The series Kamigami no Asobi is a reverse harem involving a mortal girl, Yui Kusanagi, who is tasked with teaching six of the ancient gods about the meaning of love. Episode 4 focuses on Hades. He is shown to have a dry wit and a tendency towards intellectual puns. However he avoids contact with people and gods because he is cursed and believes he will bring misfortune to those near him.
At the end, Yui and the other gods show him that they really like him and will chance misfortune to be around him. In explaining his happiness to her, he says (in English subtext, time mark 21:04 to get full context):
- I cannot wallow in misfortune.
- Kusanagi,
- "Yui" were right about everything.
The pun works great in English. It got me curious if there was a pun in Japanese as well. Is "Yui" similar to a Japanese word for "you"? If not, how did it work?