate for a few minutes and gradually work your way up to a greater length. Simply close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Try not to think of anything except the sound of your breath and how it feels filling your body. Concentrating just on this may be enough to get you through your urge.
    • Try using a guided meditation to give yourself something to focus on. You can get a guided meditation in the form of apps, recordings online, DVDs, and classes.
  2. 2
    Phone a friend. Your loved ones can be wonderful distractions. They can talk you out of self-injurious behaviors or occupy your time with a lively chat or interesting activity. Don't suffer in silence. Reach out to someone you trust when you get the urge to cut. Make a list of a few people you can call and keep it with you at all times.
    • Let's say you had a fight with your mom and you run to your room to cut. Instead pick up the phone and dial a friend. Say, "Hey, I'm having those thoughts again. You wanna hang out?"
  3. 3
    Write or read a book. Getting lost in a good book or writing project is an excellent way to preoccupy yourself. Allowing your mind to become immersed in a story can stop you from thinking about hurting yourself. You may also become inspired to write your own material.
    • Writing poems, short stories, and songs can help you express yourself, as can writing in a journal. You could also write a letter to someone you never intend on sending.[4]
    • There is a significant amount of shame and guilt that often accompanies cutting, so try to find a way to express these feelings. Write about them or talk with someone about them.
  4. 4
    Get in the tub or shower. Surrounding yourself with warm water can ease the tension right off of you. Taking deep breaths and relaxing every muscle in your body can help you calm down and forget about wanting to hurt yourself.
    • Allowing water from a showerhead to spray your skin instead of cutting may also help to curb your urge to self-harm. Additionally, scrubbing yourself with soap or taking a cold shower can also help you to resist cutting.[5]
  5. 5
    Take a nap. Taking a nap is extremely helpful in cut prevention if you find that some of your triggers are caused by a lack of sleep. Wearing comfortable clothing and lying in a texturally-pleasing location can feel good against your skin and provide the sensation you are looking for. Allowing your body to get the rest it requires may be all you need to get over your craving.
    • Ensuring that you get a good night's rest may also prevent the urge to cut. Practice good sleep hygiene, such as by following a bedtime routine, shutting down electronics an hour before bedtime, keeping your bedroom cool and dark, and cutting out caffeine in the afternoon and evening. Talk to your doctor about sleep aids if you have trouble sleeping. Exercising and eating healthy can also help you sleep.[6]
  6. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Finding Healthy Alternatives

  1. 1
    Hold an ice cube. Place an ice cube in the palm of your hand, the crook of your elbow, or where you want to cut. The numbing cold may provide you with the sensation you are craving.
    • Take an ice pack with you and keep it in an insulated tote so that you can have access to something cold when you need it. Also, consider taking a cup of ice with you wherever you go. Keep it in your desk, car, locker, or any place to which you have easy access.[7]
  2. 2
    Draw on yourself. Use a felt-tip pen to create pictures or lines on yourself where you usually cut. You may find that you like the way it feels against your skin. You may also discover that creating beautiful designs on yourself is far more satisfying than making painful cuts.
    • Only use soft-tipped pens or markers to draw on yourself. Using pens that feature sharp points may end up hurting you. Use temporary tattoos if you don't trust yourself to use a pen on your skin.[8]
  3. 3
    Snap your skin with a rubber band. Those who cut are often looking for a way to feel something, even if it is painful. Snapping your skin with a rubber band is a safer way than cutting to feel a strong sensation. Place the rubber band around your wrist, hold it up, and let if fall back sharply.
    • Never snap your wrists until they bleed. Only engage in this act if you trust yourself to not go too far.[9] Ask someone you trust to help you monitor this behavior to ensure that you are not injuring yourself with this technique.
  4. 4
    Place bandages over where you want to cut. Paying attention to the area you typically cut may be all that you need when you feel the desire to self-harm. Wrap these areas in bandages or adhesive tape. Seeing them will serve as a reminder of what is to come if you give into your urge.
    • Draw motivational words or phrases on the bandages to stop yourself from wanting to cut. You could also color them with a red pen or marker to look like blood, which may stop you from wanting to hurt yourself.[10]
  5. 5
    Pluck your eyebrows or wax your legs. The saying “beauty hurts” is popular because it is often true: some beauty techniques are downright painful. Engage in them to satisfy the pain you crave, without doing real harm.
    • Use a pair of tweezers to remove any stray hairs from your brow area. You can also buy wax strips to remove unwanted growth on your legs. The sensation you feel from the wax strips can mimic the sting of cutting.[11] This is similar to the effect you get from exercising because of your muscles getting sore.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Getting Help for Cutting

