Many people have difficulty sleeping due to racing thoughts or worries. If you have a busy routine, or are a worrier by nature, sleep may not always come easy to you. There are a variety of steps you can take to slow down your mind and fall asleep on a regular schedule.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Establishing a Routine

  1. 1
    Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. Your body craves routine, and will adapt to a regular sleep/wake cycle.[1] If your schedule allows, try to go to bed and wake up at roughly the same time each day.
    • If you go to bed at the same time each night, your body will begin to slow down naturally during the hour leading up to bed time. You will feel sleepy naturally, and your this will help clear your thoughts and prepare you for rest.[2]
    • Strive to choose a bedtime and stick to it, even on weekends. Get up at the same time every day as well. Sleeping in too late on Saturdays and Sundays can make Sunday nights stressful and Monday mornings difficult.[3]
    • It's okay if your bedtime is a little flexible—if you're tired early, go to sleep then. If you need a little longer to wind down, wait until you're drowsy to lie down.
  2. 2
    Have regular activities you engage in before bed. In addition to a regular bedtime, incorporating certain activities into your bedtime routine can help send a signal to your body that it's time for rest. This will help clear your mind and relax you naturally. Setting aside an hour before sleep for certain relaxing rituals and routines can help your mind relax before bed.[4]
    • Try doing an activity every night before bed. Your body will learn to read this activity as a predecessor for sleep and begin shutting down for rest. You could do a crossword puzzle, read a short story, or have a light snack.[5]
    • Most sleep experts advise against watching television, as the light from your TV is a stimulant. However, if watching television helps you relax before bed it may be okay to incorporate half an hour of TV time into your nightly schedule. Stick to shows that help you relax, like lighthearted sitcoms or cartoons, rather than drams or news shows that may induce anxiety.
    • Get in the habit of getting completely ready for bed before you wind down. That way, you can go straight to sleep when you feel tired.[6]
  3. 3
    Plan exercise around your sleep schedule. Working out regularly can help your sleep cycle greatly. However, you need to make sure you plan work outs in ways that do not interfere with your sleep.
    • One of the reasons exercise is great for sleep is that it's a wonderful anxiety reducer. Twenty or thirty minutes of daily physical activity, even light aerobics like a brisk walk, can help curb anxiety and this could result in a clearer mind before sleep.[7] [8]
    • You should always exercise a few hours before bedtime however, especially if your workout routine is vigorous. The adrenaline involved in heavy physical activity can be stimulating and might result in you having difficulties falling asleep.[9]
  4. 4
    Try nightly mental exercises. Try to establish mental exercises each night to help you unwind in preparation for sleep.
    • Try to focus on the positive before bed. Focus on positive, happy memories rather than anxiety-inducing thoughts. It's helpful to have a running mental list of memories that make you feel safe and secure to revisit before bedtime.[10]
    • Visualization can also help calm your mind. Picturing your bed as something warm and comforting, like a big basket or a cloud, can help soothe you into falling asleep. It might be helpful to brainstorm calming images before bed and then use them as you try to nod off.[11]
    • If you're religious, many people find praying an important mental routine before bedtime. Saying a prayer before slipping under the covers may be helpful. Even if you're not a religious person, whispering positive thoughts or good wishes out loud can be helpful in preparing for sleep.[12]
  5. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Reducing Stress

