Most people have 2 distinct eyebrows with only a faint smattering of hair in the middle. But for some people, the hair in the middle is thick and dark, creating what we call a unibrow or a monobrow. If you have a unibrow, you may be wondering where it came from or why you might have one—which is why we’ve answered all of your unibrow-related questions in this article.

Question 2 of 6:

What is a unibrow a sign of?

  1. Usually, a unibrow isn’t a sign of anything. For most people, a unibrow simply symbolizes that you have thicker or more abundant hair. Unibrows aren’t inherently negative, and they aren’t necessarily an indication that anything’s wrong.
    • In rare cases, unibrows can be a sign of a genetic disease called Cornelia de Lange syndrome. Along with a unibrow, other signs include slow growth after birth, a short stature, and abnormal bones in the hands, feet, and fingers. Cornelia de Lange syndrome is caused by a gene mutation, and only a doctor can diagnose you or your child with it.[2]
Question 4 of 6:

Is having a unibrow bad?

  1. No, having a unibrow isn’t bad at all! Having a unibrow simply means you have more hair on your face than the average person does. If you don’t like your unibrow, there are ways you can get rid of it; otherwise, you can simply leave your unibrow alone.[4]
    • In fact, the ancient Greeks used to paint their eyebrows black all the way across to mimic a unibrow, because they thought it was a symbol of beauty and intelligence. Just because unibrows aren’t the standard now doesn’t mean they won’t be again.
Question 5 of 6:

How do you get rid of a unibrow?

  1. 1
    Try tweezing or plucking for an easy option. Tweezing the hairs in between your brows can separate your eyebrows from each other, creating 2 separate brows instead of a monobrow. If you’d like to pluck your eyebrows, use a new pair of sharp tweezers, and look in a mirror to make sure you don’t over pluck.[5] Use the tweezers to pull out one hair at a time, working slowly.[6]
    • Tweezing can cause some slight irritation, especially if it’s your first time. If you need to, apply a soothing lotion for some relief once you’re done.
  2. 2
    Get your brows waxed for a longer-lasting solution. Waxing the hair in between your brows will make them grow back slower than simply tweezing them. You can wax your unibrow yourself, or you can make an appointment with a professional. If you do wax your brows yourself, make sure you use facial wax, and always read the instructions on the package before starting.[7]
    • Waxing often causes irritation, especially at first. Don’t wax your unibrow if you have a sunburn or sensitive skin.
  3. 3
    Try laser hair removal for a semi-permanent solution. Laser hair removal can last months or even years, and the hair that does grow back may not be as noticeable. During laser hair removal, a licensed professional will point a laser at the hair that you want removed. The laser will vaporize the hair and stop it from growing back as quickly. Since the area between your eyebrows is fairly small, laser hair removal for a unibrow would only take a couple of minutes.[8]
    • If you want to look into laser hair removal, talk to a dermatologist.
    • Keep in mind that most insurance plans don’t cover laser hair removal.
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About This Article

Karina Villalta
Co-authored by:
Certified Esthetician
This article was co-authored by Karina Villalta and by wikiHow staff writer, Hannah Madden. Karina Villalta is a certified Esthetician and Owner of Oh Sweet and Sugar and Shears, a skincare and hair removal service located in Seattle and Kirkland, Washington. With over eight years of experience, Karina specializes in eyebrow shaping, a hair removal technique called sugaring, and organic facials. Karina started her career and was trained at Benefit Cosmetics Brow Bar. Since opening her own business, Karina ensures her clients are educated about their skin and helps them implement personalized skincare routines. This article has been viewed 51,131 times.
62 votes - 81%
Co-authors: 5
Updated: January 30, 2022
Views: 51,131
Categories: Eyebrows