Hair conditioner was discovered during World War II by scientists looking for relief for burn victims. Instead, they ended up with a product that softened and protected hair. What you may not know is hair conditioner can actually be used for many purposes around the house that can be very helpful.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Using it On Your Skin and Hair

  1. 1
    Slip off tight jewelry. If you have a ring stuck on your finger, and can't seem to slide it off, rub some conditioner around to help take it off with more ease. Hair conditioner will lubricate your skin to reduce friction and prevent irritation.
  2. 2
    Take off your makeup. You can use conditioner as a quick and easy way to clean your face and remove makeup. This is also a great way to save room in luggage when you are traveling.[1]
    • Simply wet your face with warm water and massage the conditioner onto your skin. Wash it off completely when you are done, and be sure not to get any in your eyes.
    • If you wear contacts, make sure you take them off before washing your face.[2]
  3. 3
    Shave your legs. Hair conditioner can provide a closer shave than shaving foam, and it moisturizers your skin. It can also be easier to see the spots you may miss because of its thinner consistency.[3]
  4. 4
    Protect your hairline from hair dye. When dyeing your hair, hair conditioner can be used to line your hairline to help protect your skin from being dyed. It also helps to remove random dye marks from your skin after you have washed the dye from your hair.
    • Apply the conditioner to your hairline with your fingers or a washcloth.
    • To remove dye stains from your skin, gently rub the spots with hair conditioner and a wet washcloth. Be gentle, and use circular motions to avoid skin irritation.
  5. 5
    Remove sticky adhesives. If you have ever had an "impossible to get off" Band-Aid or temporary tattoo, try rubbing them away with conditioner.
    • For pesky Ban-Aids, apply conditioner over the two sticky strips and wait about 30 seconds for the conditioner to soak through and loosen the adhesive. Then you are good to go.
    • For fake tattoos, soak a cotton ball in warm water, and then dab it into some hair conditioner. Rub the cotton ball against the fake tattoo using gentle, circular motions, and watch it disappear.[4]
  6. 6
    Soften your cuticles. Use your regular hair conditioner to soften your nail cuticles. Aim to do this at least twice a week to see a difference.[5]
    • Massage a small amount of hair conditioner on your nail bed until it absorbs, and then let it be.
  7. 7
    Tame static-ridden hair. On dry days, hair can sometimes have a mind of its own and go off in different directions. Hair conditioner can be the perfect solution to weigh down your hair so it stays flat.[6]
    • Rub a small amount between your palms, and lightly spread it throughout your hair.
    • Be sure not add too much, because it can make your hair look greasy.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Cleaning Delicate Items

  1. 1
    Skip the dry cleaner. Dry cleaning bills can sometimes get out of control and are hard to afford. Instead, try hand-washing your delicate clothing with hair conditioner. [7]
    • Fill up your sink with warm water, and add a quarter-size drop of hair conditioner. Massage your items in the water for several minutes. When you are done, wash them with clean water, and lay them flat to air dry.
    • This method would work well with pantyhose, unmentionables, woolens, and silk.
  2. 2
    Use in place of fabric softener. While you don't want to buy hair conditioner in place of your regular fabric softener, you can use it in a pinch.
    • Simply add about 2/3 the amount of hair conditioner that you would normally add with fabric softener, and your clothes will be soft and smell great. [8]
  3. 3
    Reshape your sweater. If you accidentally dried your favorite wool sweater, try to stretch it back out with water and hair conditioner.
    • Fill a sink with warm water, and add about a quarter-size drop of hair conditioner. Let the sweater soak for several hours before removing it, and then squeeze out any excess water. Lay the sweater flat on a towel, and begin to stretch it back to its original size.[9]
    • Use gentle tugs when stretching, and be sure to evenly stretch around the entire sweater.[10]
  4. 4
    Wash and soften your makeup brushes. Hair conditioner not only softens your hair, but it also makes your makeup brushes soft, too. Makeup brushes also need to be washed every few months to stay sanitary, and washing them in hair conditioner is a great method to use.
    • Fill up a bowl with warm water and a quarter-size drop of hair conditioner. Take your makeup brushes and let them soak in the water for about five minutes. Use your fingers to massage the brush bristles to make sure the entire brush gets wet. When you are done, let the brush air dry.[11]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Protecting Surfaces

  1. 1
    Polish stainless steel. Stainless steel is a very common material found in most households. While it can look great, it can also become easily smudged and dull.[12]
    • Rub on hair conditioner with a clean cloth to get your appliances smooth and shiny. When you are done, buff it off with a clean cloth. Before using any product on your appliances, always test an inconspicuous spot first to make sure there is no negative reaction.
    • Remove smudges and fingerprints from stainless steel appliances in the kitchen.
    • Apply to dull faucets and golf clubs to restore shine.
  2. 2
    Prevent rust. Hair conditioner was developed to act as a protection for your hair, but it also works as a protector on metals too. Any metal area exposed to moisture in the air is vulnerable to rust. By applying small amounts of hair conditioner from time to time, you can prevent rust from forming.
    • Use a clean cloth to rub against surfaces that easily rust, such as drains, faucets, tools, and door hinges. When you are done, wash them clean with water.
  3. 3
    Stop salt from ruining your shoes. Snow and salt can eat away at leather boots, but hair conditioner can help protect them and restore moisture that may have been lost. By rubbing hair conditioner on shoe leather, it can create a protective coat that keeps salt from absorbing into your shoe which causes discoloration.[13]
    • Use a clean rag to work tiny amounts of conditioner into the leather, and be sure to get the entire surface. Wipe away any excess hair conditioner that doesn't absorb into the leather.[14]
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About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 9 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 59,619 times.
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Co-authors: 9
Updated: October 17, 2022
Views: 59,619
Categories: Hair Care Products