My First Girlfriend Is a Gal (or "Hajimete no Gal") is a romantic comedy manga written by Meguru Ueno, with an anime adaptation that started airing on July 2017. Junichi is a highschool student who finds it harder to find a girlfriend than he thought it would be, and his friends force him to confess to a gal.
My First Girlfriend Is a Gal (Hajimete no Gal, はじめてのギャル) is a romantic comedy/harem manga written by Meguru Uen, and was initially released in November of 2015. The manga is ongoing with 4 volumes to-date, and an anime adaptation by the studio NAZ started airing in July of 2017.
The story focuses on Junichi, a highschool student who finds it harder to find a girlfriend than he thought it would be. His friends force him to confess to a gal, and things don't quite go as expected.
A gal (gyaru) is a Japanese fashion involving things like:
- Tanning/darkening the skin
- Wearing lots of shiny makeup (traditional Japanese culture is very modest with makeup)
- Wearing lots of jewelry and has lots of accessories (fake nails, excessive nail/toe polish)
More Info:
Makoto's answer describing the 'gal' fashion trend
Gal Wikipedia page
Manga MAL page
Anime MAL page