Ah, Google. For many businesses, Google can be an invaluable tool that helps people find their business and buy their goods and services. Good reviews can make your business look even more professional and attractive to potential clients, and the more you have, the better. It’s also not super hard to ask your clients to leave reviews for you. Reach out to your satisfied clients and make the process as easy as possible so you can build an impressive collection of great reviews that can help you attract new clients.


Verify your business through Google My Business.

  1. Make it easier to find your business on Google searches. On your computer, search for Google My Business and choose the option to sign in. Then, sign in to your Google account or create one if you haven’t already.[1] After that, type in the name of your business or your address and click “Next.” Fill out the form with information about your business, including your address, the goods you offer, your phone number, and your website. Then, choose the option to verify.[2]
    • Verifying your business also allows you to add it to Google Maps and will help it show up in more Google searches.
    • Your business will look more professional to your clients if it’s verified.
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Create a short name and URL for your business.

  1. Your clients will be able to find your business online. Once your business is verified, you can create a short name for your profile, which makes it much easier for folks to find you. Sign in to your account and click on your Google My Business page to open it up. Select the option to create a short name. Enter your name, which can be up to 32 characters, then click “Apply.”[3]
    • So for instance, if your business name is Jane’s Bath and Body Works, you could create a short name such as “Jane.” Then, your clients can search for “g.page/Jane” for a shortcut to your business.
    • You can also change your short name at any time.

Generate a Google review link from your business page.


Reply to reviews that people leave for your business.

  1. Build your client’s trust so they’ll be more likely to leave a review. Check the reviews that people leave about your business. Reply to positive ones and thank them for their business. But don’t ignore the negative ones. Use them as an opportunity to show people that you care about customer satisfaction by responding with ways you can make it up to them.[5]
    • For instance, if someone leaves a negative review that says something like, “The service was awful! Won’t be going back!” You could respond with something like, “I’m so sorry to hear your experience wasn’t satisfactory. We’d be happy to offer a discount the next time you visit us!”
    • People may be more likely to leave reviews if they see that you take the time to check and respond to them.

Wait until you complete a job to ask for a review.

  1. Let the client see your work first. One easy way to get Google reviews for your business is to simply ask your clients for one directly.[6] However, it’s important that you wait until they’ve received your product or you’ve finished the job they hired you for. That way, they can experience and appreciate your business and will be more inclined to leave a review for you.[7]
    • For instance, you can capitalize on a satisfied customer by immediately asking them for a review. If they say something like, “Wow! I love your work!” You can directly ask something like, “Great! Would you mind leaving a Google review about your experience? It would really help my business.”
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Send an email to happy customers.

  1. Personalize the email to make them feel more valued. Include the client’s name and specific details about their order, such as the goods or services they paid for. Ask them if they wouldn’t mind leaving a review for your business on Google.[8] If they’re satisfied with their experience, they may be happy to do so.[9]
    • Pro tip: include a Google review link in the email so all they have to do is click the link and leave a review.
    • Small touches like personal details about your client can go a long way. For instance, if they recently had a new baby or they’re about to go on vacation, mention it in your email!

Call customers and ask them at the end of the conversation.


Follow up with clients within 2 weeks.

  1. Give them a gentle nudge to remind them about a review. Life can get busy and it’s common for folks to forget to follow through with leaving a review. Don’t get upset about it. Instead, just try reaching out by phone, email, or the next time you see them in person.[14] Ask them if they’ve had a chance to leave a review yet and tell them you’d be really appreciative if they could leave one for your business if they have an extra minute.[15]
    • Try not to be overly pushy or pressure them too much. You could cause them to ignore your request—or worse, leave a negative review.
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How do you encourage someone to leave a review?
    John Strasser
    John Strasser
    Certified Master Insight Coach
    John Strasser is a Certified Master Insight Coach and Master Insight Coaching Instructor at The Insight Coaching Community. With more than seven years of experience, John specializes in helping others work in the life coaching space and develop successful coaching businesses. John holds a BA in South Asian Religions from The University of South Florida and an MA in Buddhism and Hinduism from Columbia University. He has also studied Leadership Coaching at Harvard University.
    John Strasser
    Certified Master Insight Coach
    Expert Answer
    The best way to do that is to offer a structure for the review, since it's easy for clients to be stuck trying to leave the perfect feedback. If they don't know what to write, a simple review may end up feeling like an assignment. Try to avoid that.
  • Question
    What are good feedback questions?
    John Strasser
    John Strasser
    Certified Master Insight Coach
    John Strasser is a Certified Master Insight Coach and Master Insight Coaching Instructor at The Insight Coaching Community. With more than seven years of experience, John specializes in helping others work in the life coaching space and develop successful coaching businesses. John holds a BA in South Asian Religions from The University of South Florida and an MA in Buddhism and Hinduism from Columbia University. He has also studied Leadership Coaching at Harvard University.
    John Strasser
    Certified Master Insight Coach
    Expert Answer
    If you want your clients to leave great reviews for your service, try asking them something like: "What was the most valuable thing you got? What was your biggest insight? Can you write a bit about that?"


  • Avoid attacking negative reviews that people leave. It could affect the way potential clients view you and your business.

About This Article

John Strasser
Co-authored by:
Certified Master Insight Coach
This article was co-authored by John Strasser. John Strasser is a Certified Master Insight Coach and Master Insight Coaching Instructor at The Insight Coaching Community. With more than seven years of experience, John specializes in helping others work in the life coaching space and develop successful coaching businesses. John holds a BA in South Asian Religions from The University of South Florida and an MA in Buddhism and Hinduism from Columbia University. He has also studied Leadership Coaching at Harvard University. This article has been viewed 7,917 times.
2 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 5
Updated: October 24, 2021
Views: 7,917
Categories: Job Strategies