I'm promoting my comment above to an answer. What she says in every instance she talks is 「まじひくわー」, or majihikuwaa.
Here, maji (まじ) means "really" or "seriously". It's a very strong, almost superlative way of modifying whatever follows, so it's literal meaning might be closer to "profoundly" or "incredibly", but it's far more colloquial than those.
Hiku (引く) is a common verb which has several possible meanings. The meaning here is a rather colloquial one, which literally means something like "to reel back in disgust or fear". The use of the verb in an unconjugated form here is rather casual, and would not be done in polite speech.
The sentence ends with waa (わー). wa is a feminine way to end a sentence (see this question on Japanese SE). It's relatively uncommon in real life. It doesn't add much meaning here. Making the vowel long at the end just emphasizes the statement while making it less polite.
So in all, 「まじひくわー」 is a slang phrase which means something to the effect of "That's seriously gross". I'm simplifying things a bit here as the meaning could change a bit depending on context, how it's pronounced, etc., but it's always going to be a rather strong, course slang expression of disgust.