Learn what it means when TikTok users refuse to exchange phone cases in a new social media trend

The TikTok trend goes like this: someone compliments the video’s creator on their cute cell phone case and asks to swap cases, and the creator adamantly refuses. If you’re active on TikTok, you might have stumbled upon one or more videos following the same trend—but what does it mean to “swap phone cases” (or, more accurately, to refuse to swap)? We’ve created a brief guide to this puzzling and upsetting TikTok trend below.

Things You Should Know

  • In this TikTok trend, video creators are asked to exchange phone cases with a friend, but they refuse.
  • The implication of their refusal to swap phone cases is that they are hiding a blade in their phone case, which they may use to self-harm.
  • Videos following the phone case swapping trend may signify the video’s creator struggles with poor mental health and self-harm.
  • If someone you know is struggling with their mental health, you can show solidarity and care by being there for them and providing them with resources to support them.
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What does this trend mean?

  1. This trend means that the video’s creator may struggle with self-harm. The video creator’s refusal to swap phones is often expressed as something like, “I love you, but no.” The implication is that they may be hiding a blade inside their phone case and don’t want their friend to discover it.[1]
    • If you’re struggling with self-harm or poor mental health, please reach out to someone you love and trust for support, whether it’s a friend, teacher, parent, or sibling. There are so many resources for people struggling with debilitating mental health and the compulsion to self-harm, including SAHMSA, Kids’ Health, and more.
    • If someone you know is struggling, or you suspect they’re struggling, you can show support and solidarity by letting them know you care about them, withholding any judgment around their actions, and encouraging them to seek help.[2]
    • Understand that while self-harm is very serious, it usually is not meant as a suicide attempt; rather, it's often an indication the person is suffering extreme emotional distress, and needs help to get through it.[3]
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Clear Phone Case Meaning on TikTok

  1. Clear phones in TikTok videos may mean the creator was caught self-harming. In a related TikTok trend, video creators are given sympathy for having a clear phone case. According to this trend, if someone has a clear phone case, it's a sign that they used to hide blades in their phone case. Then, an authority figure, like a teacher or parent, discovered the blade and made them use a clear phone case instead so that anything they hide in it will be visible.[4]
    • But keep in mind that not everyone with a clear phone case struggles with self-harm.[5]
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Co-authors: 3
Updated: March 20, 2023
Views: 222
Categories: Tik Tok