Black Clover is a fantasy shōnen manga series written and illustrated by Yūki Tabata. The story follows two orphans - Asta and Yuno - who were raised together from birth in a church on the outskirts of the Clover Kingdom, in a world where everyone has Magical Power. The two foster brothers compete to see which one will become the Wizard King, Clover Kingdom's strongest Magic Knight.
Questions tagged [black-clover]
49 questions
2 answers
Is Asta speaking a specific dialect?
In Black Clover, at least in the anime, Asta frequently shortens します (shimasu) into しゃす (shasu). Is that supposed to be indicative of an accent or dialect, or is there some other reason for him to do that?
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1 answer
Why did Captain Charlotte raise her hand for Yuno?
So we know that Blue Rose Knights only works with ladies and not any men.
So why Captain Charlotte raised hand for Yuno during selection for magic knights?
Saksham Kushwaha
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2 answers
Why does Asta not use Anti-magic to nullify Megiculas curse on Lolopechka
After finding out about Megiculas curse on Lolopechka, I am still very surprised that Asta never tried to nullify it with anti-magic. After all, curses are just spells with lingering effects, and it's been shown that the demon destroyer blade that…
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2 answers
Why there was only one episode of Black Clover?
I have been following the manga of Black Clover and so far after few months, I came to know that there is an anime adaptation going on for this series.
When the first episode came, I was too excited that it started in anime but after 1 episode it's…
Light Yagami
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1 answer
What happened to Black Clover? Was the anime canceled?
A few days ago (March 30, 2021), what seems to be the "last" episode of Black Clover aired. MyAnimeList now shows it as Finished Airing. However, it is clear the story is not over. Black Clover has been airing every week for over three years. Why…
Pedro A
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1 answer
Why didn't the other Captains see the potential in Asta during the admission exams?
Asta's magic was unique. There was no one else who could cancel out another person's magic, so why didn't the other captains see the possibilities of that strong power?
Sphinx the riddle master
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1 answer
Does the demon slayer sword have any advantage over the demon dweller sword?
The first 2 swords Asta have are the demon slayer sword and the demon dweller sword. As far as I understand the demon dweller sword can nullify spells like the first sword, and it glows and it seems like it can fire some energy at long range when he…
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2 answers
Is it possible for a magical knight to increase his amount of mana in Black Clover?
In Black Clover, some magic knights run out of mana quickly after a few spells and others can use a lot of spells because "they have a lot of mana". How does this people to have a lot of mana? Can they train to increase it? Is the mana you are born…
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2 answers
In Black Clover, is Yuno is an elf?
In the latest episode of Black Clover (ep100), Yuno seems like he's still himself even having his body used for the reincarnation magic of the elves.
Does it mean that he is an elf and his true power just awoken because of the reincarnation magic?
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0 answers
Is asta is the son of Licht and his human wife?
we have seen licht can use the same sword as Asta and we have seen so far that Asta is the only one with the 5-star grimoire. Asta and Yuno both are orphans where Yuno seems to me like a son of royal because he is having a very huge amount of magic…
Sayed Mohd Ali
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3 answers
How could someone with Magic wield the Anti-magic weapons?
The Witch Queen told Asta and his friends a bit about the history of the elves in Black Clover Episode 65. She stated that the elves possessed great magical abilities and were so strong that many of them were her equal in terms of magical strength…
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7 answers
In Black Clover, how is Nero able to find the magic stones?
I have been watching Black Clover from the start and was interested in the bird (which later became his pet name Nero) from the start and followed him on his head from the time he joined the Black Bulls squad. I knew they said in the start of…
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1 answer
Why is Asta's hair in devil union form black?
Why is Asta's hair, in devil union form, black in color if both Liebe's and Asta's hair, in normal form, is gray?
Sarthak Katiyar
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1 answer
Why doesn't Golden Dawn follow the naming scheme of the other squads?
In Black Clover, all the squads' names consist of a colour followed by an animal, like Black Bulls, Coral Peacocks etc. However, Golden Dawn is an exception. Why?
Saksham Kushwaha
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1 answer
Black Clover chapter at the end of season 3?
I was watching the third season of Black Clover a few days ago and wanted to ask which chapter the third season ends with.
Thank you in advance.
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