One thing is clear about Brussels sprouts, you either love them or hate them. However, if you're willing to give them a try, they are very versatile and can be a delicious addition to any meal. With a knife and a bit of time and effort, you can trim Brussels sprouts with ease. They are a great vegetarian source of protein, rich in vitamin C and vitamin K, and are low in calories.[1]

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Cutting off the Stalks

  1. 1
    Pull off any outer layers that are dried, turning brown or have blemishes. These leaves will have lost their fresh flavour and may be contaminated by bacteria and other micro-organisms that you don’t want to be eating.[2]
    • Some stores may sell Brussels sprouts attached to the stalk. If you have this, pick the sprouts off the stalk first, then discard or compost the stalk. Don't pick them until you're ready to use them as Brussels sprouts will keep fresh for longer on the stalk.[3]
  2. 2
    Use a kitchen knife to trim off the stalks carefully. Aim for the point where the stalk and the base of the sprout's leaves meet. Try to cut off as much of the remaining stalk on the sprouts as possible, as they can be tough to eat.[4]
    • If you have one, you may want to use a paring knife for more precise trimming.[5]
    • If any leaves come loose, you can still use them if they’re green and unblemished.[6]
  3. 3
    Wash the sprouts with cold water to remove any dirt. Even after removing any unwanted outer layers, you should make sure that the remaining leaves are clean. Check each sprout separately to be extra safe.[7]
    • If you have bought pre-washed Brussels sprouts, it’s up to you whether to give them an additional wash or not. Just be certain to keep away any sources of cross-contamination such as raw meat products and other unwashed and uncooked vegetables.[8]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Cutting the Sprouts

  1. 1
    Cut an X into the bottom of the sprouts. This is helpful if you want to cook them whole. The cut should be deeper for larger sprouts.[9]
    • This helps the heat to reach the cores more effectively and cook them faster.[10]
  2. 2
    Cut larger sprouts into halves or quarters. Cut vertically, from the top to the base of the sprout through the core. This distributes the core among each of the pieces so the leaves stay together.[11]
    • If you have sprouts of varying sizes, this ensures that your sprouts will cook evenly, whichever your preferred cooking method. You can keep the smaller sprouts whole.[12]
  3. 3
    Slice sprouts thinly into strips for quick cooking. Cutting them in half and laying the cut half face down makes them easier to slice.[13]
    • The shorter or thinner the pieces are, the quicker they will cook. This is suitable for methods such as pan-frying.[14]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Preparing Brussels Sprouts

  1. 1
    Toss the leaves in a coleslaw or salad. Peel off the leaves individually. Give them a rinse with cold water and pat dry before mixing with your preferred vegetables and your favourite dressing.[15]
    • You can also blanch the leaves beforehand by boiling them for less than 2 minutes and soaking them in ice water.[16]
  2. 2
    Roast the sprouts in the oven. Place them in a baking dish with a little olive oil and season with salt. Let them brown and turn tender.[17]
  3. 3
    Sauté the sprouts in a skillet or a wok. Simply fry with oil and delicious seasonings.[18] You can also try adding in other ingredients such as onions and bacon.[19]
  4. Advertisement


  • When exposed to heat, Brussels sprouts produce hydrogen sulphide gas, similar to broccoli and cabbage. Not enough to be toxic, but this can create a stinky odour, especially when boiled.[21] The best way to reduce the smell is to not overcook the sprouts. The longer they cook, the stronger the odour. If you are roasting them, open a window or two to air out the kitchen.[22]

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wikiHow Staff
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Co-authors: 4
Updated: July 1, 2020
Views: 16,110
Article SummaryX

To trim and cut Brussels sprouts, start by peeling off any dried-out, browning outer leaves. Then, use a kitchen knife to cut off as much of the stalk as possible, right where the stalk and the base of the leaves meet. Rinse the sprouts in cold water, then, if you want to cook your sprouts whole, prepare them by cutting a small “x” into the bottom so the heat can distribute more evenly during the cooking process. To cook the sprouts faster, cut them in half vertically, then cut them into thin vertical slices. To learn some recipes you can use your Brussels sprouts in, keep reading!

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