  1. 1
    Practice meditation. Meditation can be a helpful way to relax before bed and clear your mind. Try to practice meditation in the hour leading up to bedtime. You can incorporate it into existing rituals to help you fall asleep faster.
    • Meditation techniques vary, but studies show regular meditation helps people better manage stress and anxiety. Training yourself to meditate nightly can help you learn how to turn your brain off after a long day. You can find meditation instructions online or through reading materials at your local library.[13]
    • Deep breathing is a popular form of meditation. This is when you take deep, steady breaths, inhaling into your chest and stomach, and pay attention to each breath you take. By focusing on your body and its rhythm, you can direct attention away from worrisome thoughts that may be a distraction from sleep.[14]
    • If trying to meditate makes you feel anxious, it's okay to try something else instead.[15]
  2. 2
    Try body scan meditation. Body scan meditation is a form of meditation where you take stock of every part of your body from your head to your feet. Moving from, say, you shoulders close your eyes and experience every part of your body. Do not visualize these body parts, merely take stock of how they feel. Once you take stock of a body part, allow it to fade from your awareness until you feel empty. Once you've scanned your whole body, begin to feel your body parts again and connect them together. Many find the hyper awareness on their body places them in the present moment, clearing the mind and reducing nighttime anxiety.[16]
  3. 3
    Practice progressive muscle relaxation. PMR is an exercise that involves moving from one body part to the next, focusing your energy on tensing and then relaxing groups of muscles. Slowly, you move from your toes to your head. Many people find this helpful for falling asleep at night.[17]
  4. 4
    Set aside time to worry. It may sound strange, but if you're a chronic worrier granting yourself specific times to focus on your troublesome thoughts may help you better manage your anxiety.
    • Try journaling your thoughts shortly before bed. Set aside 10 to 15 minutes to jot down anything that's bothering you or anything that frustrated you throughout the day.[18] Purging your thoughts on paper before bed can keep them from interfering with you falling asleep at night.[19]
    • It might also help to set aside 20 minutes shortly before bed to go over what's been bothering you. Allow your mind 20 minutes to worry. Sometimes, getting your worries out of your system is more effective than trying to forcibly ignore them.[20]
  5. 5
    Try warm tea. Warm tea can be relaxing before bed, as long as it's caffeine free.
    • Chamomile tea and passion flower teas are calming for some and may even contain elements to promote sleep. There are teas sold in supermarkets, such as SleepyTime Tea, that are designed to promote relaxation and sleep.[21]
    • Do not drink tea directly before bedtime, however, as too much liquid before bed can result in you waking up and needing to use the restroom multiple times. Such interruptions to a sleep cycle can make it harder to fall back asleep and reduce the quality of the sleep you do get.[22]
  6. 6
    Take a hot bath. Many people find hot baths soothing. A warm, relaxing bath before bed can help clear your mind in preparation for sleep.
    • A hot bath can relax your muscles and it can also raise your body's core temperature. This can help promote sleepiness.[23]
    • You can try adding certain soaps that contain soothing scents to your bath. Relaxing smells like vanilla can help your mind settle for sleep.[24]
  7. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Seeking Outside Help

  1. 1
    Invest in phone apps. While you should not habitually use your smart phone before bed, as the lights from the screen are stimulating to the brain, there are a variety of phone apps that help promote sleepiness.
    • Androids and iPhones have a variety of apps that can generate white noise. White noise can help block out bothersome noises and help relax you for sleep. Most white noise apps offer a variety of sounds and a timer so you can set the white noise to turn off after a few hours as not to drain your phone's battery.[25]
    • There is an Android and iPhone application known as "Calm" that produces calming music and sounds of your preference. You can set the noises to play for a fixed number of minutes while you try to sleep.[26]
    • As keeping a diary or journal is a great way to fall asleep, there is an Android app called memories. It allows you to save texts, photos, and videos from your day on your smart phone and write down your own observations. Using this app an hour before bed can help you take stock of your day and unwind. Getting any distracting thoughts out of your system before bed can be helpful. There is a similar app for iPhones known as Diaro.[27]
    • You can also purchase guided meditation routines online and download them to your smart phone. Using them before bed can help you clear your mind.[28]
  2. 2
    See a therapist, if stress is a problem. If your sleep problems are stress related, seeing a therapist can help you work out your issues with anxiety in an effective manner. You can usually find a therapist by going through your insurance provider. Online, your provider should have a list of counselors and therapists covered by your plan. If you're a student, you may be able to get free counseling through your college or university.
  3. 3
    Contact a sleep specialist. If you're sleep problems have been going on for a long time, you might want to see a sleep specialist to figure out how to get more effective sleep.
    • Cognitive behavioral therapy is very effective at treating sleep issues, and a good sleep specialist will have experience with this technique. CBT involves taking active, conscious steps to alter thought patterns and personal habits that are detrimental to your psychological well being.[30]
    • Many sleep disorders do not require medication and can be treated effectively in several sessions. You can find a sleep specialist in the same way you would find a therapist. Go through your insurance provider or your college or university.[31]
  4. Advertisement


  6. Jeremy Bartz, PhD. Clinical Psychologist. Expert Interview. 8 January 2021.
  9. Michelle Shahbazyan, MS, MA. Life Coach. Expert Interview. 18 March 2020.
  20. Jeremy Bartz, PhD. Clinical Psychologist. Expert Interview. 8 January 2021.
  21. h

About This Article

Jeremy Bartz, PhD
Co-authored by:
Clinical Psychologist
This article was co-authored by Jeremy Bartz, PhD. Dr. Jeremy Bartz is a Clinical Psychologist in private practice based in Los Angeles, California. Dr. Bartz specializes in treating depression, anxiety, OCD, mind-body syndromes, chronic pain, insomnia, relationship difficulties, attachment trauma, and resolving the effects of narcissistic trauma. He received a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Brigham Young University and completed a fellowship In Pain Psychology at Stanford's premier pain management clinic. This article has been viewed 132,380 times.
8 votes - 78%
Co-authors: 37
Updated: March 10, 2022
Views: 132,380
Categories: Bedtime Routine

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The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always contact your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional before starting, changing, or stopping any kind of health treatment.
