Sequins on fabric need special washing attention to prevent damage and fading to the sequins, and to prevent unravelling of the thread holding the sequins in place on the garment. Follow this method to wash sequined clothing effectively.


  1. 1
    Use gentle washing powder or small soap flakes. Add them to warm water and move around to ensure that the detergent or flakes are thoroughly dissolved.[1]
  2. 2
    Hand wash the garment gently in a basin that is clean and roomy.[2]
    • If the garment is not stained but merely soiled, turn it inside out prior to washing.
    • Instead of squeezing or rubbing, swish the garment through the water gently.
    • Focus on actual stain spots rather than attempting to wring or rub the entire garment. Turn the garment out the right way and gently dab at stains where they appear.
  3. 3
    Rinse the sequined garment in cool water.[3]
  4. 4
    Remove from the water. Lay on a towel in the shade to drip dry. If you have a sweater drying stand, using this to place the towel over. Change the towel if needed; the towel will soak up a lot of the water from the garment.[4]
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  • Do not use hot water at any stage; this can leach the color from the sequins.
  • Do not dry the sequined garment in direct sunlight; it will cause the sequin colors to fade.

Things You'll Need

  • Gentle washing powder or small soap flakes
  • Plastic carry basket
  • Towel
  • Sweater drying stand (optional but helpful)

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Co-authors: 4
Updated: July 8, 2021
Views: 55,871