Black Clover is a fantasy shōnen manga series written and illustrated by Yūki Tabata. The story follows two orphans - Asta and Yuno - who were raised together from birth in a church on the outskirts of the Clover Kingdom, in a world where everyone has Magical Power. The two foster brothers compete to see which one will become the Wizard King, Clover Kingdom's strongest Magic Knight.
Questions tagged [black-clover]
49 questions
1 answer
Can Fana still summon the Salamander?
While Fana was being possessed by the "Eye of the Midnight Sun", she was able to use spirit magic to summon and control the Notorious fire spirit- Salamander. However, it was the "Elf fana" that was manipulating her and using its magic through out…
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1 answer
How did Finral transport Yami into the cave?
It is said that Finral can only use his spatial magic to open portals to places that he has already been. Is there some kind of exception to this?
In episode 34, Finral opens a portal to a cave where Asta is fighting members of a certain…
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0 answers
How is the witch Queen the Mother of all witches
In Black Clover episode 57; when Vanessa went back to the witches forest in order to help remove the curse on Asta's hand, the witch queen states herself that she is the mother of all the witches in the forest and they are all her descendants.…
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0 answers
How Asta is able to go through portals without dissolving them?
During several fights in Black Clover, Asta was teleporting through portals created by Finral for surprise strikes. Yet, during attack on capital city earlier, it was shown that his sword is dissipating portals.
How it is possible for him to use…
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3 answers
What is this leg accessory that Noelle wears?
In Black Clover: Quartet Knight, Noelle wears an accessory on her legs.
What is that clothing thing on her legs called?
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2 answers
Why can't the top demon control Liebe?
My question is if the Demon Lord in the past can control the null magic demon Liebe when he was with Asta's mother.
Why can't he control him when he is fighting with Asta on they're Black Bull's Base while being inside the spade kingdom's top tier…
Itoh Atsushi
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1 answer
Who is stronger, Asta or Noelle Silva?
I just want to know: who is stronger? Based out of these two since they are in the league of learning new type of control magic. That's why
Itoh Atsushi
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1 answer
What is the proportion of Black Clover manga covered by the anime until episode 170?
As of today, the Black Clover manga is listed as "Publishing" in MyAnimeList, while the anime has "Finished Airing" at episode 170.
As of today, how many chapters does the manga have? Episode 170 corresponds to which chapter?
(please don't give…
Pedro A
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1 answer
Which is the song played in episode #119 when Asta stabs the demon's heart at the end of the episode?
In episode #119, at the end of it, Asta stabs the demon's heart, meanwhile a song is played . What's the name of this song?
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1 answer
Can Asta create an Anti Magic Black Divider sword using the Demon Destroyer Sword instead of the Demon Slayer Sword?
In episode #119 Asta used his Demon Slayer sword to create the Anti-Magic Demon Slayer Sword Black Divider. Can Asta create an Anti Magic Black Divider sword using the Demon Destroyer Sword instead of the Demon Slayer Sword?
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1 answer
Why didn't Nero tell the Black Bulls (or anyone) about the devil, elves, Licht, and the first Wizard King?
We all know that Nero can't use magic, but she can speak. She could have easily told the story to Asta and the others about what happened. She could have easily told the truth to the current Wizard King, who could have easily found out everything,…
Sayed Mohd Ali
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2 answers
Why was Nero able to return to her human form?
Supposedly Nero was turned into a bird for using forbidden magic 500 years ago. But in the present she was able to turn human again. Why was Nero able to return to her human form?
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1 answer
What is the pendant at the end of the Black Clover's 9th opening?
At the end of the 9th opening of Black Clover (song: RiGHT NOW), Yuno's blue pendant shows up.
How is this related to Yuno if it is, and what does it mean?
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1 answer
What happened with the baby of Lemiel's sister and Licht?
The story tells that
human Lemiel's sister and Licht conceives a child together, hoping that it will unite humans and elfs. Immediately following the wedding of Licht and Tetia, a group of human royals attacks the elves and steals their magic for…
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1 answer
Which powers does the Black Asta transformation give to Asta?
So far we see that Asta when transforming into Black Asta can fly and gets his skin covered with some black sustance in parts. But what others powers does he get when transforming? Does he get some protection or enhanced skills? Or is it just the…
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