  1. 1
    Confide in an adult you trust. Overcoming a tendency to cut is hard to do on your own. Your peers may offer support and comfort, but another young person may not know how to get you the help you need. Reach out to a trusted adult and let them know about your cutting history. Make sure they know you are trying to stop, but need additional help.[12]
    • Talk to a teacher, coach, school counselor, parent, aunt or uncle about the problem. You might say, "Excuse, Ms. Brown, I need to talk to someone. I have been cutting myself and I don't know how to stop. Can you help me?"
    • If you are worried about your parents finding out and your safety and well-being if they do find out, then let that person know about your concerns.
  2. 2
    Ask for a mental health referral. Professional mental health treatment is a mandatory aspect of stopping a cutting habit. If you are under 18, then your parents will need to schedule an appointment so that you can talk to your family doctor for an outside referral. Or, may reach out to a therapist in your area who works with adolescents and teens.[13]
    • In therapy, you can vent about the struggles or experiences that prompt you to cut yourself. You will also learn effective distraction and coping techniques to overcome this habit. In many cases you may need additional treatment for other issues like anxiety or depression.
    • Working with a therapist or group that specializes in dialectical behavior therapy may help you get a better understanding of your daily triggers while improving your coping skills.[14]
  3. 3
    Review your treatment options. Once you see a mental health provider, they will discuss the many options available for treating your condition. Common types of treatment for cutting may include medication, cognitive behavioral therapy, and/or interpersonal therapy. Work with your treatment team to determine which option is best for you based on the underlying reason you feel the urge to self-harm.[15]
    • The type of medication needed to improve your symptoms will depend on the underlying condition. Some teens may cut due to obsessive-compulsive disorder or depression. Either of these disorders require specialized medications to effectively treat.
    • Cognitive behavioral therapy helps you identify and change negative thought patterns that contribute to cutting.
    • Interpersonal therapy helps you learn needed social skills to better manage your relationships.[16] This also often includes family therapy, since dysfunction within a family can contribute to cutting.
    • Inpatient treatment may be the best option if you're struggling with severe cutting that could be life-threatening.[17]
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  5. William Schroeder, MA, LPC, NCC. Licensed Professional Counselor. Expert Interview. 27 September 2021.
  6. William Schroeder, MA, LPC, NCC. Licensed Professional Counselor. Expert Interview. 27 September 2021.
  8. William Schroeder, MA, LPC, NCC. Licensed Professional Counselor. Expert Interview. 27 September 2021.

About This Article

William Schroeder, MA, LPC, NCC
Co-authored by:
Licensed Professional Counselor
This article was co-authored by William Schroeder, MA, LPC, NCC. William Schroeder is a Licensed Professional Counselor and the Co-Owner of Just Mind, a counseling center in Austin, Texas that aims to remove the stigma from therapy. With more than 14 years of experience, he specializes in cognitive counseling with adults on issues such as loss, life transition, happiness, relationships, and career exploration. He has also received advanced training and works with clients with ADHD and Aspergers (ASD). William and Just Mind have been featured in publications such as The New York Times, Business Insider, and Readers Digest. William holds a BBA in Marketing from Loyola University, New Orleans, and an MA in Counseling Psychology from St. Mary’s University. This article has been viewed 50,111 times.
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Co-authors: 12
Updated: January 4, 2023
Views: 50,111
Categories: Self Harm