There are several different types of pool covers, and each one serves a distinct purpose and has a different installation procedure. Plain plastic and solar covers block out debris, prevent the water from evaporating, and keep the pool warm. Installing one is a simple matter of rolling it across the pool whenever it’s not in use. Safety covers stop children and pets from falling into the pool while it's unattended. These have a more complicated installation procedure. Once the cover is installed, use it whenever children are in the area to prevent accidents.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Fitting a Plastic or Solar Cover

  1. 1
    Roll the cover along the edge of the pool from one side to the other. Start in a corner of the pool. Line the end of the cover up with the edge of the pool. Then, roll the cover out along the edge until you reach the other side.[1]
    • Some plastic covers, especially solar covers, have bubbles that make them look like bubble wrap. If your cover has bubbles, lay it down so the bubbles face the water.
    • If you have a round pool and cover, then pick a side to start on. Unroll the cover gradually until it stretches across the pool.
    • These instructions will work for any plastic cover, even if it isn’t a solar cover. Any plastic sheet can keep leaves and other debris out of the pool.[2]
  2. 2
    Unfold the cover across the width of the pool. After you’ve stretched the cover along the pool edge, start unfolding it horizontally. Unfold one section at a time. Work until the cover reaches across the width of the pool.[3]
    • If the cover is too short by a few inches on either side, don’t worry. You’ll still get a warming effect from the cover even if some water is still exposed.
  3. 3
    Trim the edges of the cover if you want a perfect fit. If the cover stretches far over the edge of the pool and you want to make it fit better, then you can trim the cover. Take a pair of sharp scissors and cut along the edge of the pool in a straight line.[4]
    • For a perfect fit, you can make a waterline cut right along where the water meets the pool. Then your cover will be perfectly-sized. If you prefer leaving some behind, cut the cover 2 inches (5.1 cm) further than the waterline and tuck the excess under the pool edge.
    • Cutting the cover is optional. The cover will still function fine if it’s a bit too long.
  4. 4
    Install a roller to make covering the pool easier. Plastic and solar covers can be stored inside a roller on the edge of the pool. That way, you can roll and unroll the cover by just turning the crank on the roller. Look in a pool supply store for a roller the correct size for your pool and install it for greater convenience.[5]
    • These rollers usually attach to the ground around the edge of inground pools. If you have an above-ground pool, you may need a special stand to attach the roller to.
    • You may need a professional to install the roller. Look around for pool installers in your area.
  5. 5
    Replace the cover as soon as you’re done swimming. Plastic covers prevent evaporation and keep debris out of the pool, and solar covers help keep the pool warm by absorbing sunlight. For the best results, keep the pool covered at all times when you’re not using it. Replace the cover once you’re done with it so it’s clean and warm the next time you want to swim.[6]
    • Remember that a plastic or solar cover is not a safety cover and won’t prevent someone from falling in.
  6. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Installing a Safety Cover

  1. 1
    Get a safety cover that matches the size of your pool. Safety covers are usually made of thick canvas or plastic, and are reinforced with metal or plastic rods. They’re designed with withstand weight so a person who falls onto it won’t fall into the pool. Measure the dimensions of your pool and find a safety cover that matches those dimensions. You can find safety covers at pool supply stores or online.[7]
    • Regular plastic and solar covers are not safety covers, and won’t prevent children or pets from falling into the pool. You’ll need a safety cover for that purpose.
    • A safety cover requires some more work than just unrolling it over the pool. If you don’t want to do the extra work, contact a pool installation company to install the cover.
  2. 2
    Drill holes along the side of the pool according to the cover instructions. Most safety covers hook to rods installed around the pool deck. Start by reading the instructions and finding out how far apart these rods should be. Then take a power drill and drill all the holes that the instructions tell you to.[8]
    • Wear gloves and goggles to prevent injuries while using power tools.
    • All safety covers have different installation procedures. Always read and follow the instructions on the product you choose.
    • For smaller pools, especially hot tubs, you can buy a solid cover that doesn’t require any drilling or installation.
  3. 3
    Install the safety rods into each hole. These rods may just sit in the holes you drilled, or might screw in for a secure installation. Place a rod into each hole so the cover has something to attach to.[9]
    • Only install the rods if you’re covering the pool. Leave them out if you’re not placing the cover on yet.
  4. 4
    Spread the cover across the entire pool. Take the cover out of the box and lay it out on one end of the pool. Then unroll the cover across the pool until you reach the other side. Keep the cover above the water, since it’s not supposed to float on the surface.[10]
    • Some covers require the water level to be no further than 12 inches (30 cm) from the cover. Check the instructions to see if this is the case. If you have to, fill the pool to the correct level before placing the cover down.
  5. 5
    Hook the pool cover to each safety rod. After rolling the pool cover out, loop the connectors on the cover around each installation rod. If there are caps or similar connection materials, install them to keep the cover in place.[11]
    • Some safety covers have ropes or hooks that clip to the rods. Always follow the instructions provided for the correct process.
  6. 6
    Install a motorized safety cover for more convenience. Since removing and replacing a safety cover is a lot of work, getting a motorized cover makes the job much easier. A roll is installed at one end of the pool, and the cover rolls out along tracks on the side of the pool. This setup makes closing and opening your pool a matter of just pressing a button.[12]
    • This is a complicated job with a lot of materials, so you’ll probably have to hire a professional pool installation company.
    • The costs for a motorized cover at typically around $2,000, but it depends on the area and the size of the pool.
  7. 7
    Use the safety cover whenever children are present. The safety cover is an important safety measure for children around pools. If you have children in your home, then keep the pool covered whenever it isn’t in use. If you don’t have kids at home, then cover it whenever children are visiting.
    • If children will be swimming, make sure they are supervised the entire time. Never leave children alone in a pool, even for a few minutes.
  8. 8
    Seal the pool for the winter with a secure safety cover. The risk of children and animals falling into the pool doesn’t go away in the winter months. The ice may be thin, or the pool may not have frozen at all. When you close your pool for the season, always put the safety cover in place and leave it on throughout the winter.
    • If you don’t have children at home or the pool is above-ground, then a thick plastic cover will work fine for the winter months.
    • A good safety cover is also useful for keeping the pool clean. This way, when you reopen the pool, you’ll have less cleaning work to do.
    • Some people think pouring boiling water over a sagging vinyl pool liner can help it become moldable enough to repair by hand.
    • But you should not pour hot water on vinyl polychloride, which will probably change shape and release chemicals into the pool.
    • It is like running an iron on it or trying to pour hot water on a frozen glass window.
  9. Advertisement


  • While safety covers help prevent accidents, fences are the best way to stop a child from getting into the pool without supervision.[13]
  • Never allow children or pets to walk on top of a safety cover. Although it’s more secure than a solar cover, it could still break under added weight.

About This Article

Oz Tzalalihin
Co-authored by:
Project Manager, Vitoli Builders
This article was co-authored by Oz Tzalalihin. Oz Tzalalihin is a Project Manager for Vitoli Builders, based in Calabasas, California. He has a passion for working with sloped terrains and has shared his expertise through contributions to local publications. Oz holds a PMP (Project Management Professional) degree from Cornell University and specializes in building pools and structures on hillside properties. With his education and experience, he is a valuable asset to Vitoli Builders and is dedicated to delivering quality results and smooth construction. This article has been viewed 9,406 times.
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Co-authors: 5
Updated: March 13, 2023
Views: 9,406
Categories: Swimming Pools