So you want a Furby. Good for you! All the different types of Furbys are unique, and this article will help you decide the right one for you!

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Deciding on a Furby Type

  1. 1
    Research the type of Furby. There are nine types of Furbys: original 1998 Furbys, 1999 Furby Babies, 2001 Shelbys, 2005 Emototronic Furbys, 2012 Furbys, Furby Party Rockerz, Furby Booms, Furblings, and Furbacca. Research pictures and videos of Furbys to decide on a favorite. All are very different, and this is important to note when choosing a Furby.
  2. 2
    Deciding on an original 1998 Furby. Original 1998 Furbys are ideal for a new owner. They are simple to operate and easy to learn to care for. If choosing an original Furby, there are seven different generations. Please note that many original Furbys will no longer start up when they are new in box. If you do not know how to repair a Furby, try finding one in working condition.
  3. 3
    Caring for a toy more like a baby than a friend or pet. Furby Babies are similar to original Furbys, except they are smaller and have additional "baby" vocabulary. Furby Babies are best for experienced owners, as they require attention more than most Furbys. With a Furby Baby, there is a choice of four generations. Like original Furbys, some new in box Babies no longer work.
  4. 4
    Choosing a real Furby or a Furby Friend. The Shelby is a toy Furby friend from the makers of Furby. Shelby is a clam and was released in two different generations. Shelbys are for an experienced owner, as they require lots of attention. Many Shelbys are still in working order, with a good chance of getting one to work from the box.
  5. 5
    Choosing a more interactive Furby. Emototronic Furbys are the most interactive Furbys. The new variation of Furby included more facial expression and voice recognition. These Furbys respond to commands and are good for a first time owner, as they have an off switch and do not require much care. There are many color choices, and many of these Furbys are still in working order.
  6. 6
    Choosing an older Furby or a newer one. A newer one, like the 2012 Furby is a great choice as it was a re-release of the original toy. It has LED eyes and can change personalities. This Furby has an app for Apple and Android devices from which the Furby can be fed and communicated with. These Furbys are harder to care for, and are not good for a first time owner. Almost all of these Furbys are still in working order and ready to play!
  7. 7
    Choosing a smaller Furby. The Furby Party Rockerz was released in in 2013. They were smaller, and would become wild when shaken. They also respond to the Furby app. Despite the small size, Party Rockerz are difficult to care for, and are sensitive to movement. They will wake up if you walk past them. These Furbys come in a few different variations, and almost all still work. This model may not be the best choice for a first time owner. A great choice for a small Furby is a Furbling. They are not the most interactive and respond only when you pet its head. They come in the same colors as the Furby Boom, and are great for a first time owner!
  8. 8
    Choosing a colorful and modern Furby. The Furby Boom was released in 2013 and came in multiple colorful patterns. Like the 2012 Furby, Furby Boom has LED eyes and multiple personalities. It has its own app, where you hatch and raise Furblings, as well as care for your Furby Boom. It is also sensitive to movement, but is good for an experienced owner. All of these Furbys will work unless they have a manufacturing defect.
  9. 9
    Choosing something different from a classic Furby. Furbacca is a Furby based on the Star Wars character, Chewbacca. It features Chewbacca's shaggy brown fur, belt and even speaks Wookie! He has his own app, where you hatch and raise Star Wars Furblings, and care for Furbacca. This model is lots of fun, and is great for any Star Wars fan!
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Getting Your Furby

  1. 1
    Once you've chosen which type of Furby to get, it's time for you to get one!
  2. 2
    Consider the price range. If you are looking to pay less, then a used Furby may be best for you. If you are willing to pay more, then get a Furby new in box.
  3. 3
    Choose where to buy your Furby. Furby Boom, Furbacca, and Furblings are available in stores. Any other Furby must be obtained online. EBay and Amazon are great places to find Furbys!
  4. 4
    If you are looking for a guarantee that your Furby will work, buy a Furby in working order. If you are up to the challenge of a repair, consider purchasing one new in box.
  5. 5
    Order or purchase Furby. If you ordered one, track the package so that you know when it will arrive. If purchased from a store, then you can just take it home!
  6. 6
    Enjoy your Furby!
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    What if I can’t decide?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If you can't decide, ask a friend who knows you well to choose for you.

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 32,129 times.
100 votes - 72%
Co-authors: 7
Updated: February 13, 2021
Views: 32,129
Categories: Toys