Monster is a psychological thriller manga by Naoki Urasawa. It was adapted into anime by Masayuki Kojima and studio Madhouse. The story follows Kenzo Tenma, a surgeon, and two children who were admitted to the hospital, one catatonic and the other shot in the head, who Tenma saves.
Monster is a seinen manga written by Naoki Urasawa. It is followed by a sequel novel called "Another Monster" and an anime TV series adaptation directed by Masayuki Kojima and produced by Studio Madhouse. The story follows Kenzo Tenma, a surgeon, and two children who were admitted to the hospital, one catatonic and the other shot in the head, who Tenma saves.
The manga started serialization in December 1994 and 18 volumes were published. The TV series spanned 74 episodes and started airing in April 2004. For more information, see the Monster Wikipedia page, the ANN encyclopedia for the anime and manga, or the Monster wiki.