As a teenager, you have homework, activities, and friendships to think about—with such a full plate, getting enough sleep can be tough. If you're having trouble with your sleep schedule, you may feel frustrated and powerless (not to mention exhausted!). Your situation is so tough, but there are actually so many effective, expert-backed strategies that can help you fall and stay asleep more easily. We've pulled together everything you need to know—read our complete guide below!


Keep your bedroom quiet and dark.


Do relaxing activities before bed.

  1. Actively wind yourself down for bed to fall asleep more easily. Relax yourself before bedtime, and your body will be totally primed for sleep. People aren’t usually super thoughtful about what they do just before bed, but your pre-sleep activities can make a world of difference. Choose something relaxing and enjoyable to calm your body before bed.[2]
    • Stay positive. Take 30 minutes to write a log in your gratitude journal and think about something exciting you have coming up.
    • Relax. Try stretching, meditating, or doing a breathing exercise.
    • Warm up your body. Take a nice, warm shower in the last hour before bed. This can help you fall asleep more easily!
    • Enjoy yourself. Listen to calming music, practice your instrument, or read a chapter of your book.
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Stop using screens before bedtime.

  1. Your phone and laptop have blue light, which disrupts sleep. Did you know that blue light (which is in most tech lights) actually makes it harder to get melatonin? To get better sleep, limit your screen time, especially right before bed. For 1-2 hours before sleeping, stay away from TV, computers, and even your phone.[3]
    • Try something screen-less to keep you entertained. Read a book, plan your outfit for tomorrow, or shoot some hoops.
    • Staying off your phone for 2 hours might sound impossible—if you feel like you can’t totally ignore it, limit the time you spend on your phone instead.
    • Most phones have “blue light filters”—but their effectiveness isn't totally clear. Don’t assume that using your phone while it's filtered will solve your problem!

Follow a sleep schedule.

  1. Your body thrives on routine—so staying consistent is key. Here’s a fun fact: waking up and going to bed at the same time each day actually promotes healthy sleep. Wild, right? To get better sleep, set alarms for the same time every morning and shoot for the same bedtime every night.[6]
    • It can be so tough not to snooze your alarm in the morning, but if you manage to wake up right away, your sleep schedule will benefit.
    • Even on the weekends, stick to the same schedule. It’s all about circadian rhythms—and they don’t take breaks on Saturday and Sunday!
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Limit afternoon naps.

  1. Though they help you feel rested in the moment, late naps disturb sleep. You might be so sleepy when you get home from school, you can’t help but to crawl into bed for a nap. Do your best to fight the urge! Sleeping late in the afternoon can make it way harder to fall asleep at bedtime—and that’ll throw off your sleeping routine down the line, too.[7]
    • If you do take naps, make sure they’re no longer than 45 minutes.
    • If you’re afraid you’ll oversleep, ask your family member to come and shake you awake at the right time.
    • Only take naps before 4pm. This means that while you’re in school, naps should probably only happen on the weekend.

Exercise more.

  1. When you tire your body out, you can prime it for sleep later on. Exercise has about a million amazing benefits, but a lot of teens don’t realize that healthier sleep is one of them. Do intense exercise for the best effects, but even a light walk or stretch session can make it easier to sleep, too.[8]
    • Don’t work out within 3 hours before bed. Exercise boosts energy, and if you do it too late in the day, it could hurt your sleep.
    • Maybe you only have time to work out in the evening—if that’s the case, go with low-impact exercise (like doing yoga or taking a walk).
    • If you want to do intense exercise, try swimming, start running, or do strength training.
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Work on relieving stress.

  1. Worry, anxiety, and racing thoughts can keep you up at night. There are tons of ways to limit your stress—and if you’re able to do that, you’ll sleep better, too. Focus on doing stress-relieving activities, take some activities off of your plate, try to learn mindfulness, and reach out for support if you need help.[10]
    • Take time each week to enjoy your hobbies and passions—ask a friend to go hiking, play videogames, or do some writing.
    • Say “no” to some of your responsibilities. To limit stress, take a break from one of your activities or sports.
    • Mindfulness means you’re aware of your thoughts, and it can limit stress. Yoga, meditation, and journaling can help you improve this skill.
    • If you’re struggling, open up to family and friends. Talking about how you’re feeling with someone you trust can help.
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Expose yourself to natural light in the morning.

