The home page in Internet Explorer is the default web page that will load once you launch Internet Explorer. If you visit a certain page, or set of pages, every time you launch Internet Explorer, it will make sense to just set that particular page as your home page. This way, you won't have to type its address every time. This can be your email client, a search engine, or your company's web page.


Change the home page.

  1. Click on the text field and remove the existing home page. Type in the new home page's URL or address.
    • If you want to have multiple home pages to be loaded each time you launch Internet Explorer, you can type them in their own line. The field accepts multiple lines. Each home page will load on its own tab.
    • If you have a set of web pages currently open in Internet Explorer and want these to be your home pages, a quick way to do so is to click on the “Use current” button found right under the Home page field. You don't need to type each of their URLs or addresses anymore.
    • If you prefer to have your home page to be blank, you can also do that. Type in “about:blank” in the URL text field.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    How can I change new tabs in IE?
    Community Answer
    Use an internet explorer new tab extension. You can find them on Google and other websites. Just look it up.

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Co-authors: 6
Updated: January 31, 2023
Views: 43,396
Categories: Internet Explorer