You may have come across the "Peg Game" in a number of restaurants throughout the country. The game consists of a small wooden triangle board with 15 holes in it and 14 pegs. Starting with one empty spot, the player is supposed to jump pegs until there is only one left. Some of these games state that if you can complete them, you're a genius- so here's an easy strategy to win the game and impress your family and friends!

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Knowing the Puzzle

  1. 1
    Learn the rules. Like checkers, the point of the game is to jump pegs and remove them from the game. The rules are simple:[1]
    • To jump a peg, it must have an empty space next to it.
    • You can use any peg as a jumper, as long as the peg you jump is directly adjacent to it and has an open space next to it.
    • Every peg you jump must be removed.
    • You win when there is only one peg left.
  2. 2
    Understand the board. Each space on the board has a number from 1 to 15. The top point of the triangle is position 1, and the bottom right is position 15.[2] This list will use this numbering scheme when describing moves, so keep it in mind.
  3. 3
    Learn the theory behind the puzzle.[3] There is an intricate mathematical theory that explains the puzzle. This isn't all necessary to win the game, but there are some highlights to keep in mind that will help you solve the puzzle.[4]
    • Mathematically, you can mess the game up with two bad moves. That means that after just two bad moves, the puzzle becomes impossible to solve. Make your moves count!
    • Plan your moves carefully. If you move randomly there is a 50% chance you'll end up with an unsolvable puzzle within two moves.[5]
    • There are 6,816 solutions to the puzzle. All those solutions, however, are just modifications of two main solution patterns.[6]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Winning the Game

  1. 1
    Begin the game. Start with position 1 empty. This would be the top point of the triangle. There are other methods of solving the puzzle, but this one is the most common and easiest.[7]
    • In the following videos, grey circles indicate empty holes, red circles indicate pegs you will be moving, and blue holes indicate pegs that are not in play.
  2. 2
    Make the diamond shape. This basic pattern can be repeated throughout the board, helping you win the game.[8]
    • Take the peg in position 4 and jump it over the peg in position 2. It will then be in position 1.
    • Use the peg in position 6 to jump position 5. It will now be in position 4.
    • Use the peg in position 1 to jump position 3. It will now be in position 6.
    • These moves will give you the diamond base.
  3. 3
    Make two groups of pegs. As you'll see, the next set of moves will divide the pegs into two groups, one on each side of the triangle.
    • Move the peg in position 7 to position 2, jumping position 4.
    • Move peg 13 to position 4.
    • Next, move peg 10 to position 8.
    • You should now have two groups of pegs, with 5 pegs on the left side and 3 on the right.
  4. 4
    Separate the triangle in two. This next set of steps will make a curved line across the triangle, dividing it into two parts.[9]
    • Move peg 2 to position 7. Then take that same peg and move it to position 9.
    • Next, move peg 15 to position 13.
  5. 5
    Move your last pegs to the bottom row. These moves will leave you with three final pegs, all in the bottom row.[10]
    • Move peg 12 into position 14.
    • Next move peg 6 to position 13.
    • You should now just have three pegs left in the bottom row.
  6. 6
    Complete the last moves. Move peg 14 to position 12. Then make the last move, peg 11 to position 13.[11]
  7. 7
    Win the game. The ending peg should be in the 13th hole.[12] Congratulations! You've just completed the Peg Game.
    • You can take this game when you go for babysitting.
    • It will be fun and exciting for the kid.
    • The parents will appreciate that you have come with something to keep the kid engaged.
  8. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How do I play Chinese checkers?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    The objective of Chinese checkers is to have all your marbles in your opponent's triangle. Each marble can only move on space in one turn unless you jump. Each marble can jump over another marble. You can make as many jumps as possible for the marble you are jumping in one turn. This game requires planning ahead and thinking, so you can get to your opponents triangle before they get to yours! Check out this article for more detailed instructions: how to play chinese checkers.
  • Question
    Can I jump from 1 to 13?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    No, 1 can't jump to 13 even if it jumps over a peg such as peg 2 or 3. It would land on spaces 4 or 6.
  • Question
    Can I only move one every time I take a move?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can only jump over one peg when it's your turn.

About This Article

Jessie Davidson
Co-authored by:
Child Care Specialist
This article was co-authored by Jessie Davidson. Jessie Davidson is a Child Care Specialist and the CEO and Founder of BabysitPro, which provides online courses for current and aspiring babysitters. Jessie has over 20 years of childcare experience and specializes in best practices for sitters of infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and grade-schoolers. BabysitPro’s courses are unique and age-specific so babysitters can learn detailed information relevant to the children they babysit. Jessie holds a BA in French Studies from Wheaton College and an MA in Visual Anthropology from The University of Southern California. This article has been viewed 2,197,846 times.
13 votes - 76%
Co-authors: 29
Updated: August 17, 2022
Views: 2,197,846
Categories: Board Games
Article SummaryX

To win the peg game, start with hole 1, or the top hole of the triangle, open. Then, take the peg in hole 4 and jump over the peg in hole 2. Use the peg in hole 6 to jump the peg in hole 5, then use the peg in hole 1 to jump the peg in hole 3. At this point the 4 empty holes at the top of the triangle should make a diamond shape. Next, use the peg in hole 7 to jump the peg in hole 4. Use the peg in hole 13 to jump the peg in hole 8, then use the peg in hole 10 to jump the peg in hole 9. From there, use the peg in hole 2 to jump the peg in hole 4. Use the peg in hole 7 to jump the peg in hole 8, then use the peg in hole 15 to jump the peg in hole 14. Now, use the peg in hole 12 to jump the peg in hole 13. Use the peg in hole 6 to jump the peg in hole 9, then use the peg in hole 14 to jump the peg in hole 13. Finally, use the peg in hole 11 to jump the peg in hole 12 so you just have one peg left. For more information, including the theory behind the game, scroll down!

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