  1. Natural light can help your body get back on track. It’s like magic—more light during the day (especially in the morning) means an easier time falling asleep in the evening. When you wake up, open your curtains immediately. Try to get as much sun as you can during the day, too. This will help your body get more melatonin, which can make great sleep way easier to achieve.[11]
    • Maximize your sunlight in the morning. Take your cereal out to the porch and eat your breakfast in the sun.
    • Getting enough light while at school might feel tough. Focus on taking breaks (lunch, free periods, etc.) outside when you can.
    • Talk to your parents about getting a light therapy box. In the winter months especially, this can help you get more natural light.

Pick up a calming game or activity when you can't sleep.

  1. Healthy distractions make falling asleep feel less stressful. Tossing and turning and stressing out can feel so awful in the moment—if you’re lying in bed wide awake, change things up. Start doing a relaxing hobby or activity. This can help get your mind off the worries keeping you awake, and when you feel calm, you can try sleeping again.[12]
    • Do something a little boring, and you might even doze off doing it. Read a book that isn’t particularly exciting, for example!
    • Do a simple activity, like knitting, coloring, or braiding your hair.
    • Try a relaxing game, like solitaire or sudoku.
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Aim to get 8-10 hours every night.

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How can a 14 year old fall asleep fast?
    Alex Dimitriu, MD
    Alex Dimitriu, MD
    Sleep Medicine & Psychiatry Professional
    Alex Dimitriu, MD is the Owner of Menlo Park Psychiatry and Sleep Medicine, a clinic based in the San Francisco Bay Area with expertise in psychiatry, sleep, and transformational therapy. Alex earned his Doctor of Medicine from Stony Brook University in 2005 and graduated from the Stanford University School of Medicine's Sleep Medicine Residency Program in 2010. Professionally, Alex has dual board certification in psychiatry and sleep medicine.
    Alex Dimitriu, MD
    Sleep Medicine & Psychiatry Professional
    Expert Answer
    Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Daily exercise can make it easier to fall asleep at night. However, avoid intense exercise at night, which can boost your energy levels and keep you awake. Additionally, don't look at your phone when you're in bed. Checking the time on your phone will expose your eyes to blue light, which tells your brain that it's daytime.
  • Question
    What can a teenager take to help them sleep?
    Alex Dimitriu, MD
    Alex Dimitriu, MD
    Sleep Medicine & Psychiatry Professional
    Alex Dimitriu, MD is the Owner of Menlo Park Psychiatry and Sleep Medicine, a clinic based in the San Francisco Bay Area with expertise in psychiatry, sleep, and transformational therapy. Alex earned his Doctor of Medicine from Stony Brook University in 2005 and graduated from the Stanford University School of Medicine's Sleep Medicine Residency Program in 2010. Professionally, Alex has dual board certification in psychiatry and sleep medicine.
    Alex Dimitriu, MD
    Sleep Medicine & Psychiatry Professional
    Expert Answer
    Avoid taking and pills or medications to help you fall asleep, even if they aren't habit-forming. Instead, try drinking some chamomile or Valerian tea. Another option is to simply sit quietly when it's time to go to bed. Wait for yourself to get bored. Boredom often brings out the sleepiness.
  • Question
    My sleep schedule can change very easily. How do I make sure that I keep a consistent routine?
    Marsha Durkin, RN
    Marsha Durkin, RN
    Registered Nurse
    Marsha Durkin is a Registered Nurse and Laboratory Information Specialist for Mercy Hospital and Medical Center in Illinois. She received her Associates Degree in Nursing from Olney Central College in 1987.
    Marsha Durkin, RN
    Registered Nurse
    Expert Answer
    Keep to a routine and ritual before going to bed. Do the same things in the same sequence, i.e., wash face, brush teeth, pick up dirty clothes and put them in the hamper, get your clothes ready for the next day, put your backpack and purse side by side and ready to go.

About This Article

Alex Dimitriu, MD
Co-authored by:
Sleep Medicine & Psychiatry Professional
This article was co-authored by Alex Dimitriu, MD and by wikiHow staff writer, Caroline Heiderscheit. Alex Dimitriu, MD is the Owner of Menlo Park Psychiatry and Sleep Medicine, a clinic based in the San Francisco Bay Area with expertise in psychiatry, sleep, and transformational therapy. Alex earned his Doctor of Medicine from Stony Brook University in 2005 and graduated from the Stanford University School of Medicine's Sleep Medicine Residency Program in 2010. Professionally, Alex has dual board certification in psychiatry and sleep medicine. This article has been viewed 1,150,525 times.
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Updated: July 29, 2022
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