You will learn to create an annual budget on an Excel spreadsheet that is sensitive to many Income Tax Schedule A itemized deductions, as well as Schedule C for a small business (which applies these days to a lot of people). The included example is designed primarily for a couple in semi-retirement, both working; it thus includes accounts for younger and older citizens pertinent to their inclusions and deductions on their annual 1040 and state tax returns. If you follow the steps below to set up your budget, you can tweak the inputs depending on your needs, and create a plan suited to your specific case.


  1. 1
    Open Excel. Double-click the green X on the dock, or open the Applications folder and then the Microsoft Office folder, before clicking Excel.
  2. 2
    Open a New Workbook. Title the top, leftmost worksheet, "Actuals".
  3. 3
    Into cell B1, type the date 01/31/16, or the current year if other than 2015.
  4. 4
    Select cell range B1:M1. Do Edit > Fill > Series Rows Date > Month > Step_Value 1 > OK
  5. 5
    Select columns B:N, right click, and hit "Format Cells". Select the "Custom" option under the Number tab. Pick $#,##0.00;-$#,##0.00 with column width 1.
  6. 6
    Select range B1:N1, right click, and hit "Format Cells.". Select the "Custom" option under the Number tab. Pick mmmm.
  7. 7
    Enter in cell N1 the label Year-to-Date.
  8. 8
    Enter in cell N4 the formula, =sum(B4:M4). Then Edit > Copy the formula and Edit > Paste it to cell range N4:N110.
  9. 9
    Enter the following labels to cells A1:A110. They should cover all of the budget items you need:
    • INCOME:
      • Source 1 - Net Paycheck(s), excl. taxes, 401K, etc.
      • Source 2 - Trust Income
      • Source 3 - Dividend Income
      • Source 4 - Interest Income, excluding Savings
      • Source 5 - Schedule C Income
      • Source 6 - Home Rental Income
      • Source 7 - Other Income, from Investments/Other
      • Refinance (REFI) Loan Receipt
      • Misc. Income (Yard Sales, etc.)
      • Other Assets Sold for Cash
      • Other Assets Sold for Cash Installments
      • Gifts Converted to Cash
      • Beginning Balance
      • Add: From Source 1 - withdrawable 401K/Other
      • Add: Regular and Other Savings Contributions
      • Deduct: Withdrawals (new trust: gain, sale of home)
      • Add: Interest Earned
      • Deduct: Fees & Charges
      • Ending Balance
      • Trust Balance
      • Non-withdrawable 401K/Pension Balance
      • Other "untouchable" Principal balance(s)
      • Stock Options, Unexercised, at est. market value
    • Equity additions & Expenses:
      • Home - Mortgage Interest /Rent, w/ REFI int.
      • Home - Equity, Repairs & Improvement, w/ REFI Princ.
      • Remodeling
      • Roof
      • Driveway
      • Home - Maintenance
      • Yardcare & Gutters Maintenance
      • Sewage Line Maintenance
      • Home- Property Tax
      • Home - Insurance
      • Home - Other Mortgage-related Exp.
      • Home - Rental Portion Improvements & Repairs
      • Home - Rental Portion Maintenance
      • Home - Rental Portion Property Tax
      • Home - Rental Portion Insurance
      • Home - Rental Portion - Other Expense
      • Auto Payment(s) - Interest
      • Auto Payment(s) -Equity
      • Auto Insurance w/ GroceriesTransport
      • Auto Gas - w/ GroceriesTransport
      • Auto Oil & Maint. w/ GroceriesTransport
      • Auto Repairs w/ GroceriesTransport
      • Auto License, Fees, Registration Expenses
      • Auto Depreciation/Obsolescence
      • Sys: Macs, Phone, TV, Printer Ink & Ppr
      • Sys: Software & Hardware Equity
      • Sys: Other Tech Accessories
      • Sys: Depreciation/Obsolescence
      • Supplies
      • Groceries, Rx & Comestibles (non-deductible)
      • Moving Expense
      • Credit Card - Interest payments
      • Long-term Loan Repayments, e.g. Educatnl. Princ.
