Date A Live is a light novel series by Koshi Tachibana. The story revolves Itsuka Shidou's attempt to save Spirits, beautiful girls with otherworldly strength whose appearance can cause spatial quake that can destroy everything nearby. Assisted by Ratastoskr, an organization who shares the same goals as him, can Shidou save all the Spirits by going through dates with the Spirits as an evil organization DEM Industries seeks to use them for their own gain?
Date A Live is a light novel series by Koshi Tachibana. The story revolves Itsuka Shidou's attempt to save Spirits, beautiful girls with otherworldly strength whose appearance can cause spatial quake that can destroy everything nearby.
Shidou is a special being that can seal a Spirit's power by kissing them. However, to seal a Spirit's power successfully, Shidou not only needs to kiss the Spirit, he also have to make them fall in love with him. Thus, Shidou needs to go on dates with the Spirits.
Assisted by Ratastoskr, an organization who shares the same goals as him, can Shidou save all the Spirits by going through dates with the Spirits as an evil organization DEM Industries seeks to use them for their own gain?