Being employee of the month is a great honor in the workplace. It also equals increased respect from coworkers and a nice addition to your resume. The exact requirements might vary depending on where you work, but in general, it takes ambition, consistent hard work, and dedication to your job to be named employee of the month. Our guide has the tips you need to become the employee of the month at your job!

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Meeting the Requirements

  1. 1
    Figure out the policies. Find out the requirements for being named employee of the month in your company or workplace. There will be different qualities and requirements dependent on the workplace and the type of work you do.
    • Common requirements include a high level of performance, good teamwork and interpersonal skills, and an ability to make others look up to you.
    • Some organizations allow fellow employees to nominate each other for excellent all-around performance.
  2. 2
    Meet the requirements. Once you're aware of the standards for being awarded employee of the month, you can work toward fulfilling them. Even if you’re not selected the month that you start trying to improve your performance and people skills, that doesn’t mean you won’t be chosen soon—it may take time for your performance to be noticed.
    • Start doing things like allowing others to get extras before you do, turning in high quality work, and being warm in your interactions with other employees and with customers.
  3. 3
    Get to work on time. Punctuality is a very important part of any job: it shows that you are reliable. If you aren’t already a punctual employee, start arriving to work a few minutes before your shift begins to help you get in work mode without wasting company time. Punctual employees are disciplined employees, and disciplined employees are more productive. [1]
    • Try laying out your clothes, lunch, and day bag the night before so that you can just pick it all up on your way out the door.
    • Try to fake yourself out by setting all your clocks forward five or ten minutes—stove, microwave, phone, even your car clock.
    • Think about what delays you normally experience on your way to work, and plan to get up in time for an early departure.
  4. 4
    Have a good attendance track record. Being able to get to work every day is just as important as being on time. Employees who come to work every day are seen as dependable. Employers would rather have employees who do poor quality work but come to work daily than high achievers who are absent often.[2]
    • It also effects your co-workers when you are consistently absent. If you’re on a team, you slow everyone down by your absence, contributing to a workplace full of irritated coworkers—not a good thing for someone who wants to be employee of the month.
  5. 5
    Meet all deadlines. Along the lines of being present at work every day, meeting all your deadlines shows that you are dependable. When a supervisor continuously sees your work on their desk when it is supposed to be there, this raises their respect level toward you and may even position you for a promotion. People like to work with dependable employees.
    • Your professional reputation is heavily influenced by how reliable you are. As you turn in projects on time, you build that perception of reliability in your boss’ mind, making you a great employee of the month candidate. You also make a great example to less motivated employees.[3]
    • Complete all tasks related to your job, even if it’s not strictly on a deadline. Task completion also boosts your reputation as a reliable employee.
  6. 6
    Keep up good work ethics. You might be surprised to learn that little things like filling up the printer after you’re done and restocking the supply closet are ethical decisions in the workplace. Since many employees tend to avoid such menial tasks, your willingness to perform them displays a strong work ethic.
    • A good work ethic also includes being honest, not gossiping or sharing secrets, keeping promises, and following rules.[4]
  7. 7
    Be loyal to the company. Keep your mouth shut in public and on social media. If you don’t like your company or agree with some of its practices, that’s fine. But once you share that feeling with people who could transmit your opinion to your boss, you risk losing your reliable reputation and instead making your boss see you as a gossip.
    • Instead, promote your company when you can, leaving your name with potential customers so that you are seen by your boss as a free-advertising asset.
  8. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Going Above and Beyond

  1. 1
    Emphasize your strengths. Go beyond the call of duty in areas that are your strengths. This means doing extra work where you know it will pay dividends, such as helping other employees meet deadlines or volunteering for assignments that will be easy for you to excel in.
    • Because you still need to maintain your reputation as a reliable employee who gets to work on time and meets all deadlines, you want to focus your extra work on things that will be easy for you to excel at.
    • Don’t look around for someone in charge to notice your efforts. Just do them and you might be surprised who notices.
  2. 2
    Show ambition. We are all familiar with the concept of ambition carrying us to the top of the corporate ladder or getting us to achieve specific goals. And personal ambition is necessary for getting you elected as employee of the month. But companies really like to see ambition channeled toward the company as a whole, leaders who are out to push the whole team toward success, not just themselves.[5]
    • Take initiative when you see the opportunity, but make sure you can turn this transfer this initiative to your co-workers, especially a team if you are part of one.
    • Get creative about how you motivate your team—use incentives like food, fun times, and competitions with awards.
  3. 3
    Demonstrate stellar performance. Try to go beyond what each task asks of you. Many employees can fulfill the bare requirements—but you want to stand out to your employer in order to be in the running for employee of the month. Do things like writing more detailed reports, doing lengthier research, or following up on a customer's needs more than your training requires.
    • Offer to work overtime. Even though employees are motivated to take overtime—even ask for it—because of its increased compensation, willingness to work when no one else wants to shows that you are reliable. Employers find employees with a helpful attitude like this a relief.
    • Put in work outside your job description, such as helping co-workers who are struggling in areas that you can help with but are not your usual tasks.
  4. 4
    Commit to quality work. In all your rush to do more and motivate others to join you, don’t forget to give your work your best effort. Employers may be excited to see your work on their desk on time, but they also expect it to be thorough and helpful.
    • Emphasize quality over quantity unless directed to do otherwise.
  5. 5
    Maintain excellent customer service. Many companies deal directly with their customer base, so if you do customer service in any capacity, do so with the utmost kindness and patience. Customer surveys will reflect satisfaction with your behavior, making supervisors pleased to have you around.
    • Great customer service can make a business grow, so finding an employee who can help bring in more money is certainly a candidate for employee of the month.[6]
    • Have integrity with customers, doing what you say you will do.
    • Be patient and courteous even when your customer is rude.
  6. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Maintaining a Positive Work Environment

  1. 1
    Be a good people person. Being good with people helps you maintain positive customer service relations, but it also helps maintain a pleasant work environment. If you become known for your smile and skill at navigating conflicts with coworkers, employers will look favorably on you—this means less drama and more focus on work (which means more revenue).
    • Being able to effectively communicate is key for being a good people person amongst coworkers. Do things like learn how to read nonverbal cues (body language) and lower your own stress level.[7]
  2. 2
    Offer to cover extra shifts. A great way to garner respect and goodwill among coworkers is to volunteer to cover their shifts when it is difficult for them to get off. Sometimes attending an event or staying home to take care of a sick child is more important than the money a coworker would earn, and finding a substitute can make them very appreciative.
    • Such happy feelings towards someone you work with means a happier work environment.
    • Being available to serve your coworkers in this way increases your reputation as a reliable employee.
  3. 3
    Stay friendly and polite. Work colleagues and bosses like being around people who are friendly, upbeat, and who use manners in all their daily dealings. Make friendliness and courtesy your mantra in both inter-office and customer environments.
    • A positive attitude can rub off on other employees.
  4. 4
    Be humble. Seek help when you're in over your head. This willingness to be wrong shows that you are teachable, which can be a relief to a boss who has to train arrogant workers most of the time. Humility can also keep you from taking risks that can land the company in trouble.
    • Be ready to ask for help when needed but also show that you learn quickly and can institute a new way of doing things from that point onward.
  5. 5
    Support other colleagues. Cheer on colleagues who are awarded the employee of the month award. Show that you are supportive and not at all jealous. How you behave in front of others reflects on your team spirit.
    • This is called servant leadership, and ironically is often a quality required for earning the employee of the month award.
  6. Advertisement

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45 votes - 87%
Co-authors: 9
Updated: November 24, 2021
Views: 69,099
Categories: Job Strategies