      • Long-term Loan Repayments, Interest
      • Short-term Loan Repayments, Principal
      • Short-term Loan Repayments, Interest
      • Utilities: Garbage & Recycling
      • Utilities: Gas & Electric
      • Utilities: Water
      • Medical: Transport, Tests & Procedures
      • Dental: Including Transport
      • Vision & Eyewear, w/ Transport
      • Chronic Conditions Counseling, w/ Transport
      • Legal Fees/Retainer, etc.
      • Other Professnl Fees, Dues, Subscrptns, Mmbrshps
      • Career/Professional Library +/or Software, Aids
      • Education & Training Expense Unreimbursed
      • Donations: Church and Other Tax-deductible
      • Donations: Non-deductible
      • Gifts
      • Sched. C - Accounting / Bookkeeping Expense
      • Sched. C - Payroll Expenses
      • Sched. C - Production & Pkg'g Expenses … or
      • Sched. C - COGS & Supplies Inventory Exp'd.
      • Sched. C - UPS / Freight / S&H and Mail Charges
      • Sched. C - Admin, Sys & Communications Expense
      • Sched. C - Mktg / Promotional / Selling Expense
      • Sched. C - Meals & Entertainment Expense
      • Sched. C - Travel Expense
      • Sched. C - Facilities Maintenance Expense
      • Sched. C - Licenses, Fees, Registration Expenses
      • Sched. C - Other Internet Expenses
      • Sched. C - Other Expense
      • Other Tax-Deductible Expense
      • Other Non-Deductible Expense
      • Miscellaneous Expense (= Supplies?)
      • Equity additions & Expenses:
      • Cash On Hand: OVER (SHORT), Beginning Balance
      • Total Income
      • LESS: Regular Savings Contribution
      • ADD: Withdrawals from Savings (except new home)
      • LESS: Equity additions & Expenses
      • Cash On Hand: OVER (SHORT),Ending Balance
    • (Note: if you're SHORT per your Budget, you need to spend less, get a loan and/or to make more money.)
  10. 10
    Do the math. Follow the subsection instructions for January as to whether to add all the items in a subsection (like INCOME or SAVINGS) or subtract some. Then bring the subsection total or line item down to the ANNUAL BUDGET RECAP bottom section and add or subtract accordingly -- careful, some are reversed from Savings because a contribution to Savings is a deduction from Cash on Hand, and a Withdrawal from Savings adds to Cash on Hand.
  11. 11
    Copy the January formulas over to columns C:N.
  12. 12
    Click Edit > Move or Copy Sheet. When you have your copy, retitle it Budget. Again make another copy of the Actual sheet and title it OVER (SHORT). Subtract your Actuals from Budget to arrive at OVER (SHORT) by clicking in cell B4 of OVER (SHORT) and entering the formula, =Budget!B4-Actuals!B4.
  13. 13
    Copy and paste that formula from cell B4 to cell range B4:N110. Clear any blank rows you may have inserted so you don't end up with cluttering zeroes.
  14. 14
    Remember that if you insert or delete a row line-item on Actuals or Budget, you must insert or delete the same row also on both of the other two sheets as well, and adjust the formula(s) accordingly.
  15. 15
    Consider the notes for this example:
  16. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How do I add and subtract in a column?
    Community Answer
    Select the column you want to display the answer. Click that column. Know which cells contain the items you want to add or subtract. Example: You want to add the numbers in D10, D11, and D12 and display them in D13. Click on D13. Then enter: "=D10+D11+D12" (without the quotes, but with the equal sign). D13 will display the answer. For larger columns (or rows) you could enter "=sum(D11:D13)" The colon (:) means all the cells in that range, so you're telling Excel to add all the cells from D11 to D13. To subtract D11 from D10, the formula would be "=D10-D11". Again, remember to include the equal sign.

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Updated: June 3, 2021
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