"Ouran High School Host Club" (or "Ouran Koukou Host Club") is a romantic comedy manga written by Bisco Hatori. It has a 2006 anime adaptation.
Ouran High School Host Club (or Ouran Koukou Host Club) is a romantic comedy manga written by Bisco Hatori with an anime adaptation directed by Takuya Igarashi and produced by Bones. The main character, Haruhi Fujioka, a student at the prestigious Ouran Academy, joins the Ouran Academy Host Club, a group of male students who entertain female "clients".
The manga was released in September 2002 and spanned 18 volumes. A 26-episode anime TV series aired in April 2006 and is licensed by Funimation in North America and Madman Entertainment in Australia. The series has also been adapted into a live-action TV series and film.
For more information, see:
- Ouran High School Host Club on Wikipedia
- the Ouran wikia